get_inventory(inventory) | → LuaInventory? | Get an inventory belonging to this entity. [...] |
Get an inventory belonging to this entity. [...] | ||
get_max_inventory_index() | → defines.inventory | The highest index of all inventories this entity can use. [...] |
The highest index of all inventories this entity can use. [...] | ||
get_main_inventory() | → LuaInventory? | Gets the main inventory for this character or player if this is a character or player. |
Gets the main inventory for this character or player if this is a character or player. | ||
can_insert(items) | → boolean | Can at least some items be inserted? |
Can at least some items be inserted? | ||
insert(items) | → uint | Insert items into this entity. [...] |
Insert items into this entity. [...] | ||
set_gui_arrow{margin=…, type=…} | Create an arrow which points at this entity. [...] | |
Create an arrow which points at this entity. [...] | ||
clear_gui_arrow() | Removes the arrow created by | |
Removes the arrow created by | ||
get_item_count(item?) changed | → uint | Get the number of all or some items in this entity. |
Get the number of all or some items in this entity. | ||
has_items_inside() | → boolean | Does this entity have any item inside it? |
Does this entity have any item inside it? | ||
can_reach_entity(entity) | → boolean | Can a given entity be opened or accessed? |
Can a given entity be opened or accessed? | ||
clear_items_inside() | Remove all items from this entity. | |
Remove all items from this entity. | ||
remove_item(items) | → uint | Remove items from this entity. |
Remove items from this entity. | ||
teleport(position, surface?, raise_teleported?, snap_to_grid?, build_check_type?) changed | → boolean | Teleport the entity to a given position, possibly on another surface. [...] |
Teleport the entity to a given position, possibly on another surface. [...] | ||
update_selected_entity(position) | Select an entity, as if by hovering the mouse above it. | |
Select an entity, as if by hovering the mouse above it. | ||
clear_selected_entity() | Unselect any selected entity. | |
Unselect any selected entity. | ||
disable_flashlight() | Disable the flashlight. | |
Disable the flashlight. | ||
enable_flashlight() | Enable the flashlight. | |
Enable the flashlight. | ||
is_flashlight_enabled() | → boolean | Is the flashlight enabled. |
Is the flashlight enabled. | ||
get_craftable_count(recipe) changed | → uint | Gets the count of the given recipe that can be crafted. |
Gets the count of the given recipe that can be crafted. | ||
begin_crafting{count=…, recipe=…, silent?=…} changed | → uint | Begins crafting the given count of the given recipe. |
Begins crafting the given count of the given recipe. | ||
cancel_crafting{index=…, count=…} | Cancels crafting the given count of the given crafting queue index. | |
Cancels crafting the given count of the given crafting queue index. | ||
mine_entity(entity, force?) | → boolean | Mines the given entity as if this player (or character) mined it. |
Mines the given entity as if this player (or character) mined it. | ||
mine_tile(tile) | → boolean | Mines the given tile as if this player (or character) mined it. |
Mines the given tile as if this player (or character) mined it. | ||
is_player() | → boolean | When |
When | ||
open_technology_gui(technology?) changed | Open the technology GUI and select a given technology. | |
Open the technology GUI and select a given technology. | ||
is_cursor_blueprint() | → boolean | Returns whether the player is holding a blueprint. [...] |
Returns whether the player is holding a blueprint. [...] | ||
is_cursor_empty() | → boolean | Returns whether the player is holding something in the cursor. [...] |
Returns whether the player is holding something in the cursor. [...] | ||
get_requester_point() new | → LuaLogisticPoint? | Gets the requester logistic point for this entity if it has one. |
Gets the requester logistic point for this entity if it has one. | ||
set_driving(driving, force?) new | Sets if this character or player is driving. [...] | |
Sets if this character or player is driving. [...] | ||
surface | :: R LuaSurface | The surface this entity is currently on. |
The surface this entity is currently on. | ||
surface_index | :: R uint | Unique index (ID) associated with the surface this entity is currently on. |
Unique index (ID) associated with the surface this entity is currently on. | ||
position | :: R MapPosition | The current position of the entity. |
The current position of the entity. | ||
vehicle | :: R LuaEntity? | The vehicle the player is currently sitting in. |
The vehicle the player is currently sitting in. | ||
cargo_pod new | :: R LuaEntity? | The cargo pod the player is currently sitting in or the cargo pod attached to this rocket silo. |
The cargo pod the player is currently sitting in or the cargo pod attached to this rocket silo. | ||
hub new | :: R LuaEntity? | The space platform hub the player is currently sitting in. |
The space platform hub the player is currently sitting in. | ||
force changed | :: R LuaForce | W ForceID | The force of this entity. [...] |
The force of this entity. [...] | ||
force_index | :: R uint | Unique index (ID) associated with the force of this entity. |
Unique index (ID) associated with the force of this entity. | ||
selected | :: RW LuaEntity? | The currently selected entity. [...] |
The currently selected entity. [...] | ||
opened changed | :: RW LuaEntity or LuaItemStack or LuaEquipment or LuaEquipmentGrid or LuaPlayer or LuaGuiElement or LuaInventory or LuaLogisticNetwork or defines.gui_type? | The GUI the player currently has open. [...] |
The GUI the player currently has open. [...] | ||
crafting_queue_size | :: R uint | Size of the crafting queue. |
Size of the crafting queue. | ||
crafting_queue_progress | :: RW double | The crafting queue progress in the range |
The crafting queue progress in the range | ||
walking_state | :: RW table | Current walking state of the player, or the spider-vehicle the character is driving. |
