Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.37

CircuitCondition :: table

Table fields

comparator :: ComparatorString?

Specifies how the inputs should be compared. If not specified, defaults to "<".

Specifies how the inputs should be compared. If not specified, defaults to "<".

first_signal :: SignalID?

Defaults to blank

Defaults to blank

second_signal :: SignalID?

What to compare first_signal to. If not specified, first_signal will be compared to constant.

What to compare first_signal to. If not specified, first_signal will be compared to constant.

constant :: int?

Constant to compare first_signal to. Has no effect when second_signal is set. When neither second_signal nor constant are specified, the effect is as though constant were specified with the value 0.

Constant to compare first_signal to. Has no effect when second_signal is set. When neither second_signal nor constant are specified, the effect is as though constant were specified with the value 0.



