Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.39


A reference to a record in the blueprint library. Records in the "my blueprints" shelf are read-only, but records in the "game blueprints" shelf are read/write.



Clears this blueprint.

Clears this blueprint.

is_blueprint_setup() boolean

Is this blueprint setup? [...]

Is this blueprint setup? [...]

build_blueprint{surface=…, force=…, position=…, direction?=…, build_mode?=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…, by_player?=…, raise_built?=…} → array[LuaEntity]

Build this blueprint at the given location. [...]

Build this blueprint at the given location. [...]

create_blueprint{surface=…, force=…, area=…, always_include_tiles?=…, include_entities?=…, include_modules?=…, include_station_names?=…, include_trains?=…, include_fuel?=…} → dictionary[uint → LuaEntity]

Sets up this blueprint using the found blueprintable entities/tiles on the surface.

Sets up this blueprint using the found blueprintable entities/tiles on the surface.

get_blueprint_entity_tags(index) Tags

Gets the tags for the given blueprint entity index in this blueprint.

Gets the tags for the given blueprint entity index in this blueprint.

set_blueprint_entity_tags(index, tags)

Sets the tags on the given blueprint entity index in this blueprint.

Sets the tags on the given blueprint entity index in this blueprint.

get_blueprint_entity_tag(index, tag) AnyBasic?

Gets the given tag on the given blueprint entity index in this blueprint blueprint.

Gets the given tag on the given blueprint entity index in this blueprint blueprint.

set_blueprint_entity_tag(index, tag, value)

Sets the given tag on the given blueprint entity index in this blueprint blueprint.

Sets the given tag on the given blueprint entity index in this blueprint blueprint.

get_blueprint_entities() → array[BlueprintEntity]?

The entities in this blueprint.

The entities in this blueprint.


Set new entities to be a part of this blueprint.

Set new entities to be a part of this blueprint.

get_blueprint_tiles() → array[Tile]?

A list of the tiles in this blueprint.

A list of the tiles in this blueprint.


Set specific tiles in this blueprint.

Set specific tiles in this blueprint.

get_blueprint_entity_count() uint

Gets the number of entities in this blueprint blueprint.

Gets the number of entities in this blueprint blueprint.

get_active_index(player) uint

The active index of this BlueprintBookRecord. [...]

The active index of this BlueprintBookRecord. [...]

get_entity_filter(index) ItemFilter?

Gets the entity filter at the given index for this deconstruction planner.

Gets the entity filter at the given index for this deconstruction planner.

set_entity_filter(index, filter) boolean

Sets the entity filter at the given index for this deconstruction planner.

Sets the entity filter at the given index for this deconstruction planner.

get_tile_filter(index) string?

Gets the tile filter at the given index for this deconstruction planner.

Gets the tile filter at the given index for this deconstruction planner.

set_tile_filter(index, filter) boolean

Sets the tile filter at the given index for this deconstruction planner.

Sets the tile filter at the given index for this deconstruction planner.

deconstruct_area{surface=…, force=…, area=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…, by_player?=…, super_forced?=…}

Deconstruct the given area with this deconstruction planner.

Deconstruct the given area with this deconstruction planner.

cancel_deconstruct_area{surface=…, force=…, area=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…, by_player?=…, super_forced?=…}

Cancel deconstruct the given area with this deconstruction planner.

Cancel deconstruct the given area with this deconstruction planner.


Clears all settings/filters on this deconstruction planner, resetting it to default values.

Clears all settings/filters on this deconstruction planner, resetting it to default values.


Clears all settings/filters on this upgrade planner, resetting it to default values.

Clears all settings/filters on this upgrade planner, resetting it to default values.

get_mapper(index, type) UpgradeMapperSource or UpgradeMapperDestination

Gets the filter at the given index for this upgrade item. [...]

Gets the filter at the given index for this upgrade item. [...]

set_mapper(index, type, mapper)

Sets the module filter at the given index for this upgrade item. [...]

Sets the module filter at the given index for this upgrade item. [...]

valid_for_write :: R boolean

Is this record valid for writing? [...]

