Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.37

SingleGraphicProcessionLayer :: struct


type :: "single-graphic"
graphic :: ProcessionGraphic
render_layer optional :: RenderLayer
secondary_draw_order optional :: int8
relative_to optional :: EffectRelativeTo

Where the sprite is centered.

Where the sprite is centered.

compensated_pivot optional :: bool

Swaps the order of sprite shift and rotation.

Swaps the order of sprite shift and rotation.

rotates_with_pod optional :: bool
shift_rotates_with_pod optional :: bool

Only applied when the relative_to is pod.

Only applied when the relative_to is pod.

is_passenger_only optional :: bool
clip_with_hatches optional :: bool
animation_driven_by_curve optional :: bool
frames :: array[SingleGraphicLayerProcessionBezierControlPoint]

Default values if unspecified:

  • opacity : 1.0

  • tint : {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}

  • scale : 1.0

  • rotation : 0.0

  • shift : {0.0, 0.0}

  • frame : 0.0

Default values if unspecified:

  • opacity : 1.0

  • tint : {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}

  • scale : 1.0

  • rotation : 0.0

  • shift : {0.0, 0.0}

  • frame : 0.0


type :: "single-graphic"

graphic :: ProcessionGraphic

render_layer :: RenderLayer optional

Default: "object"

secondary_draw_order :: int8 optional

Default: 0

relative_to :: EffectRelativeTo optional

Default: "pod"

Where the sprite is centered.

compensated_pivot :: bool optional

Default: true

Swaps the order of sprite shift and rotation.

rotates_with_pod :: bool optional

Default: true

shift_rotates_with_pod :: bool optional

Default: true

Only applied when the relative_to is pod.

is_passenger_only :: bool optional

Default: false

clip_with_hatches :: bool optional

Default: true

animation_driven_by_curve :: bool optional

Default: false

frames :: array[SingleGraphicLayerProcessionBezierControlPoint]

Default values if unspecified:

  • opacity : 1.0

  • tint : {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}

  • scale : 1.0

  • rotation : 0.0

  • shift : {0.0, 0.0}

  • frame : 0.0

SingleGraphicLayerProcessionBezierControlPoint :: struct

One frame in time for a Bezier interpolation.


timestamp :: MapTick optional

Mandatory if opacity or tint is defined.

opacity :: double optional

opacity and opacity_t interpolate a double smoothly over time.

opacity_t :: double optional

Bidirectional tangent at the given timestamp.

tint :: Color optional

tint and tint_t interpolate a color smoothly over time.

tint_t :: Color optional

Bidirectional tangent at the given timestamp.

rotation :: double optional

rotation and rotation_t interpolate a double smoothly over time.

rotation_t :: double optional

Bidirectional tangent at the given timestamp.

scale :: double optional

scale and scale_t interpolate a double smoothly over time.

scale_t :: double optional

Bidirectional tangent at the given timestamp.

shift :: Vector optional

shift and shift_t interpolate a vector smoothly over time using shift_rate and shift_rate_t for a 0-1 rate curve.

Vector value.

shift_t :: Vector optional

Vector tangent.

shift_rate :: double optional

Rate 0-1 value.

shift_rate_t :: double optional

Rate tangent.

frame :: float

the frame of the pod animation played. Used only when 'animation_driven_by_curve' is enabled.

Type used in


