Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.42

UnitSpawnDefinition :: struct or {EntityID, array[SpawnPoint]}

It can be specified as a table with named or numbered keys, but not a mix of both. If this is specified as a table with numbered keys then the first value is the unit and the second is the spawn points.


unit :: EntityID
spawn_points :: array[SpawnPoint]

Array of evolution and probability info, with the following conditions:

  • The evolution_factor must be ascending from entry to entry.

  • The last entry's weight will be used when the evolution_factor is larger than the last entry.

  • Weights are linearly interpolated between entries.

  • Individual weights are scaled linearly so that the cumulative weight is 1.

Array of evolution and probability info, with the following conditions:

  • The evolution_factor must be ascending from entry to entry.

  • The last entry's weight will be used when the evolution_factor is larger than the last entry.

  • Weights are linearly interpolated between entries.

  • Individual weights are scaled linearly so that the cumulative weight is 1.


unit :: EntityID

spawn_points :: array[SpawnPoint]

Array of evolution and probability info, with the following conditions:

  • The evolution_factor must be ascending from entry to entry.

  • The last entry's weight will be used when the evolution_factor is larger than the last entry.

  • Weights are linearly interpolated between entries.

  • Individual weights are scaled linearly so that the cumulative weight is 1.