Is this record valid for writing? [...]

type :: R "blueprint" or "blueprint-book" or "deconstruction-planner" or "upgrade-planner"

The type of this blueprint record.

The type of this blueprint record.

preview_icons :: RW array[BlueprintSignalIcon]

The preview icons for this record.

The preview icons for this record.

is_blueprint_preview :: R boolean

Is this blueprint record a preview? [...]

Is this blueprint record a preview? [...]

blueprint_snap_to_grid :: RW TilePosition?

The snapping grid size in this blueprint. [...]

The snapping grid size in this blueprint. [...]

blueprint_position_relative_to_grid :: RW TilePosition?

The offset from the absolute grid. [...]

The offset from the absolute grid. [...]

blueprint_absolute_snapping :: RW boolean

If absolute snapping is enabled on this blueprint.

If absolute snapping is enabled on this blueprint.

cost_to_build :: R array[ItemWithQualityCounts]

List of raw materials required to build this blueprint.

List of raw materials required to build this blueprint.

default_icons :: R array[BlueprintSignalIcon]

The default icons for a blueprint blueprint.

The default icons for a blueprint blueprint.

contents :: R dictionary[ItemStackIndex → LuaRecord]

The contents of this BlueprintBookRecord. [...]

The contents of this BlueprintBookRecord. [...]

contents_size :: R ItemStackIndex

The highest populated index in the contents of this BlueprintBookRecord.

The highest populated index in the contents of this BlueprintBookRecord.

entity_filters :: RW array[ItemFilter]

The entity filters for this deconstruction planner. [...]

The entity filters for this deconstruction planner. [...]

tile_filters :: RW array[TileID]

The tile filters for this deconstruction planner. [...]

The tile filters for this deconstruction planner. [...]

entity_filter_mode :: RW defines.deconstruction_item.entity_filter_mode

The blacklist/whitelist entity filter mode for this deconstruction planner.

The blacklist/whitelist entity filter mode for this deconstruction planner.

tile_filter_mode :: RW defines.deconstruction_item.tile_filter_mode

The blacklist/whitelist tile filter mode for this deconstruction planner.

The blacklist/whitelist tile filter mode for this deconstruction planner.

tile_selection_mode :: RW defines.deconstruction_item.tile_selection_mode

The tile selection mode for this deconstruction planner.

The tile selection mode for this deconstruction planner.

trees_and_rocks_only :: RW boolean

If this deconstruction planner, is set to allow trees and rocks only.

If this deconstruction planner, is set to allow trees and rocks only.

entity_filter_count :: R uint

The number of entity filters this deconstruction planner supports.

The number of entity filters this deconstruction planner supports.

tile_filter_count :: R uint

The number of tile filters this deconstruction planner supports.

The number of tile filters this deconstruction planner supports.

mapper_count :: R uint

The current count of mappers in the upgrade item.

The current count of mappers in the upgrade item.

valid :: R boolean

Is this object valid? [...]

Is this object valid? [...]

object_name :: R string

The class name of this object. [...]

The class name of this object. [...]



Clears this blueprint.

Can only be used if this is BlueprintRecord

is_blueprint_setup() → boolean

Is this blueprint setup? I.e. is it a non-empty blueprint?

Can only be used if this is BlueprintRecord

build_blueprint{surface=…, force=…, position=…, direction?=…, build_mode?=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…, by_player?=…, raise_built?=…} → array[LuaEntity]

Build this blueprint at the given location.

Built entities can be come invalid between the building of the blueprint and the function returning if by_player or raise_built is used and one of those events invalidates the entity.


Table with the following fields:
surface :: SurfaceIdentification

Surface to build on

Surface to build on

force :: ForceID

Force to use for the building

Force to use for the building

position :: MapPosition

The position to build at

The position to build at

direction :: defines.direction?

The direction to use when building

The direction to use when building

build_mode :: defines.build_mode?

If normal, blueprint will not be built if any one thing can't be built. If forced, anything that can be built is built and obstructing nature entities will be deconstructed. If superforced, all obstructions will be deconstructed and the blueprint will be built.