Current walking state of the player, or the spider-vehicle the character is driving. | ||
riding_state | :: RW RidingState | Current riding state of this car, or of the car this player is riding in. |
Current riding state of this car, or of the car this player is riding in. | ||
mining_state | :: RW table | Current mining state. [...] |
Current mining state. [...] | ||
shooting_state | :: RW table | Current shooting state. |
Current shooting state. | ||
picking_state | :: RW boolean | Current item-picking state. |
Current item-picking state. | ||
repair_state | :: RW table | Current repair state. |
Current repair state. | ||
cursor_stack | :: R LuaItemStack? | The player's cursor stack. [...] |
The player's cursor stack. [...] | ||
cursor_ghost changed | :: R ItemIDAndQualityIDPair | W ItemWithQualityID? | The ghost prototype in the player's cursor. [...] |
The ghost prototype in the player's cursor. [...] | ||
cursor_record new | :: R LuaRecord? | The blueprint record in the player's cursor. |
The blueprint record in the player's cursor. | ||
driving | :: RW boolean |
| ||
crafting_queue | :: R array[CraftingQueueItem] | The current crafting queue items. |
The current crafting queue items. | ||
following_robots | :: R array[LuaEntity] | The current combat robots following the character. [...] |
The current combat robots following the character. [...] | ||
cheat_mode | :: RW boolean | When |
When | ||
character_crafting_speed_modifier | :: RW double | When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). |
When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). | ||
character_mining_speed_modifier | :: RW double | When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). |
When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). | ||
character_additional_mining_categories | :: RW array[string] | When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). |
When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). | ||
character_running_speed_modifier | :: RW double | Modifies the running speed of this character by the given value as a percentage. [...] |
Modifies the running speed of this character by the given value as a percentage. [...] | ||
character_build_distance_bonus | :: RW uint | When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). |
When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). | ||
character_item_drop_distance_bonus | :: RW uint | When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). |
When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). | ||
character_reach_distance_bonus | :: RW uint | When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). |
When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). | ||
character_resource_reach_distance_bonus | :: RW uint | When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). |
When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). | ||
character_item_pickup_distance_bonus | :: RW uint | When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). |
When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). | ||
character_loot_pickup_distance_bonus | :: RW uint | When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). |
When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). | ||
character_inventory_slots_bonus | :: RW uint | When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). |
When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). | ||
character_trash_slot_count_bonus | :: RW uint | When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). |
When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). | ||
character_maximum_following_robot_count_bonus | :: RW uint | When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). |
When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). | ||
character_health_bonus | :: RW float | When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). |
When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character). | ||
opened_gui_type | :: R defines.gui_type? | |
build_distance | :: R uint | The build distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character. |
The build distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character. | ||
drop_item_distance | :: R uint | The item drop distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character. |
The item drop distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character. | ||
reach_distance | :: R uint | The reach distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character. |
The reach distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character. | ||
item_pickup_distance | :: R double | The item pickup distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character. |
The item pickup distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character. | ||
loot_pickup_distance | :: R double | The loot pickup distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character. |
The loot pickup distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character. | ||
resource_reach_distance | :: R double | The resource reach distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character. |
The resource reach distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character. | ||
in_combat | :: R boolean | Whether this character entity is in combat. |
Whether this character entity is in combat. | ||
character_running_speed | :: R double | The current movement speed of this character, including effects from exoskeletons, tiles, stickers and shooting. |
The current movement speed of this character, including effects from exoskeletons, tiles, stickers and shooting. | ||
character_mining_progress | :: R double | The current mining progress between 0 and 1 of this character, or 0 if they aren't mining. |
The current mining progress between 0 and 1 of this character, or 0 if they aren't mining. |
inventory | :: defines.inventory |
→ LuaInventory? | The inventory or |
for k = 1, entity.get_max_inventory_index() do [...] end
items | :: ItemStackIdentification | Items that would be inserted. |
