Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.42

TreeVariation :: struct

Tree has number of "dying" stages, which is deduced from frame count of shadow if shadow is defined, otherwise from frame count of trunk. Frame count of leaves has to be one less than deduced number stages, as last stage is always assumed to be leafless.


trunk :: Animation

If shadow is not specified, this has to have one more frame than leaves.

If shadow is not specified, this has to have one more frame than leaves.

leaves :: Animation
leaf_generation :: CreateParticleTriggerEffectItem
branch_generation :: CreateParticleTriggerEffectItem
shadow optional :: Animation

Shadow must have 1 more frame_count than leaves.

Shadow must have 1 more frame_count than leaves.

disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame optional :: uint32

Only loaded if shadow is present. [...]

Only loaded if shadow is present. [...]

normal optional :: Animation

Normal must have the same frame_count as leaves.

Normal must have the same frame_count as leaves.

overlay optional :: Animation

Overlay must have the same frame_count as leaves. [...]

Overlay must have the same frame_count as leaves. [...]

underwater optional :: Animation
underwater_layer_offset optional :: int8
water_reflection optional :: WaterReflectionDefinition


trunk :: Animation

If shadow is not specified, this has to have one more frame than leaves.

leaves :: Animation

branch_generation :: CreateParticleTriggerEffectItem

shadow :: Animation optional

Shadow must have 1 more frame_count than leaves.

disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame :: uint32 optional

Only loaded if shadow is present. Defaults to shadow.frame_count - 1.

normal :: Animation optional

Normal must have the same frame_count as leaves.

overlay :: Animation optional

Overlay must have the same frame_count as leaves. Won't be tinted by the tree color unless apply_runtime_tint is set to true in the sprite definition. See here.

underwater :: Animation optional

underwater_layer_offset :: int8 optional

Default: 1

water_reflection :: WaterReflectionDefinition optional


