Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.42

ItemPrototypeFlags :: array[union]

An array containing the following values.

Union members


Whether the logistics areas of roboports should be drawn when holding this item. Used for example by the deconstruction planner.


Whether the trash-unrequested feature skips this item.


Always show the item in selection lists (item filter, logistic request etc.) even when locked recipe for that item is present.


Item will not appear in the bonus gui.


Item will not appear in the tooltips shown when hovering over a burner inventory with the fuel category the item is in.


The item can never be stacked. Additionally, the item does not show an item count when in the cursor. This also prevents the item from stacking in assembling machine input slots, which otherwise can exceed the item stack size if required by the recipe.


Item will be preferred by construction bots when building the entity specified by the item's place_result.


Only works for SelectionToolPrototype and derived classes. Corresponds to the runtime on_mod_item_opened event.


Item is deleted when removed from the cursor by pressing Q ("clear cursor"). Used for example by the copy/paste tools.


Item is able to be spawned by a ShortcutPrototype or CustomInputPrototype.


Controls whether the spoil time ignores the spoil time modifier in the DifficultySettings.