Items that would be inserted. |
→ boolean |
items | :: ItemStackIdentification | The items to insert. |
The items to insert. |
→ uint | The number of items that were actually inserted. |
margin | :: uint | |
type | :: GuiArrowType | Where to point to. This field determines what other fields are mandatory. |
Where to point to. This field determines what other fields are mandatory. |
Other attributes may be specified depending on type
entity | :: LuaEntity |
position | :: MapPosition |
crafting_queueindex | :: uint | Index in the crafting queue to point to. |
Index in the crafting queue to point to. |
inventory_index | :: defines.inventory | Which inventory the stack is in. |
Which inventory the stack is in. | ||
item_stack_index | :: uint | Which stack to point to. |
Which stack to point to. | ||
source | :: "player" or "target" or "player-quickbar" |
item | :: ItemFilter? | The item to count. If not specified, count all items. |
The item to count. If not specified, count all items. |
items | :: ItemStackIdentification | The items to remove. |
The items to remove. |
→ uint | The number of items that were actually removed. |
position | :: MapPosition | Where to teleport to. |
Where to teleport to. | ||
surface | :: SurfaceIdentification? | Surface to teleport to. If not given, will teleport to the entity's current surface. Only players, cars, and spidertrons can be teleported cross-surface. |
Surface to teleport to. If not given, will teleport to the entity's current surface. Only players, cars, and spidertrons can be teleported cross-surface. | ||
raise_teleported | :: boolean? | If true, will be fired on successful entity teleportation. |
If true, will be fired on successful entity teleportation. | ||
snap_to_grid | :: boolean? | If false the exact position given is used to instead of snapping to the normal entity grid. This only applies if the entity normally snaps to the grid. |
If false the exact position given is used to instead of snapping to the normal entity grid. This only applies if the entity normally snaps to the grid. | ||
build_check_type | :: defines.build_check_type? | The build check type done when teleporting to the destination. Defaults to |
The build check type done when teleporting to the destination. Defaults to |
→ boolean |
on_player_changed_position? instantly | Raised if the teleported entity is a player character. |
script_raised_teleported? instantly | Raised if the |
position | :: MapPosition | Position of the entity to select. |
Position of the entity to select. |
on_selected_entity_changed? instantly | Raised if there is an entity at the given position to select. |
count | :: uint | The count to craft. |
The count to craft. | ||
recipe | :: RecipeID | The recipe to craft. |
The recipe to craft. | ||
silent | :: boolean? | If false and the recipe can't be crafted the requested number of times printing the failure is skipped. |
If false and the recipe can't be crafted the requested number of times printing the failure is skipped. |
→ uint | The count that was actually started crafting. |
on_pre_player_crafted_item? instantly | Raised if crafting was able to be started. |
on_player_main_inventory_changed? current_tick | Raised if crafting was able to be started. |
index | :: uint | The crafting queue index. |
The crafting queue index. | ||
count | :: uint | The count to cancel crafting. |
The count to cancel crafting. |
on_player_cancelled_crafting? instantly | Raised if crafting was able to be cancelled. |
on_player_main_inventory_changed? current_tick | Raised if crafting was able to be cancelled. |
entity | :: LuaEntity | The entity to mine |
The entity to mine | ||
force | :: boolean? | Forces mining the entity even if the items can't fit in the player. |
Forces mining the entity even if the items can't fit in the player. |
→ boolean | Whether the mining succeeded. |
on_pre_player_mined_item? instantly | Raised if mining is possible. |
on_player_mined_entity? instantly | Raised if mining is successful. |
on_player_mined_item? instantly | Raised if mining is successful. |
tile | :: LuaTile | The tile to mine. |
The tile to mine. |
→ boolean | Whether the mining succeeded. |
on_player_mined_item? instantly | Raised if mining is successful. |
on_player_mined_tile? instantly | Raised if mining is successful. |
technology | :: TechnologyID? | The technology to select after opening the GUI. |
The technology to select after opening the GUI. |
driving | :: boolean | True for enter-vehicle, false for leave. |
True for enter-vehicle, false for leave. | ||
force | :: boolean? | If true, the player will be ejected and left at the position of the car if normal "leave" is not possible. |
If true, the player will be ejected and left at the position of the car if normal "leave" is not possible. |
on_selected_entity_changed? instantly | Raised when a selectable entity is written to this attribute. |
walking | :: boolean | If |
If | ||
direction | :: defines.direction | Direction where the player is walking |
Direction where the player is walking |
-- Make the player go north. Note that a one-shot action like this will only make the player walk for one tick.
game.player.walking_state = {walking = true, direction = defines.direction.north}
mining | :: boolean | Whether the player is mining at all. |
Whether the player is mining at all. | ||
position | :: MapPosition? | What location the player is mining. Only relevant if |
What location the player is mining. Only relevant if |
state | :: defines.shooting | The current state |
The current state | ||
position | :: MapPosition | The position being shot at |
The position being shot at |
repairing | :: boolean | The current state |
The current state | ||
position | :: MapPosition | The position being repaired |
The position being repaired |
-- Even though this property is marked as read-only, it returns a LuaItemStack,
-- meaning it can be manipulated like so:
on_player_driving_changed_state? instantly | Raised if the driving state successfully changed. |