collision_mask | :: R CollisionMask | The collision mask this tile uses |
The collision mask this tile uses | ||
layer | :: R uint | |
autoplace_specification | :: R AutoplaceSpecification? | Autoplace specification for this prototype, if any. |
Autoplace specification for this prototype, if any. | ||
walking_speed_modifier | :: R float | |
vehicle_friction_modifier | :: R float | |
map_color | :: R Color | |
decorative_removal_probability | :: R float | The probability that decorative entities will be removed from on top of this tile when this tile is generated. |
The probability that decorative entities will be removed from on top of this tile when this tile is generated. | ||
automatic_neighbors | :: R boolean | |
allowed_neighbors | :: R dictionary[string → LuaTilePrototype] | |
needs_correction | :: R boolean | If this tile needs correction logic applied when it's generated in the world. |
If this tile needs correction logic applied when it's generated in the world. | ||
mineable_properties | :: R table | |
fluid new | :: R LuaFluidPrototype? | The fluid offshore pump produces on this tile, if any. |
The fluid offshore pump produces on this tile, if any. | ||
next_direction | :: R LuaTilePrototype? | The next direction of this tile, if any. [...] |
The next direction of this tile, if any. [...] | ||
items_to_place_this | :: R array[ItemStackDefinition] ? | Items that when placed will produce this tile, if any. [...] |
Items that when placed will produce this tile, if any. [...] | ||
can_be_part_of_blueprint | :: R boolean | False if this tile is not allowed in blueprints regardless of the ability to build it. |
False if this tile is not allowed in blueprints regardless of the ability to build it. | ||
absorptions_per_second new | :: R dictionary[string → double] | A table of pollution emissions per second this tile will absorb, indexed by the name of each absorbed pollution type. |
A table of pollution emissions per second this tile will absorb, indexed by the name of each absorbed pollution type. | ||
is_foundation new | :: R boolean | True if this tile can be used as a foundation for other tiles, false otherwise. [...] |
True if this tile can be used as a foundation for other tiles, false otherwise. [...] | ||
allows_being_covered new | :: R boolean | True if this tile can be hidden or replaced by another tile through player actions. |
True if this tile can be hidden or replaced by another tile through player actions. | ||
check_collision_with_entities | :: R boolean | True if building this tile should check for colliding entities above and prevent building if such are found. [...] |
True if building this tile should check for colliding entities above and prevent building if such are found. [...] | ||
destroys_dropped_items new | :: R boolean? | |
max_health new | :: R float? | |
weight new | :: R double? | |
default_cover_tile new | :: R LuaTilePrototype? | |
frozen_variant new | :: R LuaTilePrototype? | |
thawed_variant new | :: R LuaTilePrototype? | |
trigger_effect new | :: R array[TriggerEffectItem] ? | |
default_destroyed_dropped_item_trigger new | :: R array[TriggerItem] ? | |
scorch_mark_color new | :: R Color? | |
placeable_by new | :: R array[SimpleItemStack] ? | |
bound_decoratives new | :: R array[LuaDecorativePrototype] ? | |
ambient_sounds_group new | :: R LuaTilePrototype? | |
factoriopedia_alternative new | :: R LuaTilePrototype? | An alternative prototype that will be used to display info about this prototype in Factoriopedia. |
An alternative prototype that will be used to display info about this prototype in Factoriopedia. | ||
valid | :: R boolean | Is this object valid? [...] |
Is this object valid? [...] | ||
object_name | :: R string | The class name of this object. [...] |
The class name of this object. [...] |
type | :: R string | Type of this prototype. |
Type of this prototype. | ||
name | :: R string | Name of this prototype. |
Name of this prototype. | ||
order | :: R string | The string used to alphabetically sort these prototypes. [...] |
The string used to alphabetically sort these prototypes. [...] | ||
localised_name | :: R LocalisedString | |
localised_description | :: R LocalisedString | |
factoriopedia_description | :: R LocalisedString | Provides additional description used in factoriopedia. |
Provides additional description used in factoriopedia. | ||
group | :: R LuaGroup | Group of this prototype. |
Group of this prototype. | ||
subgroup | :: R LuaGroup | Subgroup of this prototype. |
Subgroup of this prototype. | ||
hidden | :: R boolean | |
hidden_in_factoriopedia | :: R boolean | |
parameter | :: R boolean |
minable | :: boolean | Is this tile mineable at all? |
Is this tile mineable at all? | ||
mining_time | :: double | Energy required to mine a tile. |
Energy required to mine a tile. | ||
mining_particle | :: string? | Prototype name of the particle produced when mining this tile. Will only be present if this tile produces any particle during mining. |
Prototype name of the particle produced when mining this tile. Will only be present if this tile produces any particle during mining. | ||
products | :: array[Product] | Products obtained by mining this tile. |
Products obtained by mining this tile. |