Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.42

MapGenPreset :: struct


order :: Order

Specifies the ordering in the map generator GUI.

Specifies the ordering in the map generator GUI.

default optional :: boolean

Whether this is the default preset. [...]

Whether this is the default preset. [...]

basic_settings optional :: MapGenSettings

If any setting is not set, it will use the default values.

If any setting is not set, it will use the default values.

advanced_settings optional :: AdvancedMapGenSettings

If any setting is not set, it will use the default values.

If any setting is not set, it will use the default values.


order :: Order

Specifies the ordering in the map generator GUI.

default :: boolean optional

Default: false

Whether this is the default preset. If true, this preset may not have any other properties besides this and order.

If no MapGenPreset has default = true, the preset selector will have a blank preset label, with default settings. The "blank" preset goes away when another preset is selected.

basic_settings :: MapGenSettings optional

If any setting is not set, it will use the default values.

advanced_settings :: AdvancedMapGenSettings optional

If any setting is not set, it will use the default values.

AdvancedMapGenSettings :: struct


asteroids :: MapGenPresetAsteroidSettings optional

pollution :: MapGenPresetPollutionSettings optional

enemy_evolution :: MapGenPresetEnemyEvolutionSettings optional

enemy_expansion :: MapGenPresetEnemyExpansionSettings optional

difficulty_settings :: MapGenPresetDifficultySettings optional


