Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.39

CargoDestination :: table

The destination of a cargo pod.

Table fields

type :: defines.cargo_destination

The type of destination.

The type of destination.

station :: LuaEntity?

Only used if type is station. Must be entity of type cargo-landing-pad or space-platform-hub.

Only used if type is station. Must be entity of type cargo-landing-pad or space-platform-hub.

hatch :: LuaCargoHatch?

Only used if type is station. Must be connected to the station and not reserved.

Only used if type is station. Must be connected to the station and not reserved.

transform_launch_products :: boolean?

Only used if type is station or surface. If true, items with rocket_launch_products defined will be transformed into their products before starting descent. Defaults to false.

Only used if type is station or surface. If true, items with rocket_launch_products defined will be transformed into their products before starting descent. Defaults to false.

surface :: SurfaceIdentification?

Only used if type is surface.

Only used if type is surface.

position :: MapPosition?

Only used if type is surface. Determines the position on the surface to land near. If not provided, cargo pod will switch destination type from surface to station before starting descent if there is a station available, and will land at {0, 0} if there is no station available.

Only used if type is surface. Determines the position on the surface to land near. If not provided, cargo pod will switch destination type from surface to station before starting descent if there is a station available, and will land at {0, 0} if there is no station available.

land_at_exact_position :: boolean?

Only used if type is surface and position is specified. Determines whether to land at position exactly or at a random location nearby. Defaults to false.

Only used if type is surface and position is specified. Determines whether to land at position exactly or at a random location nearby. Defaults to false.

space_platform :: SpacePlatformIdentification?

Only used if type is space_platform. Only used for sending space platform starter packs to a platform that is waiting for a starter pack.

Only used if type is space_platform. Only used for sending space platform starter packs to a platform that is waiting for a starter pack.