If normal, blueprint will not be built if any one thing can't be built. If forced, anything that can be built is built and obstructing nature entities will be deconstructed. If superforced, all obstructions will be deconstructed and the blueprint will be built.

skip_fog_of_war :: boolean?

If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped.

If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped.

by_player :: PlayerIdentification?

The player to use if any. If provided defines.events.on_built_entity will also be fired on successful entity creation.

The player to use if any. If provided defines.events.on_built_entity will also be fired on successful entity creation.

raise_built :: boolean?

If true; defines.events.script_raised_built will be fired on successful entity creation. Note: this is ignored if by_player is provided.

If true; defines.events.script_raised_built will be fired on successful entity creation. Note: this is ignored if by_player is provided.

Return values

→ array[LuaEntity]

Array of created ghosts

Can only be used if this is BlueprintRecord

create_blueprint{surface=…, force=…, area=…, always_include_tiles?=…, include_entities?=…, include_modules?=…, include_station_names?=…, include_trains?=…, include_fuel?=…} → dictionary[uint → LuaEntity]

Sets up this blueprint using the found blueprintable entities/tiles on the surface.


Table with the following fields:
surface :: SurfaceIdentification

Surface to create from

Surface to create from

force :: ForceID

Force to use for the creation

Force to use for the creation

area :: BoundingBox

The bounding box

The bounding box

always_include_tiles :: boolean?

When true, blueprintable tiles are always included in the blueprint. When false they're only included if no entities exist in the setup area. Defaults to false.

When true, blueprintable tiles are always included in the blueprint. When false they're only included if no entities exist in the setup area. Defaults to false.

include_entities :: boolean?

When true, entities are included in the blueprint. Defaults to true.

When true, entities are included in the blueprint. Defaults to true.

include_modules :: boolean?

When true, modules are included in the blueprint. Defaults to true.

When true, modules are included in the blueprint. Defaults to true.

include_station_names :: boolean?

When true, station names are included in the blueprint. Defaults to false.

When true, station names are included in the blueprint. Defaults to false.

include_trains :: boolean?

When true, trains are included in the blueprint. Defaults to false.

When true, trains are included in the blueprint. Defaults to false.

include_fuel :: boolean?

When true, train fuel is included in the blueprint, Defaults to true.

When true, train fuel is included in the blueprint, Defaults to true.

Return values

→ dictionary[uint → LuaEntity]

The blueprint entity index to source entity mapping.

Can only be used if this is BlueprintRecord

get_blueprint_entity_tags(index) → Tags

Gets the tags for the given blueprint entity index in this blueprint.


index :: uint

Can only be used if this is BlueprintRecord

set_blueprint_entity_tags(index, tags)

Sets the tags on the given blueprint entity index in this blueprint.


index :: uint

The entity index

The entity index

tags :: Tags

Can only be used if this is BlueprintRecord

get_blueprint_entity_tag(index, tag) → AnyBasic?

Gets the given tag on the given blueprint entity index in this blueprint blueprint.


index :: uint

The entity index.

The entity index.

tag :: string

The tag to get.

The tag to get.

Can only be used if this is BlueprintRecord

set_blueprint_entity_tag(index, tag, value)

Sets the given tag on the given blueprint entity index in this blueprint blueprint.


index :: uint

The entity index.

The entity index.

tag :: string

The tag to set.

The tag to set.

value :: AnyBasic

The tag value to set or nil to clear the tag.

The tag value to set or nil to clear the tag.

Can only be used if this is BlueprintRecord

get_blueprint_entities() → array[BlueprintEntity]?

The entities in this blueprint.

Can only be used if this is BlueprintRecord


Set new entities to be a part of this blueprint.


entities :: array[BlueprintEntity]

The new blueprint entities.

The new blueprint entities.

Can only be used if this is BlueprintRecord

get_blueprint_tiles() → array[Tile]?

A list of the tiles in this blueprint.

Can only be used if this is BlueprintRecord


Set specific tiles in this blueprint.


tiles :: array[Tile]

Tiles to be a part of the blueprint.

Tiles to be a part of the blueprint.

