Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42


Reference to a single LuaRendering object.



Destroys this object. [...]

Destroys this object. [...]


Reorder this object so that it is drawn in front of the already existing objects.

Reorder this object so that it is drawn in front of the already existing objects.


Reorder this object so that it is drawn in the back of the already existing objects.

Reorder this object so that it is drawn in the back of the already existing objects.

set_dashes(dash_length, gap_length)

Set the length of the dashes and the length of the gaps in this line.

Set the length of the dashes and the length of the gaps in this line.

set_corners(left_top, right_bottom)

Set the corners of the rectangle with this id.

Set the corners of the rectangle with this id.

id :: R uint64

Unique identifier of this render object.

Unique identifier of this render object.

type :: R "text" or "line" or "circle" or "rectangle" or "arc" or "polygon" or "sprite" or "light" or "animation"

Type of this object.

Type of this object.

surface :: R LuaSurface

Surface this object is rendered on.

Surface this object is rendered on.

time_to_live :: RW uint

Time to live of this object. [...]

Time to live of this object. [...]

forces :: RW array[LuaForce] or ForceSet?

Forces for which this object is rendered or nil if visible to all forces. [...]

Forces for which this object is rendered or nil if visible to all forces. [...]

players :: RW array[LuaPlayer] or array[PlayerIdentification] ?

Players for which this object is visible or nil if visible to all players.

Players for which this object is visible or nil if visible to all players.

visible :: RW boolean

If this object is rendered to anyone at all.

If this object is rendered to anyone at all.

draw_on_ground :: RW boolean

If this object is being drawn on the ground, under most entities and sprites.

If this object is being drawn on the ground, under most entities and sprites.

only_in_alt_mode :: RW boolean

If this object is only rendered in alt-mode.

If this object is only rendered in alt-mode.

use_target_orientation :: RW boolean

If this object uses the target orientation.

If this object uses the target orientation.

color :: RW Color

Color or tint of the object.

Color or tint of the object.

width :: RW float

Width of the object. [...]

Width of the object. [...]

from :: RW ScriptRenderTarget

Where this line is drawn from.

Where this line is drawn from.

to :: RW ScriptRenderTarget

Where this line is drawn to.

Where this line is drawn to.

dash_length :: RW double

Dash length of this line.

Dash length of this line.

gap_length :: RW double

Length of the gaps in this line.

Length of the gaps in this line.

target :: RW ScriptRenderTarget

Where this object is drawn. [...]

Where this object is drawn. [...]

orientation :: RW RealOrientation

Orientation of this object. [...]

Orientation of this object. [...]

scale :: RW double

Scale of the text or light.

Scale of the text or light.

text :: RW LocalisedString

Text that is displayed by this text object.

Text that is displayed by this text object.

font :: RW string

Font of this text.

Font of this text.

alignment :: RW TextAlign

Alignment of this text.

Alignment of this text.

vertical_alignment :: RW VerticalTextAlign

Vertical alignment of this text.

Vertical alignment of this text.

scale_with_zoom :: RW boolean

If this text scales with player zoom.

If this text scales with player zoom.

use_rich_text :: RW boolean

If this text parses rich text tags.

If this text parses rich text tags.

filled :: RW boolean

If this circle or rectangle is filled.

If this circle or rectangle is filled.

radius :: RW double

Radius of this circle.

Radius of this circle.

left_top :: RW ScriptRenderTarget

Where top left corner of this rectangle is drawn.

Where top left corner of this rectangle is drawn.

right_bottom :: RW ScriptRenderTarget

Where bottom right corner of this rectangle is drawn.

Where bottom right corner of this rectangle is drawn.

max_radius :: RW double

Radius of the outer edge of this arc.

Radius of the outer edge of this arc.

min_radius :: RW double

Radius of the inner edge of this arc.

Radius of the inner edge of this arc.

start_angle :: RW float

Where this arc starts. [...]

Where this arc starts. [...]

angle :: RW float

Angle of this arc. [...]

Angle of this arc. [...]

vertices :: RW array[ScriptRenderTarget]

Vertices of this polygon.

