Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42


A "domain" of the world. Surfaces can only be created and deleted through the API. Surfaces are uniquely identified by their name. Every game contains at least the surface "nauvis".


get_pollution(position) double

Get the pollution for a given position. [...]

Get the pollution for a given position. [...]

can_place_entity{name=…, position=…, direction?=…, force?=…, build_check_type?=…, forced?=…, inner_name?=…} changedboolean

Check for collisions with terrain or other entities.

Check for collisions with terrain or other entities.

can_fast_replace{name=…, position=…, direction?=…, force?=…} changedboolean

If there exists an entity at the given location that can be fast-replaced with the given entity parameters.

If there exists an entity at the given location that can be fast-replaced with the given entity parameters.

find_entity(entity, position) changedLuaEntity?

Find an entity of the given name at the given position. [...]

Find an entity of the given name at the given position. [...]

find_entities(area?) → array[LuaEntity]

Find entities in a given area. [...]

Find entities in a given area. [...]

find_entities_filtered(filter) changed → array[LuaEntity]

Find all entities of the given type or name in the given area. [...]

Find all entities of the given type or name in the given area. [...]

find_tiles_filtered(filter) changed → array[LuaTile]

Find all tiles of the given name in the given area. [...]

Find all tiles of the given name in the given area. [...]

count_entities_filtered(filter) changeduint

Count entities of given type or name in a given area. [...]

Count entities of given type or name in a given area. [...]

count_tiles_filtered(filter) changeduint

Count tiles of a given name in a given area. [...]

Count tiles of a given name in a given area. [...]

find_non_colliding_position(name, center, radius, precision, force_to_tile_center?) changedMapPosition?

Find a non-colliding position within a given radius. [...]

Find a non-colliding position within a given radius. [...]

find_non_colliding_position_in_box(name, search_space, precision, force_to_tile_center?) changedMapPosition?

Find a non-colliding position within a given rectangle.

Find a non-colliding position within a given rectangle.

spill_item_stack{position=…, stack=…, enable_looted?=…, force?=…, allow_belts?=…, max_radius?=…, use_start_position_on_failure?=…} changed → array[LuaEntity]

Spill items on the ground centered at a given location.

Spill items on the ground centered at a given location.

find_enemy_units(center, radius, force?) changed → array[LuaEntity]

Find enemy units (entities with type "unit") of a given force within an area. [...]

Find enemy units (entities with type "unit") of a given force within an area. [...]

find_units{area=…, force=…, condition=…} changed → array[LuaEntity]

Find units (entities with type "unit") of a given force and force condition within a given area. [...]

Find units (entities with type "unit") of a given force and force condition within a given area. [...]

find_nearest_enemy{position=…, max_distance=…, force?=…} changedLuaEntity?

Find the enemy military target (military entity) closest to the given position.

Find the enemy military target (military entity) closest to the given position.

find_nearest_enemy_entity_with_owner{position=…, max_distance=…, force?=…} changedLuaEntity

Find the enemy entity-with-owner closest to the given position.

Find the enemy entity-with-owner closest to the given position.

set_multi_command{command=…, unit_count=…, force?=…, unit_search_distance?=…} changeduint

Give a command to multiple units. [...]

Give a command to multiple units. [...]

create_entity{name=…, position=…, direction?=…, quality?=…, force?=…, target?=…, source?=…, cause?=…, snap_to_grid?=…, fast_replace?=…, item_index?=…, player?=…, character?=…, spill?=…, raise_built?=…, create_build_effect_smoke?=…, spawn_decorations?=…, move_stuck_players?=…, item?=…, preserve_ghosts_and_corpses?=…} changedLuaEntity?

Create an entity on this surface.

Create an entity on this surface.

create_trivial_smoke{name=…, position=…} changed
create_particle{name=…, position=…, movement=…, height=…, vertical_speed=…, frame_speed=…} changed

Creates a particle at the given location

Creates a particle at the given location

create_unit_group{position=…, force?=…} changedLuaCommandable

Create a new unit group at a given position.

Create a new unit group at a given position.

build_enemy_base(position, unit_count, force?) changed

Send a group to build a new base. [...]

Send a group to build a new base. [...]

get_tile(x, y) LuaTile

Get the tile at a given position. [...]

Get the tile at a given position. [...]

set_tiles(tiles, correct_tiles?, remove_colliding_entities?, remove_colliding_decoratives?, raise_event?, player?, undo_index?) changed

Set tiles at specified locations. [...]

Set tiles at specified locations. [...]

pollute(source, amount, prototype?) changed

Spawn pollution at the given position.

Spawn pollution at the given position.

get_chunks() LuaChunkIterator

Get an iterator going over every chunk on this surface.

Get an iterator going over every chunk on this surface.

is_chunk_generated(position) boolean

Is a given chunk generated?

Is a given chunk generated?

request_to_generate_chunks(position, radius?)

Request that the game's map generator generate chunks at the given position for the given radius on this surface. [...]

Request that the game's map generator generate chunks at the given position for the given radius on this surface. [...]


Blocks and generates all chunks that have been requested using all available threads.

Blocks and generates all chunks that have been requested using all available threads.

set_chunk_generated_status(position, status)

Set generated status of a chunk. [...]

Set generated status of a chunk. [...]

find_logistic_network_by_position(position, force) changedLuaLogisticNetwork?

Find the logistic network that covers a given position.

