Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42


This is an abstract base class containing the common functionality between LuaPlayer and entities (see LuaEntity). When accessing player-related functions through a LuaEntity, it must refer to a character entity.


get_inventory(inventory) LuaInventory?

Get an inventory belonging to this entity. [...]

Get an inventory belonging to this entity. [...]

get_max_inventory_index() defines.inventory

The highest index of all inventories this entity can use. [...]

The highest index of all inventories this entity can use. [...]

get_main_inventory() LuaInventory?

Gets the main inventory for this character or player if this is a character or player.

Gets the main inventory for this character or player if this is a character or player.

can_insert(items) boolean

Can at least some items be inserted?

Can at least some items be inserted?

insert(items) uint

Insert items into this entity. [...]

Insert items into this entity. [...]

set_gui_arrow{margin=…, type=…}

Create an arrow which points at this entity. [...]

Create an arrow which points at this entity. [...]


Removes the arrow created by set_gui_arrow.

Removes the arrow created by set_gui_arrow.

get_item_count(item?) changeduint

Get the number of all or some items in this entity.

Get the number of all or some items in this entity.

has_items_inside() boolean

Does this entity have any item inside it?

Does this entity have any item inside it?

can_reach_entity(entity) boolean

Can a given entity be opened or accessed?

Can a given entity be opened or accessed?


Remove all items from this entity.

Remove all items from this entity.

remove_item(items) uint

Remove items from this entity.

Remove items from this entity.

teleport(position, surface?, raise_teleported?, snap_to_grid?, build_check_type?) changedboolean

Teleport the entity to a given position, possibly on another surface. [...]

Teleport the entity to a given position, possibly on another surface. [...]


Select an entity, as if by hovering the mouse above it.

Select an entity, as if by hovering the mouse above it.


Unselect any selected entity.

Unselect any selected entity.


Disable the flashlight.

Disable the flashlight.


Enable the flashlight.

Enable the flashlight.

is_flashlight_enabled() boolean

Is the flashlight enabled.

Is the flashlight enabled.

get_craftable_count(recipe) changeduint

Gets the count of the given recipe that can be crafted.

Gets the count of the given recipe that can be crafted.

begin_crafting{count=…, recipe=…, silent?=…} changeduint

Begins crafting the given count of the given recipe.

Begins crafting the given count of the given recipe.

cancel_crafting{index=…, count=…}

Cancels crafting the given count of the given crafting queue index.

Cancels crafting the given count of the given crafting queue index.

mine_entity(entity, force?) boolean

Mines the given entity as if this player (or character) mined it.

Mines the given entity as if this player (or character) mined it.

mine_tile(tile) boolean

Mines the given tile as if this player (or character) mined it.

Mines the given tile as if this player (or character) mined it.

is_player() boolean

When true control adapter is a LuaPlayer object, false for entities including characters with players.

When true control adapter is a LuaPlayer object, false for entities including characters with players.

open_technology_gui(technology?) changed

Open the technology GUI and select a given technology.

Open the technology GUI and select a given technology.

is_cursor_blueprint() boolean

Returns whether the player is holding a blueprint. [...]

Returns whether the player is holding a blueprint. [...]

is_cursor_empty() boolean

Returns whether the player is holding something in the cursor. [...]

Returns whether the player is holding something in the cursor. [...]

get_requester_point() newLuaLogisticPoint?

Gets the requester logistic point for this entity if it has one.

Gets the requester logistic point for this entity if it has one.

set_driving(driving, force?) new

Sets if this character or player is driving. [...]

Sets if this character or player is driving. [...]

surface :: R LuaSurface

The surface this entity is currently on.

The surface this entity is currently on.

surface_index :: R uint

Unique index (ID) associated with the surface this entity is currently on.

Unique index (ID) associated with the surface this entity is currently on.

position :: R MapPosition

The current position of the entity.

The current position of the entity.

vehicle :: R LuaEntity?

The vehicle the player is currently sitting in.

The vehicle the player is currently sitting in.

cargo_pod new :: R LuaEntity?

The cargo pod the player is currently sitting in or the cargo pod attached to this rocket silo.

The cargo pod the player is currently sitting in or the cargo pod attached to this rocket silo.

hub new :: R LuaEntity?

The space platform hub the player is currently sitting in.

The space platform hub the player is currently sitting in.

force changed :: R LuaForce | W ForceID

The force of this entity. [...]

The force of this entity. [...]

force_index :: R uint

Unique index (ID) associated with the force of this entity.

Unique index (ID) associated with the force of this entity.

selected :: RW LuaEntity?

