clear_blueprint() | Clears this blueprint. | |
Clears this blueprint. | ||
is_blueprint_setup() | → boolean | Is this blueprint setup? [...] |
Is this blueprint setup? [...] | ||
build_blueprint{surface=…, force=…, position=…, direction?=…, build_mode?=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…, by_player?=…, raise_built?=…} | → array[LuaEntity] | Build this blueprint at the given location. [...] |
Build this blueprint at the given location. [...] | ||
create_blueprint{surface=…, force=…, area=…, always_include_tiles?=…, include_entities?=…, include_modules?=…, include_station_names?=…, include_trains?=…, include_fuel?=…} | → dictionary[uint → LuaEntity] | Sets up this blueprint using the found blueprintable entities/tiles on the surface. |
Sets up this blueprint using the found blueprintable entities/tiles on the surface. | ||
get_blueprint_entity_tags(index) | → Tags | Gets the tags for the given blueprint entity index in this blueprint. |
Gets the tags for the given blueprint entity index in this blueprint. | ||
set_blueprint_entity_tags(index, tags) | Sets the tags on the given blueprint entity index in this blueprint. | |
Sets the tags on the given blueprint entity index in this blueprint. | ||
get_blueprint_entity_tag(index, tag) | → AnyBasic? | Gets the given tag on the given blueprint entity index in this blueprint blueprint. |
Gets the given tag on the given blueprint entity index in this blueprint blueprint. | ||
set_blueprint_entity_tag(index, tag, value) | Sets the given tag on the given blueprint entity index in this blueprint blueprint. | |
Sets the given tag on the given blueprint entity index in this blueprint blueprint. | ||
get_blueprint_entities() | → array[BlueprintEntity]? | The entities in this blueprint. |
The entities in this blueprint. | ||
set_blueprint_entities(entities) | Set new entities to be a part of this blueprint. | |
Set new entities to be a part of this blueprint. | ||
get_blueprint_tiles() | → array[Tile]? | A list of the tiles in this blueprint. |
A list of the tiles in this blueprint. | ||
set_blueprint_tiles(tiles) | Set specific tiles in this blueprint. | |
Set specific tiles in this blueprint. | ||
get_blueprint_entity_count() | → uint | Gets the number of entities in this blueprint blueprint. |
Gets the number of entities in this blueprint blueprint. | ||
get_active_index(player) | → uint | The active index of this BlueprintBookRecord. [...] |
The active index of this BlueprintBookRecord. [...] | ||
get_entity_filter(index) | → ItemFilter? | Gets the entity filter at the given index for this deconstruction planner. |
Gets the entity filter at the given index for this deconstruction planner. | ||
set_entity_filter(index, filter) | → boolean | Sets the entity filter at the given index for this deconstruction planner. |
Sets the entity filter at the given index for this deconstruction planner. | ||
get_tile_filter(index) | → string? | Gets the tile filter at the given index for this deconstruction planner. |
Gets the tile filter at the given index for this deconstruction planner. | ||
set_tile_filter(index, filter) | → boolean | Sets the tile filter at the given index for this deconstruction planner. |
Sets the tile filter at the given index for this deconstruction planner. | ||
deconstruct_area{surface=…, force=…, area=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…, by_player?=…, super_forced?=…} | Deconstruct the given area with this deconstruction planner. | |
Deconstruct the given area with this deconstruction planner. | ||
cancel_deconstruct_area{surface=…, force=…, area=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…, by_player?=…, super_forced?=…} | Cancel deconstruct the given area with this deconstruction planner. | |
Cancel deconstruct the given area with this deconstruction planner. | ||
clear_deconstruction_data() | Clears all settings/filters on this deconstruction planner, resetting it to default values. | |
Clears all settings/filters on this deconstruction planner, resetting it to default values. | ||
clear_upgrade_data() | Clears all settings/filters on this upgrade planner, resetting it to default values. | |
Clears all settings/filters on this upgrade planner, resetting it to default values. | ||
