Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.42

EnemyExpansionSettings :: struct


enabled :: boolean
max_expansion_distance :: uint32

Distance in chunks from the furthest base around. [...]

Distance in chunks from the furthest base around. [...]

friendly_base_influence_radius :: uint32
enemy_building_influence_radius :: uint32
building_coefficient :: double
other_base_coefficient :: double
neighbouring_chunk_coefficient :: double
neighbouring_base_chunk_coefficient :: double
max_colliding_tiles_coefficient :: double

A chunk has to have at most this much percent unbuildable tiles for it to be considered a candidate. [...]

A chunk has to have at most this much percent unbuildable tiles for it to be considered a candidate. [...]

settler_group_min_size :: uint32

Size of the group that goes to build new base (the game interpolates between min size and max size based on evolution factor).

Size of the group that goes to build new base (the game interpolates between min size and max size based on evolution factor).

settler_group_max_size :: uint32
min_expansion_cooldown :: uint32

Ticks to expand to a single position for a base is used. [...]

Ticks to expand to a single position for a base is used. [...]

max_expansion_cooldown :: uint32


enabled :: boolean

max_expansion_distance :: uint32

Distance in chunks from the furthest base around. This prevents expansions from reaching too far into the player's territory.

friendly_base_influence_radius :: uint32

enemy_building_influence_radius :: uint32

building_coefficient :: double

other_base_coefficient :: double

neighbouring_chunk_coefficient :: double

neighbouring_base_chunk_coefficient :: double

max_colliding_tiles_coefficient :: double

A chunk has to have at most this much percent unbuildable tiles for it to be considered a candidate. This is to avoid chunks full of water to be marked as candidates.

settler_group_min_size :: uint32

Size of the group that goes to build new base (the game interpolates between min size and max size based on evolution factor).

settler_group_max_size :: uint32

min_expansion_cooldown :: uint32

Ticks to expand to a single position for a base is used. Cooldown is calculated as follows: cooldown = lerp(max_expansion_cooldown, min_expansion_cooldown, -e^2 + 2 * e) where lerp is the linear interpolation function, and e is the current evolution factor.

max_expansion_cooldown :: uint32