The currently selected entity. [...]

The currently selected entity. [...]

opened changed :: RW LuaEntity or LuaItemStack or LuaEquipment or LuaEquipmentGrid or LuaPlayer or LuaGuiElement or LuaInventory or LuaLogisticNetwork or defines.gui_type?

The GUI the player currently has open. [...]

The GUI the player currently has open. [...]

crafting_queue_size :: R uint

Size of the crafting queue.

Size of the crafting queue.

crafting_queue_progress :: RW double

The crafting queue progress in the range [0-1]. [...]

The crafting queue progress in the range [0-1]. [...]

walking_state :: RW table

Current walking state of the player, or the spider-vehicle the character is driving.

Current walking state of the player, or the spider-vehicle the character is driving.

riding_state :: RW RidingState

Current riding state of this car, or of the car this player is riding in.

Current riding state of this car, or of the car this player is riding in.

mining_state :: RW table

Current mining state. [...]

Current mining state. [...]

shooting_state :: RW table

Current shooting state.

Current shooting state.

picking_state :: RW boolean

Current item-picking state.

Current item-picking state.

repair_state :: RW table

Current repair state.

Current repair state.

cursor_stack :: R LuaItemStack?

The player's cursor stack. [...]

The player's cursor stack. [...]

cursor_ghost changed :: R ItemIDAndQualityIDPair | W ItemWithQualityID?

The ghost prototype in the player's cursor. [...]

The ghost prototype in the player's cursor. [...]

cursor_record new :: R LuaRecord?

The blueprint record in the player's cursor.

The blueprint record in the player's cursor.

driving :: RW boolean

true if the player is in a vehicle. [...]

true if the player is in a vehicle. [...]

crafting_queue :: R array[CraftingQueueItem]

The current crafting queue items.

The current crafting queue items.

following_robots :: R array[LuaEntity]

The current combat robots following the character. [...]

The current combat robots following the character. [...]

cheat_mode :: RW boolean

When true hand crafting is free and instant.

When true hand crafting is free and instant.

character_crafting_speed_modifier :: RW double

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_mining_speed_modifier :: RW double

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_additional_mining_categories :: RW array[string]

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_running_speed_modifier :: RW double

Modifies the running speed of this character by the given value as a percentage. [...]

Modifies the running speed of this character by the given value as a percentage. [...]

character_build_distance_bonus :: RW uint

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_item_drop_distance_bonus :: RW uint

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_reach_distance_bonus :: RW uint

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_resource_reach_distance_bonus :: RW uint

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_item_pickup_distance_bonus :: RW uint

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_loot_pickup_distance_bonus :: RW uint

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_inventory_slots_bonus :: RW uint

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_trash_slot_count_bonus :: RW uint

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_maximum_following_robot_count_bonus :: RW uint

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_health_bonus :: RW float

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

opened_gui_type :: R defines.gui_type?
build_distance :: R uint

The build distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character.

The build distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character.

drop_item_distance :: R uint

The item drop distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character.

The item drop distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character.

reach_distance :: R uint

The reach distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character.

The reach distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character.

item_pickup_distance :: R double

The item pickup distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character.

The item pickup distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character.

loot_pickup_distance :: R double

The loot pickup distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character.

The loot pickup distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character.

resource_reach_distance :: R double

The resource reach distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character.

The resource reach distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character.

in_combat :: R boolean

Whether this character entity is in combat.

Whether this character entity is in combat.

character_running_speed :: R double

The current movement speed of this character, including effects from exoskeletons, tiles, stickers and shooting.

The current movement speed of this character, including effects from exoskeletons, tiles, stickers and shooting.

character_mining_progress :: R double

The current mining progress between 0 and 1 of this character, or 0 if they aren't mining.

The current mining progress between 0 and 1 of this character, or 0 if they aren't mining.


get_inventory(inventory) → LuaInventory?

Get an inventory belonging to this entity. This can be either the "main" inventory or some auxiliary one, like the module slots or logistic trash slots.

A given defines.inventory is only meaningful for the corresponding LuaObject type. EG: get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_main) is only meaningful if 'this' is a player character. You may get a value back but if the type of 'this' isn't the type referred to by the defines.inventory it's almost guaranteed to not be the inventory asked for.


inventory :: defines.inventory

Return values

→ LuaInventory?

The inventory or nil if none with the given index was found.

get_max_inventory_index() → defines.inventory

The highest index of all inventories this entity can use. Allows iteration over all of them if desired.


for k = 1, entity.get_max_inventory_index() do [...] end

get_main_inventory() → LuaInventory?

