Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.34

CargoDestination :: table

The destination of a cargo pod.

Table fields

type :: defines.cargo_destination

The type of destination.

The type of destination.

station :: LuaEntity?

Only used if type is defines.cargo_destination.station. Must be entity of type cargo-landing-pad or space-platform-hub.

Only used if type is defines.cargo_destination.station. Must be entity of type cargo-landing-pad or space-platform-hub.

hatch :: LuaCargoHatch?

Only used if type is defines.cargo_destination.station. Must be connected to the station and not reserved.

Only used if type is defines.cargo_destination.station. Must be connected to the station and not reserved.

transform_launch_products :: boolean?

Only used if type is defines.cargo_destination.station or defines.cargo_destination.surface. If true, items with ItemPrototype::rocket_launch_products defined will be transformed into their products before starting descent.

Only used if type is defines.cargo_destination.station or defines.cargo_destination.surface. If true, items with ItemPrototype::rocket_launch_products defined will be transformed into their products before starting descent.

surface :: SurfaceIdentification?

Only used if type is defines.cargo_destination.surface.

Only used if type is defines.cargo_destination.surface.

position :: MapPosition?

Only used if type is defines.cargo_destination.surface. Determines the position on the surface to land near. If not provided, cargo pod will switch destination type from surface to station before starting descent if there is a station available, and will land around {0, 0} if there is no station available.

Only used if type is defines.cargo_destination.surface. Determines the position on the surface to land near. If not provided, cargo pod will switch destination type from surface to station before starting descent if there is a station available, and will land around {0, 0} if there is no station available.

space_platform :: SpacePlatformIdentification?

Only used if type is defines.cargo_destination.space_platform. Only used for sending space platform starter packs to a platform that is waiting for a starter pack.

Only used if type is defines.cargo_destination.space_platform. Only used for sending space platform starter packs to a platform that is waiting for a starter pack.