Vertices of this polygon.

sprite :: RW SpritePath

Sprite of the sprite or light.

Sprite of the sprite or light.

x_scale :: RW double

Horizontal scale of this sprite or animation.

Horizontal scale of this sprite or animation.

y_scale :: RW double

Vertical scale of this sprite or animation.

Vertical scale of this sprite or animation.

render_layer :: RW RenderLayer

Render layer of this sprite or animation.

Render layer of this sprite or animation.

orientation_target :: RW ScriptRenderTarget?

Target to which this object rotates so that it faces the target. [...]

Target to which this object rotates so that it faces the target. [...]

oriented_offset :: RW Vector

Offsets the center of the sprite or animation if orientation_target is given. [...]

Offsets the center of the sprite or animation if orientation_target is given. [...]

intensity :: RW float

Intensity of this light.

Intensity of this light.

minimum_darkness :: RW float

Minimum darkness at which this light is rendered.

Minimum darkness at which this light is rendered.

oriented :: RW boolean

If this light is rendered with the same orientation as the target entity. [...]

If this light is rendered with the same orientation as the target entity. [...]

animation :: RW string

Animation prototype name of this animation.

Animation prototype name of this animation.

animation_speed :: RW double

Animation speed of this animation. [...]

Animation speed of this animation. [...]

animation_offset :: RW double

Animation offset of this animation. [...]

Animation offset of this animation. [...]

valid :: R boolean

Is this object valid? [...]

Is this object valid? [...]

object_name :: R string

The class name of this object. [...]

The class name of this object. [...]



Destroys this object. Does not error when the object is invalid.


Reorder this object so that it is drawn in front of the already existing objects.


Reorder this object so that it is drawn in the back of the already existing objects.

set_dashes(dash_length, gap_length)

Set the length of the dashes and the length of the gaps in this line.


dash_length :: double
gap_length :: double

Can only be used if this is Line

set_corners(left_top, right_bottom)

Set the corners of the rectangle with this id.


left_top :: ScriptRenderTarget
right_bottom :: ScriptRenderTarget

Can only be used if this is Rectangle


id :: Read uint64  

Unique identifier of this render object.

type :: Read "text" or "line" or "circle" or "rectangle" or "arc" or "polygon" or "sprite" or "light" or "animation"  

Type of this object.

surface :: Read LuaSurface  

Surface this object is rendered on.

time_to_live :: Read|Write uint  

Time to live of this object. This will be 0 if the object does not expire.

forces :: Read|Write array[LuaForce] or ForceSet  ?

Forces for which this object is rendered or nil if visible to all forces. Writing nil or empty array will make object to be visible to all forces.

players :: Read|Write array[LuaPlayer] or array[PlayerIdentification]  ?

Players for which this object is visible or nil if visible to all players.

visible :: Read|Write boolean  

If this object is rendered to anyone at all.

draw_on_ground :: Read|Write boolean  

If this object is being drawn on the ground, under most entities and sprites.

Can only be used if this is Text or Line or Circle or Rectangle or Arc or Polygon

only_in_alt_mode :: Read|Write boolean  

If this object is only rendered in alt-mode.

use_target_orientation :: Read|Write boolean  

If this object uses the target orientation.

Can only be used if this is Sprite or Polygon or Animation

color :: Read|Write Color  

Color or tint of the object.

Can only be used if this is Text or Line or Circle or Rectangle or Arc or Polygon or Sprite or Light or Animation

width :: Read|Write float  

Width of the object. Value is in pixels (32 per tile).

Can only be used if this is Line or Circle or Rectangle

from :: Read|Write ScriptRenderTarget  

Where this line is drawn from.

Can only be used if this is Line

to :: Read|Write ScriptRenderTarget  

Where this line is drawn to.

Can only be used if this is Line

dash_length :: Read|Write double  

Dash length of this line.

Can only be used if this is Line

gap_length :: Read|Write double  

Length of the gaps in this line.

Can only be used if this is Line

target :: Read|Write ScriptRenderTarget  

Where this object is drawn.

Polygon vertices that are set to an entity will ignore this.