Gets the main inventory for this character or player if this is a character or player.

Return values

→ LuaInventory?

The inventory or nil if this entity is not a character or player.

can_insert(items) → boolean

Can at least some items be inserted?


items :: ItemStackIdentification

Items that would be inserted.

Items that would be inserted.

Return values

→ boolean

true if at least a part of the given items could be inserted into this inventory.

insert(items) → uint

Insert items into this entity. This works the same way as inserters or shift-clicking: the "best" inventory is chosen automatically.


items :: ItemStackIdentification

The items to insert.

The items to insert.

Return values

→ uint

The number of items that were actually inserted.

set_gui_arrow{margin=…, type=…}

Create an arrow which points at this entity. This is used in the tutorial. For examples, see control.lua in the campaign missions.


Table with the following fields:
margin :: uint
type :: GuiArrowType

Where to point to. This field determines what other fields are mandatory.

Where to point to. This field determines what other fields are mandatory.

Other attributes may be specified depending on type:


entity :: LuaEntity


position :: MapPosition


crafting_queueindex :: uint

Index in the crafting queue to point to.

Index in the crafting queue to point to.


inventory_index :: defines.inventory

Which inventory the stack is in.

Which inventory the stack is in.

item_stack_index :: uint

Which stack to point to.

Which stack to point to.

source :: "player" or "target" or "player-quickbar"


Removes the arrow created by set_gui_arrow.

get_item_count(item?) → uintchanged

Get the number of all or some items in this entity.


item :: ItemFilter?

The item to count. If not specified, count all items.

The item to count. If not specified, count all items.

has_items_inside() → boolean

Does this entity have any item inside it?

can_reach_entity(entity) → boolean

Can a given entity be opened or accessed?


entity :: LuaEntity


Remove all items from this entity.

remove_item(items) → uint

Remove items from this entity.


items :: ItemStackIdentification

The items to remove.

The items to remove.

Return values

→ uint

The number of items that were actually removed.

teleport(position, surface?, raise_teleported?, snap_to_grid?, build_check_type?) → booleanchanged

Teleport the entity to a given position, possibly on another surface.

Some entities may not be teleported. For instance, transport belts won't allow teleportation and this method will always return false when used on any such entity.

You can also pass 1 or 2 numbers as the parameters and they will be used as relative teleport coordinates 'teleport(0, 1)' to move the entity 1 tile positive y. 'teleport(4)' to move the entity 4 tiles to the positive x.

script_raised_teleported will not be raised if teleporting a player with no character.


position :: MapPosition

Where to teleport to.

Where to teleport to.

surface :: SurfaceIdentification?

Surface to teleport to. If not given, will teleport to the entity's current surface. Only players, cars, and spidertrons can be teleported cross-surface.

Surface to teleport to. If not given, will teleport to the entity's current surface. Only players, cars, and spidertrons can be teleported cross-surface.

raise_teleported :: boolean?

If true, defines.events.script_raised_teleported will be fired on successful entity teleportation.

If true, defines.events.script_raised_teleported will be fired on successful entity teleportation.

snap_to_grid :: boolean?

If false the exact position given is used to instead of snapping to the normal entity grid. This only applies if the entity normally snaps to the grid.

If false the exact position given is used to instead of snapping to the normal entity grid. This only applies if the entity normally snaps to the grid.

build_check_type :: defines.build_check_type?

The build check type done when teleporting to the destination. Defaults to script. This is ignored when teleporting between surfaces.

The build check type done when teleporting to the destination. Defaults to script. This is ignored when teleporting between surfaces.

Return values

→ boolean

true if the entity was successfully teleported.

Raised events

on_player_changed_position? instantly

Raised if the teleported entity is a player character.

script_raised_teleported? instantly

Raised if the raise_teleported flag was set and the entity was successfully teleported.


Select an entity, as if by hovering the mouse above it.


position :: MapPosition

Position of the entity to select.

Position of the entity to select.

Raised events

on_selected_entity_changed? instantly

Raised if there is an entity at the given position to select.


Unselect any selected entity.

Raised events

on_selected_entity_changed? instantly

Raised if there is a currently selected entity.


Disable the flashlight.


Enable the flashlight.

is_flashlight_enabled() → boolean

Is the flashlight enabled.

get_craftable_count(recipe) → uintchanged

Gets the count of the given recipe that can be crafted.


recipe :: RecipeID

The recipe.

The recipe.

