Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.42

PlumesSpecification :: struct


render_box optional :: BoundingBox

If given, the plumes will only render if this area is on screen (relative to the thruster)

If given, the plumes will only render if this area is on screen (relative to the thruster)

min_probability optional :: float
max_probability optional :: float
min_y_offset optional :: float
max_y_offset optional :: float
stateless_visualisations optional :: PlumeEffect or array[PlumeEffect]

Array may not be empty and may at most have 255 elements. [...]

Array may not be empty and may at most have 255 elements. [...]


render_box :: BoundingBox optional

If given, the plumes will only render if this area is on screen (relative to the thruster)

min_probability :: float optional

Default: 0

max_probability :: float optional

Default: 1

min_y_offset :: float optional

Default: 0

max_y_offset :: float optional

Default: 0

stateless_visualisations :: PlumeEffect or array[PlumeEffect] optional

Array may not be empty and may at most have 255 elements.

Non-zero period needs to be provided. May not have positions or particle_tick_offset.


