Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.37

TriggerItem :: table

Table fields

type :: "direct" or "area" or "line" or "cluster"
action_delivery :: array[TriggerDelivery]?
entity_flags :: EntityPrototypeFlags?

The trigger will only affect entities that contain any of these flags.

The trigger will only affect entities that contain any of these flags.

ignore_collision_condition :: boolean
collision_mask :: CollisionMask

The trigger will only affect entities that would collide with given collision mask.

The trigger will only affect entities that would collide with given collision mask.

trigger_target_mask :: TriggerTargetMask
force :: ForceCondition

If "enemy", the trigger will only affect entities whose force is different from the attacker's and for which there is no cease-fire set. "ally" is the opposite of "enemy".

If "enemy", the trigger will only affect entities whose force is different from the attacker's and for which there is no cease-fire set. "ally" is the opposite of "enemy".

repeat_count :: uint
probability :: float