get_mapper(index, type) | → UpgradeMapperSource or UpgradeMapperDestination | Gets the filter at the given index for this upgrade item. [...] |
Gets the filter at the given index for this upgrade item. [...] | ||
set_mapper(index, type, mapper) | Sets the module filter at the given index for this upgrade item. [...] | |
Sets the module filter at the given index for this upgrade item. [...] | ||
valid_for_write | :: R boolean | Is this record valid for writing? [...] |
Is this record valid for writing? [...] | ||
type | :: R "blueprint" or "blueprint-book" or "deconstruction-planner" or "upgrade-planner" | The type of this blueprint record. |
The type of this blueprint record. | ||
preview_icons | :: RW array[BlueprintSignalIcon] | The preview icons for this record. |
The preview icons for this record. | ||
is_blueprint_preview | :: R boolean | Is this blueprint record a preview? [...] |
Is this blueprint record a preview? [...] | ||
blueprint_snap_to_grid | :: RW TilePosition? | The snapping grid size in this blueprint. [...] |
The snapping grid size in this blueprint. [...] | ||
blueprint_position_relative_to_grid | :: RW TilePosition? | The offset from the absolute grid. [...] |
The offset from the absolute grid. [...] | ||
blueprint_absolute_snapping | :: RW boolean | If absolute snapping is enabled on this blueprint. |
If absolute snapping is enabled on this blueprint. | ||
cost_to_build | :: R array[ItemWithQualityCounts] | List of raw materials required to build this blueprint. |
List of raw materials required to build this blueprint. | ||
default_icons | :: R array[BlueprintSignalIcon] | The default icons for a blueprint blueprint. |
The default icons for a blueprint blueprint. | ||
contents | :: R dictionary[ItemStackIndex → LuaRecord] | The contents of this BlueprintBookRecord. [...] |
The contents of this BlueprintBookRecord. [...] | ||
contents_size | :: R ItemStackIndex | The highest populated index in the contents of this BlueprintBookRecord. |
The highest populated index in the contents of this BlueprintBookRecord. | ||
entity_filters | :: RW array[ItemFilter] | The entity filters for this deconstruction planner. [...] |
The entity filters for this deconstruction planner. [...] | ||
tile_filters | :: RW array[TileID] | The tile filters for this deconstruction planner. [...] |
The tile filters for this deconstruction planner. [...] | ||
entity_filter_mode | :: RW defines.deconstruction_item.entity_filter_mode | The blacklist/whitelist entity filter mode for this deconstruction planner. |
The blacklist/whitelist entity filter mode for this deconstruction planner. | ||
tile_filter_mode | :: RW defines.deconstruction_item.tile_filter_mode | The blacklist/whitelist tile filter mode for this deconstruction planner. |
The blacklist/whitelist tile filter mode for this deconstruction planner. | ||
tile_selection_mode | :: RW defines.deconstruction_item.tile_selection_mode | The tile selection mode for this deconstruction planner. |
The tile selection mode for this deconstruction planner. | ||
trees_and_rocks_only | :: RW boolean | If this deconstruction planner, is set to allow trees and rocks only. |
If this deconstruction planner, is set to allow trees and rocks only. | ||
entity_filter_count | :: R uint | The number of entity filters this deconstruction planner supports. |
The number of entity filters this deconstruction planner supports. | ||
tile_filter_count | :: R uint | The number of tile filters this deconstruction planner supports. |
The number of tile filters this deconstruction planner supports. | ||
mapper_count | :: R uint | The current count of mappers in the upgrade item. |
The current count of mappers in the upgrade item. | ||
valid | :: R boolean | Is this object valid? [...] |
Is this object valid? [...] | ||
object_name | :: R string | The class name of this object. [...] |
The class name of this object. [...] |
surface | :: SurfaceIdentification | Surface to build on |
Surface to build on | ||
force | :: ForceID | Force to use for the building |
Force to use for the building | ||
position | :: MapPosition | The position to build at |
The position to build at | ||
direction | :: defines.direction? | The direction to use when building |
The direction to use when building | ||
build_mode | :: defines.build_mode? | If |
If | ||
skip_fog_of_war | :: boolean? | If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped. |
