Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.37

ConfigurationChangedData :: table

Table fields

old_version :: string?

Old version of the map. Present only when loading map version other than the current version.

Old version of the map. Present only when loading map version other than the current version.

new_version :: string?

New version of the map. Present only when loading map version other than the current version.

New version of the map. Present only when loading map version other than the current version.

mod_changes :: dictionary[string → ModChangeData]

Dictionary of mod changes. It is indexed by mod name.

Dictionary of mod changes. It is indexed by mod name.

mod_startup_settings_changed :: boolean

true when mod startup settings have changed since the last time this save was loaded.

true when mod startup settings have changed since the last time this save was loaded.

migration_applied :: boolean

true when mod prototype migrations have been applied since the last time this save was loaded.

true when mod prototype migrations have been applied since the last time this save was loaded.



