Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.39

DataExtendMethod builtin Example code

The data.extend method. It's the primary way to add prototypes to the data table.

The method has two positional function parameters:

  • self :: Data?: Usually provided by calling data:extend(otherdata), which is syntax sugar for data.extend(data, otherdata).

  • otherdata :: array[AnyPrototype]: A continuous array of non-abstract prototypes.

The data.extend method can also be called with only the otherdata argument by calling it directly on data: data.extend(otherdata).


    type = "item",
    name = "a-thing",
    icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/coal.png",
    icon_size = 64,
    stack_size = 2
local recipe_cat =
  type = "recipe-category",
  name = "my-category"
local assembler =
  type = "assembling-machine",
  name = "cool-assembler",
  energy_usage = "30kW",
  energy_source = {type = "void"},
  crafting_speed = 1,
  crafting_categories = {"crafting"}

data:extend({recipe_cat, assembler})

Type used in