Return values

→ uint

The count that can be crafted.

begin_crafting{count=…, recipe=…, silent?=…} → uintchanged

Begins crafting the given count of the given recipe.


Table with the following fields:
count :: uint

The count to craft.

The count to craft.

recipe :: RecipeID

The recipe to craft.

The recipe to craft.

silent :: boolean?

If false and the recipe can't be crafted the requested number of times printing the failure is skipped.

If false and the recipe can't be crafted the requested number of times printing the failure is skipped.

Return values

→ uint

The count that was actually started crafting.

Raised events

on_pre_player_crafted_item? instantly

Raised if crafting was able to be started.

on_player_main_inventory_changed? current_tick

Raised if crafting was able to be started.

cancel_crafting{index=…, count=…}

Cancels crafting the given count of the given crafting queue index.


Table with the following fields:
index :: uint

The crafting queue index.

The crafting queue index.

count :: uint

The count to cancel crafting.

The count to cancel crafting.

Raised events

on_player_cancelled_crafting? instantly

Raised if crafting was able to be cancelled.

on_player_main_inventory_changed? current_tick

Raised if crafting was able to be cancelled.

mine_entity(entity, force?) → boolean

Mines the given entity as if this player (or character) mined it.


entity :: LuaEntity

The entity to mine

The entity to mine

force :: boolean?

Forces mining the entity even if the items can't fit in the player.

Forces mining the entity even if the items can't fit in the player.

Return values

→ boolean

Whether the mining succeeded.

Raised events

on_pre_player_mined_item? instantly

Raised if mining is possible.

on_player_mined_entity? instantly

Raised if mining is successful.

on_player_mined_item? instantly

Raised if mining is successful.

mine_tile(tile) → boolean

Mines the given tile as if this player (or character) mined it.


tile :: LuaTile

The tile to mine.

The tile to mine.

Return values

→ boolean

Whether the mining succeeded.

Raised events

on_player_mined_item? instantly

Raised if mining is successful.

on_player_mined_tile? instantly

Raised if mining is successful.

is_player() → boolean

When true control adapter is a LuaPlayer object, false for entities including characters with players.

open_technology_gui(technology?) changed

Open the technology GUI and select a given technology.


technology :: TechnologyID?

The technology to select after opening the GUI.

The technology to select after opening the GUI.

is_cursor_blueprint() → boolean

Returns whether the player is holding a blueprint. This takes both blueprint items as well as blueprint records from the blueprint library into account.

Note that both this method refers to the currently selected blueprint, which means that a blueprint book with a selected blueprint will return the information as well.

is_cursor_empty() → boolean

Returns whether the player is holding something in the cursor. Takes into account items from the blueprint library, as well as items and ghost cursor.

get_requester_point() → LuaLogisticPoint?new

Gets the requester logistic point for this entity if it has one.

set_driving(driving, force?) new

Sets if this character or player is driving. Returns if the player or character is still driving.


driving :: boolean

True for enter-vehicle, false for leave.

True for enter-vehicle, false for leave.

force :: boolean?

If true, the player will be ejected and left at the position of the car if normal "leave" is not possible.

If true, the player will be ejected and left at the position of the car if normal "leave" is not possible.


surface :: Read LuaSurface  

The surface this entity is currently on.

surface_index :: Read uint  

Unique index (ID) associated with the surface this entity is currently on.

position :: Read MapPosition  

The current position of the entity.

vehicle :: Read LuaEntity  ?

The vehicle the player is currently sitting in.

cargo_pod :: Read LuaEntity  ?new

The cargo pod the player is currently sitting in or the cargo pod attached to this rocket silo.

hub :: Read LuaEntity  ?new

The space platform hub the player is currently sitting in.

force :: Read LuaForce | Write ForceID   changed

The force of this entity. Reading will always give a LuaForce, but it is possible to assign either string, uint8 or LuaForce to this attribute to change the force.

force_index :: Read uint  

Unique index (ID) associated with the force of this entity.

selected :: Read|Write LuaEntity  ?

The currently selected entity. Assigning an entity will select it if is selectable, otherwise the selection is cleared.

Raised events

on_selected_entity_changed? instantly

Raised when a selectable entity is written to this attribute.

opened :: Read|Write LuaEntity or LuaItemStack or LuaEquipment or LuaEquipmentGrid or LuaPlayer or LuaGuiElement or LuaInventory or LuaLogisticNetwork or defines.gui_type  ?changed

The GUI the player currently has open.

This is the GUI that will asked to close (by firing the on_gui_closed event) when the Esc or E keys are pressed. If this attribute is non-nil, then writing nil or a new GUI to it will ask the existing GUI to close.