If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped. | ||
by_player | :: PlayerIdentification? | The player to use if any. If provided will also be fired on successful entity creation. |
The player to use if any. If provided will also be fired on successful entity creation. | ||
raise_built | :: boolean? | If true; will be fired on successful entity creation. Note: this is ignored if by_player is provided. |
If true; will be fired on successful entity creation. Note: this is ignored if by_player is provided. |
→ array[LuaEntity] | Array of created ghosts |
surface | :: SurfaceIdentification | Surface to create from |
Surface to create from | ||
force | :: ForceID | Force to use for the creation |
Force to use for the creation | ||
area | :: BoundingBox | The bounding box |
The bounding box | ||
always_include_tiles | :: boolean? | When true, blueprintable tiles are always included in the blueprint. When false they're only included if no entities exist in the setup area. Defaults to false. |
When true, blueprintable tiles are always included in the blueprint. When false they're only included if no entities exist in the setup area. Defaults to false. | ||
include_entities | :: boolean? | When true, entities are included in the blueprint. Defaults to true. |
When true, entities are included in the blueprint. Defaults to true. | ||
include_modules | :: boolean? | When true, modules are included in the blueprint. Defaults to true. |
When true, modules are included in the blueprint. Defaults to true. | ||
include_station_names | :: boolean? | When true, station names are included in the blueprint. Defaults to false. |
When true, station names are included in the blueprint. Defaults to false. | ||
include_trains | :: boolean? | When true, trains are included in the blueprint. Defaults to false. |
When true, trains are included in the blueprint. Defaults to false. | ||
include_fuel | :: boolean? | When true, train fuel is included in the blueprint, Defaults to true. |
When true, train fuel is included in the blueprint, Defaults to true. |
entities | :: array[BlueprintEntity] | The new blueprint entities. |
The new blueprint entities. |
tiles | :: array[Tile] | Tiles to be a part of the blueprint. |
Tiles to be a part of the blueprint. |
index | :: uint | |
filter | :: ItemFilter or nil | Writing |
Writing |
→ boolean | Whether the new filter was successfully set (ie. was valid). |
index | :: uint | |
filter | :: string or LuaTilePrototype or LuaTile | Setting to nil erases the filter. |
Setting to nil erases the filter. |
→ boolean | Whether the new filter was successfully set (ie. was valid). |
surface | :: SurfaceIdentification | Surface to deconstruct on |
Surface to deconstruct on | ||
force | :: ForceID | Force to use for the deconstruction |
Force to use for the deconstruction | ||
area | :: BoundingBox | The area to deconstruct |
The area to deconstruct | ||
skip_fog_of_war | :: boolean? | If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped. Defaults to |
If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped. Defaults to | ||
by_player | :: PlayerIdentification? | The player to use if any. |
The player to use if any. | ||
super_forced | :: boolean? | If the deconstruction is super-forced. Defaults to |
If the deconstruction is super-forced. Defaults to |
surface | :: SurfaceIdentification | Surface to cancel deconstruct on |
Surface to cancel deconstruct on | ||
force | :: ForceID | Force to use for canceling deconstruction |
Force to use for canceling deconstruction | ||
area | :: BoundingBox | The area to deconstruct |
The area to deconstruct | ||
skip_fog_of_war | :: boolean? | If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped. Defaults to |
If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped. Defaults to | ||
by_player | :: PlayerIdentification? | The player to use if any. |
The player to use if any. | ||
super_forced | :: boolean? | If the cancel deconstruction is super-forced. Defaults to |
If the cancel deconstruction is super-forced. Defaults to |
index | :: uint | The index of the mapper to set. |
The index of the mapper to set. | ||
type | :: string |
| ||
mapper | :: UpgradeMapperSource or UpgradeMapperDestination | The mapper to set or |
The mapper to set or |