Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.39

FluidEnergySource :: struct

Inherits from BaseEnergySource


type :: "fluid"
fluid_box :: FluidBox

All standard fluid box configurations are acceptable, but the type must be "input" or "input-output" to function correctly. [...]

All standard fluid box configurations are acceptable, but the type must be "input" or "input-output" to function correctly. [...]

smoke optional :: array[SmokeSource]
light_flicker optional :: LightFlickeringDefinition
effectivity optional :: double

1 means 100% effectivity. [...]

1 means 100% effectivity. [...]

burns_fluid optional :: bool

If set to true, the energy source will calculate power based on the fluid's fuel_value, else it will calculate based on fluid temperature.

If set to true, the energy source will calculate power based on the fluid's fuel_value, else it will calculate based on fluid temperature.

scale_fluid_usage optional :: bool

If set to true, the energy source will consume as much fluid as required to produce the desired power, otherwise it will consume as much as it is allowed to, wasting any excess.

If set to true, the energy source will consume as much fluid as required to produce the desired power, otherwise it will consume as much as it is allowed to, wasting any excess.

destroy_non_fuel_fluid optional :: bool

Property is only used when burns_fluid is true and the fluid has a fuel_value of 0, or when burns_fluid is false and the fluid is at its default_temperature. [...]

Property is only used when burns_fluid is true and the fluid has a fuel_value of 0, or when burns_fluid is false and the fluid is at its default_temperature. [...]

fluid_usage_per_tick optional :: FluidAmount

The number of fluid units the energy source uses per tick. [...]

The number of fluid units the energy source uses per tick. [...]

maximum_temperature optional :: float

0 means unlimited maximum temperature. [...]

0 means unlimited maximum temperature. [...]

Inherited from BaseEnergySource
emissions_per_minute optional :: dictionary[AirbornePollutantID → double]

The pollution an entity emits per minute at full energy consumption. [...]

The pollution an entity emits per minute at full energy consumption. [...]

render_no_power_icon optional :: bool

Whether to render the "no power" icon if the entity is low on power. [...]

Whether to render the "no power" icon if the entity is low on power. [...]

render_no_network_icon optional :: bool

Whether to render the "no network" icon if the entity is not connected to an electric network.

Whether to render the "no network" icon if the entity is not connected to an electric network.


type :: "fluid"

fluid_box :: FluidBox

All standard fluid box configurations are acceptable, but the type must be "input" or "input-output" to function correctly. scale_fluid_usage = true, fluid_usage_per_tick, or a filter on the fluidbox must be set to be able to calculate the fluid usage of the energy source.

smoke :: array[SmokeSource] optional

light_flicker :: LightFlickeringDefinition optional

effectivity :: double optional

Default: 1

1 means 100% effectivity. Must be greater than 0. Multiplier of the energy output.

burns_fluid :: bool optional

Default: false

If set to true, the energy source will calculate power based on the fluid's fuel_value, else it will calculate based on fluid temperature.

scale_fluid_usage :: bool optional

Default: false

If set to true, the energy source will consume as much fluid as required to produce the desired power, otherwise it will consume as much as it is allowed to, wasting any excess.

destroy_non_fuel_fluid :: bool optional

Default: true

Property is only used when burns_fluid is true and the fluid has a fuel_value of 0, or when burns_fluid is false and the fluid is at its default_temperature.

In those cases, this property determines whether the fluid should be destroyed, meaning that the fluid is consumed at the rate of fluid_usage_per_tick, without producing any power.

fluid_usage_per_tick :: FluidAmount optional

Default: 0

The number of fluid units the energy source uses per tick. If used with scale_fluid_usage, this specifies the maximum. If this value is not set, scale_energy_usage is false and a fluid box filter is set, the game will attempt to calculate this value from the fluid box filter's fluid's fuel_value or heat_capacity and the entity's energy_usage. If burns_fluid is false, maximum_temperature will also be used. If the attempt of the game to calculate this value fails (scale_energy_usage is false and a fluid box filter is set), then scale_energy_usage will be forced to true, to prevent the energy source from being an infinite fluid sink. More context on the forums.

maximum_temperature :: float optional

Default: 0

0 means unlimited maximum temperature. If this is non-zero while scale_fluid_usage is false and fluid_usage_per_tick is not specified, the game will use this value to calculate fluid_usage_per_tick. To do that, the filter on the fluid_box must be set.

Only loaded if burns_fluid is false.


