Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.37


Utility object that binds to a rail entity and rail_direction to allow easier traversal over rails


make_copy() LuaRailEnd

Creates a copy of this LuaRailEnd object.

Creates a copy of this LuaRailEnd object.


Moves to opposite end on the rail this object points to

Moves to opposite end on the rail this object points to

move_forward(connection_direction) boolean

Moves forward by 1 rail to the specified connection direction

Moves forward by 1 rail to the specified connection direction

move_natural() boolean

Moves forward by 1 rail in the natural direction. [...]

Moves forward by 1 rail in the natural direction. [...]


Moves forward until a rail segment boundary is reached. [...]

Moves forward until a rail segment boundary is reached. [...]

get_rail_extensions(planner_item) → array[RailExtensionData]

Returns all possible rail extensions from this position as defined by the planner item.

Returns all possible rail extensions from this position as defined by the planner item.

rail :: R LuaEntity

Rail to which this RailEnd is binding to.

Rail to which this RailEnd is binding to.

direction :: R defines.rail_direction

Which end of the rail this RailEnd is binding to.

Which end of the rail this RailEnd is binding to.

location :: R RailLocation

Location of the rail end

Location of the rail end

out_signal_location :: R RailLocation

Location of an outgoing signal, which goes to the right relative to the rail end movement.

Location of an outgoing signal, which goes to the right relative to the rail end movement.

alternative_out_signal_location :: R RailLocation?

Location of the alternative outgoing signal, which goes to the right relative to the rail end movement. [...]

Location of the alternative outgoing signal, which goes to the right relative to the rail end movement. [...]

in_signal_location :: R RailLocation

Location of an incoming signal, which goes to the left relative to the rail end movement.

Location of an incoming signal, which goes to the left relative to the rail end movement.

alternative_in_signal_location :: R RailLocation?

Location of the alternative incoming signal, which goes to the right relative to the rail end movement. [...]

Location of the alternative incoming signal, which goes to the right relative to the rail end movement. [...]

valid :: R boolean

Is this object valid? [...]

Is this object valid? [...]

object_name :: R string

The class name of this object. [...]

The class name of this object. [...]


make_copy() → LuaRailEnd

Creates a copy of this LuaRailEnd object.


Moves to opposite end on the rail this object points to

move_forward(connection_direction) → boolean

Moves forward by 1 rail to the specified connection direction


connection_direction :: defines.rail_connection_direction

Return values

→ boolean

If the move was successful. False if there is no rail connected in given connection_direction

move_natural() → boolean

Moves forward by 1 rail in the natural direction. Natural direction is a move in the direction taken by the train over rail connection related to this rail end. If there are no trains, the natural direction is straight if straight connected rail exists, otherwise it is right if right connected rail exists, otherwise it is left if left connected rail exists. Natural direction is not defined if there are no rails connected to this end and this method will fail.

Return values

→ boolean

If the move was successful. False only when there are no rails connected on this end


Moves forward until a rail segment boundary is reached. If this rail end is at the segment boundary, it will not move at all. When a rail segment is cyclical, it will reach the rail segment boundary at some arbitrary position unless the segment boundary is well defined by presence of rail signals, train stop or other rails connecting to the rails loop.

get_rail_extensions(planner_item) → array[RailExtensionData]

Returns all possible rail extensions from this position as defined by the planner item.


planner_item :: ItemID

Rail planner that defines possible rail extensions

Rail planner that defines possible rail extensions


rail :: Read LuaEntity  

Rail to which this RailEnd is binding to.

direction :: Read defines.rail_direction  

Which end of the rail this RailEnd is binding to.

location :: Read RailLocation  

Location of the rail end

out_signal_location :: Read RailLocation  

Location of an outgoing signal, which goes to the right relative to the rail end movement.

alternative_out_signal_location :: Read RailLocation  ?

Location of the alternative outgoing signal, which goes to the right relative to the rail end movement. Not all places have alternative outgoing signal spot, so when it is not available, a nil will be given instead

in_signal_location :: Read RailLocation  

Location of an incoming signal, which goes to the left relative to the rail end movement.

alternative_in_signal_location :: Read RailLocation  ?

Location of the alternative incoming signal, which goes to the right relative to the rail end movement. Not all places have alternative incoming signal spot, so when it is not available, a nil will be given instead

valid :: Read boolean  

Is this object valid? This Lua object holds a reference to an object within the game engine. It is possible that the game-engine object is removed whilst a mod still holds the corresponding Lua object. If that happens, the object becomes invalid, i.e. this attribute will be false. Mods are advised to check for object validity if any change to the game state might have occurred between the creation of the Lua object and its access.

object_name :: Read string  

The class name of this object. Available even when valid is false. For LuaStruct objects it may also be suffixed with a dotted path to a member of the struct.



