Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.42

BaseEnergySource :: struct - abstract

The abstract base of all EnergySources. Specifies the way an entity gets its energy.



emissions_per_minute optional :: dictionary[AirbornePollutantID → double]

The pollution an entity emits per minute at full energy consumption. [...]

The pollution an entity emits per minute at full energy consumption. [...]

render_no_power_icon optional :: boolean

Whether to render the "no power" icon if the entity is low on power. [...]

Whether to render the "no power" icon if the entity is low on power. [...]

render_no_network_icon optional :: boolean

Whether to render the "no network" icon if the entity is not connected to an electric network.

Whether to render the "no network" icon if the entity is not connected to an electric network.


emissions_per_minute :: dictionary[AirbornePollutantID → double] optional

The pollution an entity emits per minute at full energy consumption. This is exactly the value that is shown in the entity tooltip.

render_no_power_icon :: boolean optional

Default: true

Whether to render the "no power" icon if the entity is low on power. Also applies to the "no fuel" icon when using burner energy sources.

render_no_network_icon :: boolean optional

Default: true

Whether to render the "no network" icon if the entity is not connected to an electric network.


