get_item_count(item?, member?) changed | → int | Count given or all items in the network or given members. |
Count given or all items in the network or given members. | ||
get_contents() changed | → array[ItemWithQualityCounts] | Get item counts for the entire network, similar to how LuaInventory::get_contents does. |
Get item counts for the entire network, similar to how LuaInventory::get_contents does. | ||
remove_item(item, members?) | → uint | Remove items from the logistic network. [...] |
Remove items from the logistic network. [...] | ||
insert(item, members?) | → uint | Insert items into the logistic network. [...] |
Insert items into the logistic network. [...] | ||
find_cell_closest_to(position) | → LuaLogisticCell? | Find logistic cell closest to a given position. |
Find logistic cell closest to a given position. | ||
select_pickup_point{name=…, position?=…, include_buffers?=…, members?=…} changed | → LuaLogisticPoint? | Find the 'best' logistic point with this item ID and from the given position or from given chest type. |
Find the 'best' logistic point with this item ID and from the given position or from given chest type. | ||
select_drop_point{stack=…, members?=…} | → LuaLogisticPoint? | Find a logistic point to drop the specific item stack. |
Find a logistic point to drop the specific item stack. | ||
can_satisfy_request(item, count?, include_buffers?) changed | → boolean | Can the network satisfy a request for a given item and count. |
Can the network satisfy a request for a given item and count. | ||
get_supply_counts(item) changed | → LogisticsNetworkSupplyCounts | Get the amount of items of the given type indexed by the storage member. |
Get the amount of items of the given type indexed by the storage member. | ||
get_supply_points(item) changed | → LogisticsNetworkSupplyPoints | Gets the logistic points with of the given type indexed by the storage member. |
Gets the logistic points with of the given type indexed by the storage member. | ||
network_id new | :: R uint | The unique logistic network ID. |
The unique logistic network ID. | ||
force | :: R LuaForce | The force this logistic network belongs to. |
The force this logistic network belongs to. | ||
available_logistic_robots | :: R uint | Number of logistic robots available for a job. |
Number of logistic robots available for a job. | ||
all_logistic_robots | :: R uint | The total number of logistic robots in the network (idle and active + in roboports). |
The total number of logistic robots in the network (idle and active + in roboports). | ||
available_construction_robots | :: R uint | Number of construction robots available for a job. |
Number of construction robots available for a job. | ||
all_construction_robots | :: R uint | The total number of construction robots in the network (idle and active + in roboports). |
The total number of construction robots in the network (idle and active + in roboports). | ||
robot_limit | :: R uint | Maximum number of robots the network can work with. [...] |
Maximum number of robots the network can work with. [...] | ||
cells | :: R array[LuaLogisticCell] | All cells in this network. |
All cells in this network. | ||
providers | :: R array[LuaEntity] | All entities that have logistic provider points in this network. |
All entities that have logistic provider points in this network. | ||
empty_providers | :: R array[LuaEntity] | All entities that have empty logistic provider points in this network. |
All entities that have empty logistic provider points in this network. | ||
requesters | :: R array[LuaEntity] | All entities that have logistic requester points in this network. |
All entities that have logistic requester points in this network. | ||
storages | :: R array[LuaEntity] | All entities that have logistic storage points in this network. |
All entities that have logistic storage points in this network. | ||
logistic_members | :: R array[LuaEntity] | All other entities that have logistic points in this network (inserters mostly). |
All other entities that have logistic points in this network (inserters mostly). | ||
provider_points | :: R array[LuaLogisticPoint] | All things that have provider points in this network. |
All things that have provider points in this network. | ||
passive_provider_points | :: R array[LuaLogisticPoint] | All passive provider points in this network. |
All passive provider points in this network. | ||
active_provider_points | :: R array[LuaLogisticPoint] | All active provider points in this network. |
All active provider points in this network. | ||
empty_provider_points | :: R array[LuaLogisticPoint] | All things that have empty provider points in this network. |
All things that have empty provider points in this network. | ||
requester_points | :: R array[LuaLogisticPoint] | All things that have requester points in this network. |
All things that have requester points in this network. | ||
storage_points | :: R array[LuaLogisticPoint] | All things that have storage points in this network. |
All things that have storage points in this network. | ||
robots | :: R array[LuaEntity] | All robots in this logistic network. |
All robots in this logistic network. | ||
construction_robots | :: R array[LuaEntity] | All construction robots in this logistic network. |
All construction robots in this logistic network. | ||
logistic_robots | :: R array[LuaEntity] | All logistic robots in this logistic network. |
All logistic robots in this logistic network. | ||
valid | :: R boolean | Is this object valid? [...] |
Is this object valid? [...] | ||
object_name | :: R string | The class name of this object. [...] |
The class name of this object. [...] |
item | :: ItemWithQualityID? | Item name to count. If not given, gives counts of all items in the network. |
Item name to count. If not given, gives counts of all items in the network. | ||
member | :: "storage" or "providers" ? | Logistic members to check. If not given, gives count in the entire network. |
Logistic members to check. If not given, gives count in the entire network. |
item | :: ItemStackIdentification | What to remove. |
What to remove. | ||
members | :: "active-provider" or "passive-provider" or "buffer" or "storage" ? | Which logistic members to remove from. If not specified, removes from the network in the usual order. |
Which logistic members to remove from. If not specified, removes from the network in the usual order. |
→ uint | Number of items removed. |
item | :: ItemStackIdentification | What to insert. |
What to insert. | ||
members | :: "storage" or "storage-empty" or "storage-empty-slot" or "requester" ? | Which logistic members to insert the items to. |
Which logistic members to insert the items to. |
→ uint | Number of items actually inserted. |
name | :: ItemWithQualityID | Name of the item to pick up. |
Name of the item to pick up. | ||
position | :: MapPosition? | When given, it will find the storage 'best' storage point from this position. |
When given, it will find the storage 'best' storage point from this position. | ||
include_buffers | :: boolean? | Whether to consider buffer chests or not. Defaults to false. Only considered if selecting with position. |
Whether to consider buffer chests or not. Defaults to false. Only considered if selecting with position. | ||
members | :: "active-provider" or "passive-provider" or "buffer" or "storage" ? | When given, it will find from only the specific type of member. If not specified, selects with normal priorities. Not considered if position is specified. |
When given, it will find from only the specific type of member. If not specified, selects with normal priorities. Not considered if position is specified. |
→ LuaLogisticPoint? |
stack | :: ItemStackIdentification | Name of the item to drop off. |
Name of the item to drop off. | ||
members | :: "storage" or "storage-empty" or "storage-empty-slot" or "requester" ? | When given, it will find from only the specific type of member. If not specified, selects with normal priorities. |
When given, it will find from only the specific type of member. If not specified, selects with normal priorities. |
→ LuaLogisticPoint? |
item | :: ItemWithQualityID | Item name to check. |
Item name to check. | ||
count | :: uint? | Count to check. Defaults to 1. |
Count to check. Defaults to 1. | ||
include_buffers | :: boolean? | Should buffers be considered? Defaults to false. |
Should buffers be considered? Defaults to false. |
→ boolean | Whether the network can satisfy the request. |