Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42

SelectionModeFlags :: dictionary[union → true]

A set of flags on a selection tool that define how entities and tiles are selected. Active flags are in the dictionary as true, while inactive flags aren't present at all.

Union members


Selects entities and tiles as if selecting them for a blueprint.


Selects entities and tiles as if selecting them for deconstruction.


Selects entities and tiles as if selecting them for deconstruction cancellation.


Selects items on the ground.


Selects trees.


Selects entities which are considered a building, plus landmines.


Selects no entities or tiles, but is useful to select an area.


Selects entities and tiles that can be built by an item.


Selects all entities.


Selects all tiles.


Selects entities with the same force as the selecting player.


Selects entities with a different force as the selecting player.


Selects entities from a friendly force.


Selects entities from an enemy force.


Selects entities as if selecting them for upgrading.


Selects entities as if selecting them for upgrade cancellation.


Selects entities as if selecting them for downgrading.


Selects entities that are entities with health.


Selects entities that are military targets.


Selects entities that are entities with owner.


Selects entities that are not rolling-stocks.


Selects entities that are entity-ghosts.


Selects entities that are tile-ghosts.