Can only be used if this is BlueprintRecord

get_blueprint_entity_count() → uint

Gets the number of entities in this blueprint blueprint.

Can only be used if this is BlueprintRecord

get_active_index(player) → uint

The active index of this BlueprintBookRecord. For records in "my blueprints", the result will be the same regardless of the player, but records in "game blueprints" may have different active indices per player.


Can only be used if this is BlueprintBookRecord

get_entity_filter(index) → ItemFilter?

Gets the entity filter at the given index for this deconstruction planner.


index :: uint

Can only be used if this is DeconstructionRecord

set_entity_filter(index, filter) → boolean

Sets the entity filter at the given index for this deconstruction planner.


index :: uint
filter :: ItemFilter or nil

Writing nil removes the filter.

Writing nil removes the filter.

Return values

→ boolean

Whether the new filter was successfully set (ie. was valid).

Can only be used if this is DeconstructionRecord

get_tile_filter(index) → string?

Gets the tile filter at the given index for this deconstruction planner.


index :: uint

Can only be used if this is DeconstructionRecord

set_tile_filter(index, filter) → boolean

Sets the tile filter at the given index for this deconstruction planner.


index :: uint
filter :: string or LuaTilePrototype or LuaTile

Setting to nil erases the filter.

Setting to nil erases the filter.

Return values

→ boolean

Whether the new filter was successfully set (ie. was valid).

Can only be used if this is DeconstructionRecord

deconstruct_area{surface=…, force=…, area=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…, by_player?=…, super_forced?=…}

Deconstruct the given area with this deconstruction planner.


Table with the following fields:
surface :: SurfaceIdentification

Surface to deconstruct on

Surface to deconstruct on

force :: ForceID

Force to use for the deconstruction

Force to use for the deconstruction

area :: BoundingBox

The area to deconstruct

The area to deconstruct

skip_fog_of_war :: boolean?

If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped. Defaults to false.

If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped. Defaults to false.

by_player :: PlayerIdentification?

The player to use if any.

The player to use if any.

super_forced :: boolean?

If the deconstruction is super-forced. Defaults to false.

If the deconstruction is super-forced. Defaults to false.

Can only be used if this is DeconstructionRecord

cancel_deconstruct_area{surface=…, force=…, area=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…, by_player?=…, super_forced?=…}

Cancel deconstruct the given area with this deconstruction planner.


Table with the following fields:
surface :: SurfaceIdentification

Surface to cancel deconstruct on

Surface to cancel deconstruct on

force :: ForceID

Force to use for canceling deconstruction

Force to use for canceling deconstruction

area :: BoundingBox

The area to deconstruct

The area to deconstruct

skip_fog_of_war :: boolean?

If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped. Defaults to false.

If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped. Defaults to false.

by_player :: PlayerIdentification?

The player to use if any.

The player to use if any.

super_forced :: boolean?

If the cancel deconstruction is super-forced. Defaults to false.

If the cancel deconstruction is super-forced. Defaults to false.

Can only be used if this is DeconstructionRecord


Clears all settings/filters on this deconstruction planner, resetting it to default values.

Can only be used if this is DeconstructionRecord


Clears all settings/filters on this upgrade planner, resetting it to default values.

Can only be used if this is UpgradeRecord

get_mapper(index, type) → UpgradeMapperSource or UpgradeMapperDestination

Gets the filter at the given index for this upgrade item.

In contrast to LuaRecord::set_mapper, indices past the upgrade item's current size are considered to be out of bounds.


index :: uint

The index of the mapper to read.

The index of the mapper to read.

type :: string

"from" or "to".

"from" or "to".

Can only be used if this is UpgradeRecord

set_mapper(index, type, mapper)

Sets the module filter at the given index for this upgrade item.

In contrast to LuaRecord::get_mapper, indices past the upgrade item's current size are valid and expand the list of mappings accordingly, if within reasonable bounds.


index :: uint

The index of the mapper to set.

The index of the mapper to set.

type :: string

"from" or "to".

