Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.42

EffectTypeLimitation :: union or array[union] Example code

A list of module effects, or just a single effect. Modules with other effects cannot be used on the machine. This means that both effects from modules and from surrounding beacons are restricted to the listed effects. If allowed_effects is an empty array, the machine cannot be affected by modules or beacons.

Union members


Modules that increase or decrease the machine's speed.


Modules that make the machine produce bonus items.


Modules that increase or decrease the machine's energy consumption.


Modules that make the machine produce more or less pollution.


Modules that provide a bonus chance to increase a product's quality.


-- Allow all module types
allowed_effects = {"speed", "productivity", "consumption", "pollution", "quality"}
-- Allow only modules that affect speed
allowed_effects = "speed"


