Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42

ItemPrototypeFlag :: union

A string specifying an item prototype flag.

Union members


Determines whether the logistics areas of roboports should be drawn when holding this item. Used by the deconstruction planner by default.


If this item is skipped by the trash-unrequested logic.


Always shows the item in the logistic requests and filters GUIs (among others) even when the recipe for that item is locked.


Hides the item from the bonus GUI.


Hides the item from the tooltip that's shown when hovering over a burner inventory.


Prevents the item from being stacked. It also prevents the item from stacking in assembling machine input slots, which can otherwise exceed the item stack size if required by the recipe. Additionally, the item does not show an item count when in the cursor.


Makes construction bots prefer this item when building the entity specified by its place_result.


Allows the item to be opened by the player, firing the on_mod_item_opened event. Only has an effect for selection tool items.


Makes it so the item is deleted when clearing the cursor, instead of being put into the player's inventory. The copy-paste tools use this by default, for example.


Allows the item to be spawned by a quickbar shortcut or custom input.


Controls whether the spoil time ignores the spoil time modifier in the DifficultySettings.



