Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42


An array of fluid boxes of an entity. Entities may contain more than one fluid box, and some can change the number of fluid boxes -- for instance, an assembling machine will change its number of fluid boxes depending on its active recipe. See Fluid.

Do note that reading from a LuaFluidBox creates a new table and writing will copy the given fields from the table into the engine's own fluid box structure. Therefore, the correct way to update a fluidbox of an entity is to read it first, modify the table, then write the modified table back. Directly accessing the returned table's attributes won't have the desired effect.


-- Double the temperature of the fluid in entity's first fluid box.
fluid = entity.fluidbox[1]
fluid.temperature = fluid.temperature * 2
entity.fluidbox[1] = fluid


get_prototype(index) LuaFluidBoxPrototype or array[LuaFluidBoxPrototype]

The prototype of this fluidbox index. [...]

The prototype of this fluidbox index. [...]

get_capacity(index) double

The capacity of the given fluidbox index.

The capacity of the given fluidbox index.

get_connections(index) → array[LuaFluidBox]

The fluidboxes to which the fluidbox at the given index is connected.

The fluidboxes to which the fluidbox at the given index is connected.

get_pipe_connections(index) → array[PipeConnection]

Get the fluid box's connections and associated data.

Get the fluid box's connections and associated data.

get_filter(index) FluidBoxFilter?

Get a fluid box filter

Get a fluid box filter

set_filter(index, filter) boolean

Set a fluid box filter. [...]

Set a fluid box filter. [...]

get_locked_fluid(index) string?

Returns the fluid the fluidbox is locked onto

Returns the fluid the fluidbox is locked onto

get_fluid_segment_id(index) newuint?

Gets the unique ID of the fluid segment this fluid box belongs to. [...]

Gets the unique ID of the fluid segment this fluid box belongs to. [...]

get_fluid_segment_contents(index) new → dictionary[string → uint]?

Gets counts of all fluids in the fluid segment. [...]

Gets counts of all fluids in the fluid segment. [...]

flush(index, fluid?) changed → dictionary[string → float]

Flushes all fluid from this fluidbox and its fluid system.

Flushes all fluid from this fluidbox and its fluid system.

add_linked_connection(this_linked_connection_id, other_entity, other_linked_connection_id) new

Registers a linked connection between this entity and other entity. [...]

Registers a linked connection between this entity and other entity. [...]

remove_linked_connection(this_linked_connection_id) new

Removes linked connection record. [...]

Removes linked connection record. [...]

get_linked_connection(this_linked_connection_id) newLuaEntity?, uint?

Returns other end of a linked connection.

Returns other end of a linked connection.

get_linked_connections() new → array[FluidBoxConnectionRecord]

Returns list of all linked connections registered for this entity.

Returns list of all linked connections registered for this entity.

owner :: R LuaEntity

The entity that owns this fluidbox.

The entity that owns this fluidbox.

valid :: R boolean

Is this object valid? [...]

Is this object valid? [...]

object_name :: R string

The class name of this object. [...]

The class name of this object. [...]

[] (index) :: R Fluid?

Access, set or clear a fluid box. [...]

Access, set or clear a fluid box. [...]

# (length) :: R uint

Number of fluid boxes.

Number of fluid boxes.


get_prototype(index) → LuaFluidBoxPrototype or array[LuaFluidBoxPrototype]

The prototype of this fluidbox index. If this is used on a fluidbox of a crafting machine which due to recipe was created by merging multiple prototypes, a table of prototypes that were merged will be returned instead


index :: uint

get_capacity(index) → double

The capacity of the given fluidbox index.


index :: uint

get_connections(index) → array[LuaFluidBox]

The fluidboxes to which the fluidbox at the given index is connected.


index :: uint

get_pipe_connections(index) → array[PipeConnection]

Get the fluid box's connections and associated data.


index :: uint

get_filter(index) → FluidBoxFilter?

Get a fluid box filter


index :: uint

The index of the filter to get.

