Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.39

SpritePrototype 'sprite' changedExample code

Specifies an image that can be used with SpritePath at runtime.


type :: "sprite"
name :: string

Name of the sprite. [...]

Name of the sprite. [...]

layers optional :: array[Sprite]

If this property is present, all Sprite definitions have to be placed as entries in the array, and they will all be loaded from there. [...]

If this property is present, all Sprite definitions have to be placed as entries in the array, and they will all be loaded from there. [...]

filename optional :: FileName

Only loaded, and mandatory if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded, and mandatory if layers is not defined. [...]

dicenew optional :: SpriteSizeType

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

dice_xnew optional :: SpriteSizeType

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

dice_ynew optional :: SpriteSizeType

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

priority optional :: SpritePriority

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

flags optional :: SpriteFlags

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

size optional :: SpriteSizeType or {SpriteSizeType, SpriteSizeType}

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

width optional :: SpriteSizeType

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

height optional :: SpriteSizeType

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

x optional :: SpriteSizeType

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

y optional :: SpriteSizeType

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

position optional :: {SpriteSizeType, SpriteSizeType}

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

shift optional :: Vector

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

rotate_shiftnew optional :: bool

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

apply_special_effectnew optional :: bool

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

scale optional :: double

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

draw_as_shadow optional :: bool

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

draw_as_glow optional :: bool

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

draw_as_light optional :: bool

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

mipmap_count optional :: uint8

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

apply_runtime_tint optional :: bool

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

tint_as_overlaynew optional :: bool

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

invert_colorsnew optional :: bool

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

tint optional :: Color

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

blend_mode optional :: BlendMode

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

load_in_minimal_mode optional :: bool

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

premul_alpha optional :: bool

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

allow_forced_downscalenew optional :: bool

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

generate_sdf optional :: bool

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

surfacenew optional :: SpriteUsageSurfaceHint

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

usagenew optional :: SpriteUsageHint

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if layers is not defined. [...]


type :: "sprite"

name :: string

Name of the sprite. Can be used as a SpritePath at runtime.

layers :: array[Sprite] optional

If this property is present, all Sprite definitions have to be placed as entries in the array, and they will all be loaded from there. layers may not be an empty table. Each definition in the array may also have the layers property.

If this property is present, all other properties besides name and type are ignored.

filename :: FileName optional

Only loaded, and mandatory if layers is not defined.

The path to the sprite file to use.

dice :: SpriteSizeType optional new

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Number of slices this is sliced into when using the "optimized atlas packing" option. If you are a modder, you can just ignore this property. Example: If this is 4, the sprite will be sliced into a 4x4 grid.

dice_x :: SpriteSizeType optional new

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Same as dice above, but this specifies only how many slices there are on the x axis.

dice_y :: SpriteSizeType optional new

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Same as dice above, but this specifies only how many slices there are on the y axis.

priority :: SpritePriority optional

Default: "medium"

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

flags :: SpriteFlags optional

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

size :: SpriteSizeType or {SpriteSizeType, SpriteSizeType} optional

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

The width and height of the sprite. If this is a tuple, the first member of the tuple is the width and the second is the height. Otherwise the size is both width and height. Width and height may only be in the range of 0-4096.

width :: SpriteSizeType optional

Only loaded if layers is not defined. Mandatory if size is not defined.

Width of the picture in pixels, from 0-4096.

height :: SpriteSizeType optional

Only loaded if layers is not defined. Mandatory if size is not defined.

Height of the picture in pixels, from 0-4096.

x :: SpriteSizeType optional

Default: 0

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

y :: SpriteSizeType optional

Default: 0

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

position :: {SpriteSizeType, SpriteSizeType} optional

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Loaded only when x and y are both 0. The first member of the tuple is x and the second is y.

shift :: Vector optional

Default: {0, 0}

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

The shift in tiles. util.by_pixel() can be used to divide the shift by 32 which is the usual pixel height/width of 1 tile in normal resolution. Note that 32 pixel tile height/width is not enforced anywhere - any other tile height or width is also possible.

rotate_shift :: bool optional new

Default: false

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

apply_special_effect :: bool optional new

Default: false

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

scale :: double optional

Default: 1

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Values other than 1 specify the scale of the sprite on default zoom. A scale of 2 means that the picture will be two times bigger on screen (and thus more pixelated).

draw_as_shadow :: bool optional

Default: false

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Only one of draw_as_shadow, draw_as_glow and draw_as_light can be true. This takes precedence over draw_as_glow and draw_as_light.

draw_as_glow :: bool optional

Default: false

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Only one of draw_as_shadow, draw_as_glow and draw_as_light can be true. This takes precedence over draw_as_light.

Draws first as a normal sprite, then again as a light layer. See https://forums.factorio.com/91682.

draw_as_light :: bool optional

Default: false

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Only one of draw_as_shadow, draw_as_glow and draw_as_light can be true.

mipmap_count :: uint8 optional

Default: 0

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Only loaded if this is an icon, that is it has the flag "group=icon" or "group=gui".

apply_runtime_tint :: bool optional

Default: false

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

tint_as_overlay :: bool optional new

Default: false

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

invert_colors :: bool optional new

Default: false

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

tint :: Color optional

Default: {r=1, g=1, b=1, a=1}

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

blend_mode :: BlendMode optional

Default: "normal"

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

load_in_minimal_mode :: bool optional

Default: false

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Minimal mode is entered when mod loading fails. You are in it when you see the gray box after (part of) the loading screen that tells you a mod error. Modders can ignore this property.

premul_alpha :: bool optional

Default: true

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Whether alpha should be pre-multiplied.

allow_forced_downscale :: bool optional new

Default: false

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

If true, the sprite may be downsampled to half its size on load even when 'Sprite quality' graphics setting is set to 'High'. Whether downsampling happens depends on detected hardware and other graphics settings.

generate_sdf :: bool optional

Default: false

Only loaded if layers is not defined.


surface :: SpriteUsageSurfaceHint optional new

Default: "any"

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Provides hint to sprite atlas system, so it can try to put sprites that are intended to be used at the same locations to the same sprite atlas.

usage :: SpriteUsageHint optional new

Default: "any"

Only loaded if layers is not defined.

Provides hint to sprite atlas system, so it can pack sprites that are related to each other to the same sprite atlas.


  type = "sprite"
  name = "accumulator-sprite",
  filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/basic-accumulator/basic-accumulator.png",
  priority = "extra-high",
  width = 124,
  height = 103,
  shift = {0.7, -0.2}


