Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.42

MinableProperties :: struct Example code

The mining properties of objects. For formulas for the mining time, see mining.


mining_time :: double

How many seconds are required to mine this object at 1 mining speed.

How many seconds are required to mine this object at 1 mining speed.

include_in_show_counts optional :: boolean
transfer_entity_health_to_products optional :: boolean
results optional :: array[ProductPrototype]

The items or fluids that are returned when this object is mined.

The items or fluids that are returned when this object is mined.

result optional :: ItemID

Only loaded if results is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if results is not defined. [...]

fluid_amount optional :: FluidAmount

The amount of fluid that is used up when this object is mined. [...]

The amount of fluid that is used up when this object is mined. [...]

mining_particle optional :: ParticleID

Name of a ParticlePrototype. [...]

Name of a ParticlePrototype. [...]

required_fluid optional :: FluidID

Name of a FluidPrototype. [...]

Name of a FluidPrototype. [...]

count optional :: uint16

Only loaded if results is not defined. [...]

Only loaded if results is not defined. [...]

mining_trigger optional :: Trigger


mining_time :: double

How many seconds are required to mine this object at 1 mining speed.

include_in_show_counts :: boolean optional

transfer_entity_health_to_products :: boolean optional

Default: true

results :: array[ProductPrototype] optional

The items or fluids that are returned when this object is mined.

result :: ItemID optional

Only loaded if results is not defined.

Which item is dropped when this is mined. Cannot be empty. If you want the entity to not be minable, don't specify the minable properties, if you want it to be minable with no result item, don't specify the result at all.

fluid_amount :: FluidAmount optional

Default: 0

The amount of fluid that is used up when this object is mined. If this is > 0, this object cannot be mined by hand.

mining_particle :: ParticleID optional

Name of a ParticlePrototype. Which set of particles to use.

required_fluid :: FluidID optional

Name of a FluidPrototype. The fluid that is used up when this object is mined.

count :: uint16 optional

Default: 1

Only loaded if results is not defined.

How many of result are dropped.

mining_trigger :: Trigger optional


minable = { mining_time = 0.55, result = "wood", count = 4, mining_particle = "wooden-particle" }
minable =
  mining_time = 1,
  results =
      type = "fluid",
      name = "crude-oil",
      amount = 10