The index of the filter to get.

Return values

→ FluidBoxFilter?

The filter at the requested index, or nil if there isn't one.

set_filter(index, filter) → boolean

Set a fluid box filter.

Some entities cannot have their fluidbox filter set, notably fluid wagons and crafting machines.


index :: uint

The index of the filter to set.

The index of the filter to set.

filter :: FluidBoxFilterSpec or nil

The filter to set. Setting nil clears the filter.

The filter to set. Setting nil clears the filter.

Return values

→ boolean

Whether the filter was set successfully.

get_locked_fluid(index) → string?

Returns the fluid the fluidbox is locked onto


index :: uint

Return values

→ string?

nil if the fluidbox is not locked to any fluid.

get_fluid_segment_id(index) → uint?new

Gets the unique ID of the fluid segment this fluid box belongs to. May return nil for fluid wagon, fluid turret's internal buffer or a fluidbox which does not belong to a fluid segment.


index :: uint

get_fluid_segment_contents(index) → dictionary[string → uint]?new

Gets counts of all fluids in the fluid segment. May return nil for fluid wagon, fluid turret's internal buffer, or a fluidbox which does not belong to a fluid segment.


index :: uint

Return values

→ dictionary[string → uint]?

The counts, indexed by fluid name.

flush(index, fluid?) → dictionary[string → float] changed

Flushes all fluid from this fluidbox and its fluid system.


index :: uint
fluid :: FluidID?

If provided, only this fluid is flushed.

If provided, only this fluid is flushed.

Return values

→ dictionary[string → float]

The removed fluid.

add_linked_connection(this_linked_connection_id, other_entity, other_linked_connection_id) new

Registers a linked connection between this entity and other entity. Because entity may have multiple fluidboxes, each with multiple connections that could be linked, a unique value for this and other linked_connection_id may need to be given.

It may happen a linked connection is not established immediately due to crafting machines being possible to not have certain fluidboxes exposed at a given point in time, but once they appear (due to recipe changes that would use them) they will be linked. Linked connections are persisted as (this_entity, this_linked_connection_id, other_entity, other_linked_connection_id) so if a pipe connection definition's value of linked_connection_id changes existing connections may not restore correct connections.

Every fluidbox connection that was defined in prototypes as connection_type=="linked" may be linked to at most 1 other fluidbox. When trying to connect already used connection, previous connection will be removed.

Linked connections cannot go to the same entity even if they would be part of other fluidbox.


this_linked_connection_id :: uint
other_entity :: LuaEntity
other_linked_connection_id :: uint

remove_linked_connection(this_linked_connection_id) new

Removes linked connection record. If connected, other end will be also removed.


this_linked_connection_id :: uint

get_linked_connection(this_linked_connection_id) → LuaEntity?, uint?new

Returns other end of a linked connection.


this_linked_connection_id :: uint

Return values

→ LuaEntity?

Other entity to which a linked connection was made

→ uint?

linked_connection_id on other entity

get_linked_connections() → array[FluidBoxConnectionRecord] new

Returns list of all linked connections registered for this entity.


owner :: Read LuaEntity  

The entity that owns this fluidbox.

valid :: Read boolean  

Is this object valid? This Lua object holds a reference to an object within the game engine. It is possible that the game-engine object is removed whilst a mod still holds the corresponding Lua object. If that happens, the object becomes invalid, i.e. this attribute will be false. Mods are advised to check for object validity if any change to the game state might have occurred between the creation of the Lua object and its access.

object_name :: Read string  

The class name of this object. Available even when valid is false. For LuaStruct objects it may also be suffixed with a dotted path to a member of the struct.


[] (index)

Access, set or clear a fluid box. The index must always be in bounds (see LuaFluidBox::length_operator). New fluidboxes may not be added or removed using this operator.

Is nil if the given fluid box does not contain any fluid. Writing nil removes all fluid from the fluid box.

# (length)

Number of fluid boxes.