"from" or "to".

mapper :: UpgradeMapperSource or UpgradeMapperDestination

The mapper to set or nil

The mapper to set or nil

Can only be used if this is UpgradeRecord


valid_for_write :: Read boolean  

Is this record valid for writing? A record is invalid for write if it is a BlueprintRecord preview or if it is in the "My blueprints" shelf.

type :: Read "blueprint" or "blueprint-book" or "deconstruction-planner" or "upgrade-planner"  

The type of this blueprint record.

preview_icons :: Read|Write array[BlueprintSignalIcon]  

The preview icons for this record.

is_blueprint_preview :: Read boolean  

Is this blueprint record a preview? A preview record must be synced by the player before entity and tile data can be read.

Can only be used if this is BlueprintRecord

blueprint_snap_to_grid :: Read|Write TilePosition  ?

The snapping grid size in this blueprint. nil if snapping is not enabled.

Can only be used if this is BlueprintRecord

blueprint_position_relative_to_grid :: Read|Write TilePosition  ?

The offset from the absolute grid. nil if absolute snapping is not enabled.

Can only be used if this is BlueprintRecord

blueprint_absolute_snapping :: Read|Write boolean  

If absolute snapping is enabled on this blueprint.

Can only be used if this is BlueprintRecord

cost_to_build :: Read array[ItemWithQualityCounts]  

List of raw materials required to build this blueprint.

Can only be used if this is BlueprintRecord

default_icons :: Read array[BlueprintSignalIcon]  

The default icons for a blueprint blueprint.

Can only be used if this is BlueprintRecord

contents :: Read dictionary[ItemStackIndex → LuaRecord]  

The contents of this BlueprintBookRecord. This is sparse array - it may have gaps, so using # will not be reliable. Use LuaRecord::contents_size or pairs() to iterate this table.

Can only be used if this is BlueprintBookRecord

contents_size :: Read ItemStackIndex  

The highest populated index in the contents of this BlueprintBookRecord.

Can only be used if this is BlueprintBookRecord

entity_filters :: Read|Write array[ItemFilter]  

The entity filters for this deconstruction planner. The attribute is a sparse array with the keys representing the index of the filter. All prototypes in this array must not have the "not-deconstructable" flag set and are either a cliff or marked as minable.

Can only be used if this is DeconstructionRecord

tile_filters :: Read|Write array[TileID]  

The tile filters for this deconstruction planner. The attribute is a sparse array with the keys representing the index of the filter. Reading filters always returns an array of strings which are the tile prototype names.

Can only be used if this is DeconstructionRecord

entity_filter_mode :: Read|Write defines.deconstruction_item.entity_filter_mode  

The blacklist/whitelist entity filter mode for this deconstruction planner.

Can only be used if this is DeconstructionRecord

tile_filter_mode :: Read|Write defines.deconstruction_item.tile_filter_mode  

The blacklist/whitelist tile filter mode for this deconstruction planner.

Can only be used if this is DeconstructionRecord

tile_selection_mode :: Read|Write defines.deconstruction_item.tile_selection_mode  

The tile selection mode for this deconstruction planner.

Can only be used if this is DeconstructionRecord

trees_and_rocks_only :: Read|Write boolean  

If this deconstruction planner, is set to allow trees and rocks only.

Can only be used if this is DeconstructionRecord

entity_filter_count :: Read uint  

The number of entity filters this deconstruction planner supports.

Can only be used if this is DeconstructionRecord

tile_filter_count :: Read uint  

The number of tile filters this deconstruction planner supports.

Can only be used if this is DeconstructionRecord

mapper_count :: Read uint  

The current count of mappers in the upgrade item.

Can only be used if this is UpgradeRecord

valid :: Read boolean  

Is this object valid? This Lua object holds a reference to an object within the game engine. It is possible that the game-engine object is removed whilst a mod still holds the corresponding Lua object. If that happens, the object becomes invalid, i.e. this attribute will be false. Mods are advised to check for object validity if any change to the game state might have occurred between the creation of the Lua object and its access.

object_name :: Read string  

The class name of this object. Available even when valid is false. For LuaStruct objects it may also be suffixed with a dotted path to a member of the struct.



