Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.39

VariableAmbientSoundVariableSound :: struct


layers :: array[VariableAmbientSoundLayer]

Cannot be empty.

Cannot be empty.

intermezzo optional :: Sound
states :: array[VariableAmbientSoundState]

The first state is used as the starting state and cannot be an intermezzo state. [...]

The first state is used as the starting state and cannot be an intermezzo state. [...]

length_seconds :: uint32

Cannot be zero.

Cannot be zero.

alignment_samples optional :: uint32

Number of audio signal samples (default sampling frequency is 44.1kHz) defining a time grid. [...]

Number of audio signal samples (default sampling frequency is 44.1kHz) defining a time grid. [...]


layers :: array[VariableAmbientSoundLayer]

Cannot be empty.

intermezzo :: Sound optional

states :: array[VariableAmbientSoundState]

The first state is used as the starting state and cannot be an intermezzo state.

Cannot be empty.

length_seconds :: uint32

Cannot be zero.

alignment_samples :: uint32 optional

Default: 12600

Number of audio signal samples (default sampling frequency is 44.1kHz) defining a time grid. Music samples are aligned with this grid when queued.


