InserterStackSizeBonusModifier | Loaded when the |
BulkInserterCapacityBonusModifier | Loaded when the |
LaboratorySpeedModifier | Loaded when the |
CharacterLogisticTrashSlotsModifier | Loaded when the |
MaximumFollowingRobotsCountModifier | Loaded when the |
WorkerRobotSpeedModifier | Loaded when the |
WorkerRobotStorageModifier | Loaded when the |
TurretAttackModifier | Loaded when the |
AmmoDamageModifier | Loaded when the |
GiveItemModifier | Loaded when the |
GunSpeedModifier | Loaded when the |
UnlockRecipeModifier | Loaded when the |
CharacterCraftingSpeedModifier | Loaded when the |
CharacterMiningSpeedModifier | Loaded when the |
CharacterRunningSpeedModifier | Loaded when the |
CharacterBuildDistanceModifier | Loaded when the |
CharacterItemDropDistanceModifier | Loaded when the |
CharacterReachDistanceModifier | Loaded when the |
CharacterResourceReachDistanceModifier | Loaded when the |
CharacterItemPickupDistanceModifier | Loaded when the |
CharacterLootPickupDistanceModifier | Loaded when the |
CharacterInventorySlotsBonusModifier | Loaded when the |
DeconstructionTimeToLiveModifier | Loaded when the |
MaxFailedAttemptsPerTickPerConstructionQueueModifier | Loaded when the |
MaxSuccessfulAttemptsPerTickPerConstructionQueueModifier | Loaded when the |
CharacterHealthBonusModifier | Loaded when the |
MiningDrillProductivityBonusModifier | Loaded when the |
TrainBrakingForceBonusModifier | Loaded when the |
WorkerRobotBatteryModifier | Loaded when the |
LaboratoryProductivityModifier | Loaded when the |
FollowerRobotLifetimeModifier | Loaded when the |
ArtilleryRangeModifier | Loaded when the |
NothingModifier | Loaded when the |
CharacterLogisticRequestsModifier | Loaded when the |
VehicleLogisticsModifier | Loaded when the |
UnlockSpaceLocationModifier | Loaded when the |
UnlockQualityModifier | Loaded when the |
SpacePlatformsModifier | Loaded when the |
CircuitNetworkModifier | Loaded when the |
CargoLandingPadLimitModifier | Loaded when the |
ChangeRecipeProductivityModifier | Loaded when the |
CliffDeconstructionEnabledModifier | Loaded when the |
MiningWithFluidModifier | Loaded when the |
RailSupportOnDeepOilOceanModifier | Loaded when the |
RailPlannerAllowElevatedRailsModifier | Loaded when the |
BeaconDistributionModifier | Loaded when the |
CreateGhostOnEntityDeathModifier | Loaded when the |
BeltStackSizeBonusModifier | Loaded when the |