Write supports any of the types. Read will return the entity, equipment, equipment-grid, player, element, inventory or nil.

Raised events

on_gui_opened? instantly

Raised when writing a valid GUI target to this attribute.

crafting_queue_size :: Read uint  

Size of the crafting queue.

crafting_queue_progress :: Read|Write double  

The crafting queue progress in the range [0-1]. 0 when no recipe is being crafted.

walking_state :: Read|Write table  

Current walking state of the player, or the spider-vehicle the character is driving.

Table fields

walking :: boolean

If false, the player is currently not walking; otherwise it's going somewhere

If false, the player is currently not walking; otherwise it's going somewhere

direction :: defines.direction

Direction where the player is walking

Direction where the player is walking


-- Make the player go north. Note that a one-shot action like this will only make the player walk for one tick.
game.player.walking_state = {walking = true, direction = defines.direction.north}

riding_state :: Read|Write RidingState  

Current riding state of this car, or of the car this player is riding in.

mining_state :: Read|Write table  

Current mining state.

When the player isn't mining tiles the player will mine whatever entity is currently selected. See LuaControl::selected and LuaControl::update_selected_entity.

Table fields

mining :: boolean

Whether the player is mining at all.

Whether the player is mining at all.

position :: MapPosition?

What location the player is mining. Only relevant if mining is true.

What location the player is mining. Only relevant if mining is true.

shooting_state :: Read|Write table  

Current shooting state.

Table fields

state :: defines.shooting

The current state

The current state

position :: MapPosition

The position being shot at

The position being shot at

picking_state :: Read|Write boolean  

Current item-picking state.

repair_state :: Read|Write table  

Current repair state.

Table fields

repairing :: boolean

The current state

The current state

position :: MapPosition

The position being repaired

The position being repaired

cursor_stack :: Read LuaItemStack  ?

The player's cursor stack. nil if the player controller is a spectator.


-- Even though this property is marked as read-only, it returns a LuaItemStack,
-- meaning it can be manipulated like so:

cursor_ghost :: Read ItemIDAndQualityIDPair | Write ItemWithQualityID  ?changed

The ghost prototype in the player's cursor.

Items in the cursor stack will take priority over the cursor ghost.

cursor_record :: Read LuaRecord  ?new

The blueprint record in the player's cursor.

driving :: Read|Write boolean  

true if the player is in a vehicle. Writing to this attribute puts the player in or out of a vehicle.

Raised events

on_player_driving_changed_state? instantly

Raised if the driving state successfully changed.

crafting_queue :: Read array[CraftingQueueItem]  

The current crafting queue items.

following_robots :: Read array[LuaEntity]  

The current combat robots following the character.

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

cheat_mode :: Read|Write boolean  

When true hand crafting is free and instant.

character_crafting_speed_modifier :: Read|Write double  

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_mining_speed_modifier :: Read|Write double  

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_additional_mining_categories :: Read|Write array[string]  

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_running_speed_modifier :: Read|Write double  

Modifies the running speed of this character by the given value as a percentage. Setting the running modifier to 0.5 makes the character run 50% faster. The minimum value of -1 reduces the movement speed by 100%, resulting in a speed of 0.

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_build_distance_bonus :: Read|Write uint  

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_item_drop_distance_bonus :: Read|Write uint  

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_reach_distance_bonus :: Read|Write uint  

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_resource_reach_distance_bonus :: Read|Write uint  

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_item_pickup_distance_bonus :: Read|Write uint  

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_loot_pickup_distance_bonus :: Read|Write uint  

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_inventory_slots_bonus :: Read|Write uint  

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_trash_slot_count_bonus :: Read|Write uint  

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_maximum_following_robot_count_bonus :: Read|Write uint  

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_health_bonus :: Read|Write float  

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

opened_gui_type :: Read defines.gui_type  ?

build_distance :: Read uint  

The build distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character.

drop_item_distance :: Read uint  

The item drop distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character.

reach_distance :: Read uint  

The reach distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character.

item_pickup_distance :: Read double  

The item pickup distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character.

loot_pickup_distance :: Read double  

The loot pickup distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character.

resource_reach_distance :: Read double  

The resource reach distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character.

in_combat :: Read boolean  

Whether this character entity is in combat.

character_running_speed :: Read double  

The current movement speed of this character, including effects from exoskeletons, tiles, stickers and shooting.

character_mining_progress :: Read double  

The current mining progress between 0 and 1 of this character, or 0 if they aren't mining.