Can only be used if this is Text or Circle or Arc or Polygon or Sprite or Light or Animation

orientation :: Read|Write RealOrientation  

Orientation of this object.

Polygon vertices that are set to an entity will ignore this.

Can only be used if this is Text or Polygon or Sprite or Light or Animation

scale :: Read|Write double  

Scale of the text or light.

Can only be used if this is Text or Light

text :: Read|Write LocalisedString  

Text that is displayed by this text object.

Can only be used if this is Text

font :: Read|Write string  

Font of this text.

Can only be used if this is Text

alignment :: Read|Write TextAlign  

Alignment of this text.

Can only be used if this is Text

vertical_alignment :: Read|Write VerticalTextAlign  

Vertical alignment of this text.

Can only be used if this is Text

scale_with_zoom :: Read|Write boolean  

If this text scales with player zoom.

Can only be used if this is Text

use_rich_text :: Read|Write boolean  

If this text parses rich text tags.

Can only be used if this is Text

filled :: Read|Write boolean  

If this circle or rectangle is filled.

Can only be used if this is Circle or Rectangle

radius :: Read|Write double  

Radius of this circle.

Can only be used if this is Circle

left_top :: Read|Write ScriptRenderTarget  

Where top left corner of this rectangle is drawn.

Can only be used if this is Rectangle

right_bottom :: Read|Write ScriptRenderTarget  

Where bottom right corner of this rectangle is drawn.

Can only be used if this is Rectangle

max_radius :: Read|Write double  

Radius of the outer edge of this arc.

Can only be used if this is Arc

min_radius :: Read|Write double  

Radius of the inner edge of this arc.

Can only be used if this is Arc

start_angle :: Read|Write float  

Where this arc starts. Angle in radian.

Can only be used if this is Arc

angle :: Read|Write float  

Angle of this arc. Angle in radian.

Can only be used if this is Arc

vertices :: Read|Write array[ScriptRenderTarget]  

Vertices of this polygon.

Can only be used if this is Polygon

sprite :: Read|Write SpritePath  

Sprite of the sprite or light.

Can only be used if this is Sprite or Light

x_scale :: Read|Write double  

Horizontal scale of this sprite or animation.

Can only be used if this is Sprite or Animation

y_scale :: Read|Write double  

Vertical scale of this sprite or animation.

Can only be used if this is Sprite or Animation

render_layer :: Read|Write RenderLayer  

Render layer of this sprite or animation.

Can only be used if this is Sprite or Animation

orientation_target :: Read|Write ScriptRenderTarget  ?

Target to which this object rotates so that it faces the target. Note that orientation is still applied to the object. Writing nil will clear the orientation_target. nil if no target.

Polygon vertices that are set to an entity will ignore this.

Can only be used if this is Polygon or Sprite or Animation

oriented_offset :: Read|Write Vector  

Offsets the center of the sprite or animation if orientation_target is given. This offset will rotate together with the sprite or animation.

Can only be used if this is Sprite or Animation

intensity :: Read|Write float  

Intensity of this light.

Can only be used if this is Light

minimum_darkness :: Read|Write float  

Minimum darkness at which this light is rendered.

Can only be used if this is Light

oriented :: Read|Write boolean  

If this light is rendered with the same orientation as the target entity. Note that orientation is still applied to the sprite.

Can only be used if this is Light

animation :: Read|Write string  

Animation prototype name of this animation.

Can only be used if this is Animation

animation_speed :: Read|Write double  

Animation speed of this animation. Animation speed in frames per tick.

Can only be used if this is Animation

animation_offset :: Read|Write double  

Animation offset of this animation. Animation offset in frames.

Can only be used if this is Animation

valid :: Read boolean  

Is this object valid? This Lua object holds a reference to an object within the game engine. It is possible that the game-engine object is removed whilst a mod still holds the corresponding Lua object. If that happens, the object becomes invalid, i.e. this attribute will be false. Mods are advised to check for object validity if any change to the game state might have occurred between the creation of the Lua object and its access.

object_name :: Read string  

The class name of this object. Available even when valid is false. For LuaStruct objects it may also be suffixed with a dotted path to a member of the struct.