Find the logistic network that covers a given position.

find_closest_logistic_network_by_position(position, force) changedLuaLogisticNetwork?

Find the logistic network with a cell closest to a given position.

Find the logistic network with a cell closest to a given position.

find_logistic_networks_by_construction_area(position, force) changed → array[LuaLogisticNetwork]

Finds all of the logistics networks whose construction area intersects with the given position.

Finds all of the logistics networks whose construction area intersects with the given position.

deconstruct_area{area=…, force=…, player?=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…, item?=…, super_forced?=…} changed

Place a deconstruction request.

Place a deconstruction request.

cancel_deconstruct_area{area=…, force=…, player?=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…, item?=…, item_index?=…, super_forced?=…} changed

Cancel a deconstruction order.

Cancel a deconstruction order.

upgrade_area{area=…, force=…, player?=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…, item=…} changed

Place an upgrade request.

Place an upgrade request.

cancel_upgrade_area{area=…, force=…, player?=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…, item=…} changed

Cancel a upgrade order.

Cancel a upgrade order.

get_hidden_tile(position) string?

The hidden tile name.

The hidden tile name.

get_double_hidden_tile(position) newstring

The double hidden tile name or nil if there isn't one for the given position.

The double hidden tile name or nil if there isn't one for the given position.

set_hidden_tile(position, tile?) changed

Set the hidden tile for the specified position. [...]

Set the hidden tile for the specified position. [...]

set_double_hidden_tile(position, tile?) new

Set double hidden tile for the specified position. [...]

Set double hidden tile for the specified position. [...]

get_connected_tiles(position, tiles, include_diagonal?, area?) changed → array[TilePosition]

Gets all tiles of the given types that are connected horizontally or vertically to the given tile position including the given tile position. [...]

Gets all tiles of the given types that are connected horizontally or vertically to the given tile position including the given tile position. [...]

regenerate_entity(entities?, chunks?)

Regenerate autoplacement of some entities on this surface. [...]

Regenerate autoplacement of some entities on this surface. [...]

regenerate_decorative(decoratives?, chunks?)

Regenerate autoplacement of some decoratives on this surface. [...]

Regenerate autoplacement of some decoratives on this surface. [...]

print(message, print_settings?) changed

Print text to the chat console of all players on this surface. [...]

Print text to the chat console of all players on this surface. [...]

destroy_decoratives{area?=…, position?=…, name?=…, collision_mask?=…, from_layer?=…, to_layer?=…, exclude_soft?=…, limit?=…, invert?=…} changed

Removes all decoratives from the given area. [...]

Removes all decoratives from the given area. [...]

create_decoratives{check_collision?=…, decoratives=…}

Adds the given decoratives to the surface. [...]

Adds the given decoratives to the surface. [...]

find_decoratives_filtered{area?=…, position?=…, name?=…, collision_mask?=…, from_layer?=…, to_layer?=…, exclude_soft?=…, limit?=…, invert?=…} changed → array[DecorativeResult]

Find decoratives of a given name in a given area. [...]

Find decoratives of a given name in a given area. [...]


Clears all pollution on this surface.

Clears all pollution on this surface.

play_sound{path=…, position?=…, volume_modifier?=…, override_sound_type?=…}

Play a sound for every player on this surface. [...]

Play a sound for every player on this surface. [...]

get_resource_counts() → dictionary[string → uint]

Gets the resource amount of all resources on this surface

Gets the resource amount of all resources on this surface

get_random_chunk() ChunkPosition

Gets a random generated chunk position or 0,0 if no chunks have been generated on this surface.

Gets a random generated chunk position or 0,0 if no chunks have been generated on this surface.

clone_area{source_area=…, destination_area=…, destination_surface?=…, destination_force?=…, clone_tiles?=…, clone_entities?=…, clone_decoratives?=…, clear_destination_entities?=…, clear_destination_decoratives?=…, expand_map?=…, create_build_effect_smoke?=…} changed

Clones the given area. [...]

Clones the given area. [...]

clone_brush{source_offset=…, destination_offset=…, source_positions=…, destination_surface?=…, destination_force?=…, clone_tiles?=…, clone_entities?=…, clone_decoratives?=…, clear_destination_entities?=…, clear_destination_decoratives?=…, expand_map?=…, manual_collision_mode?=…, create_build_effect_smoke?=…}

Clones the given area. [...]

Clones the given area. [...]

clone_entities{entities=…, destination_offset=…, destination_surface?=…, destination_force?=…, snap_to_grid?=…, create_build_effect_smoke?=…} changed

Clones the given entities. [...]

Clones the given entities. [...]


Clears this surface deleting all entities and chunks on it.

Clears this surface deleting all entities and chunks on it.

request_path{bounding_box=…, collision_mask=…, start=…, goal=…, force=…, radius?=…, pathfind_flags?=…, can_open_gates?=…, path_resolution_modifier?=…, max_gap_size?=…, max_attack_distance?=…, entity_to_ignore?=…} changeduint

Generates a path with the specified constraints (as an array of PathfinderWaypoints) using the unit pathfinding algorithm. [...]

Generates a path with the specified constraints (as an array of PathfinderWaypoints) using the unit pathfinding algorithm. [...]

get_script_areas(name?) → array[ScriptArea]

Gets the script areas that match the given name or if no name is given all areas are returned.

Gets the script areas that match the given name or if no name is given all areas are returned.

get_script_area(key?) ScriptArea?

Gets the first script area by name or id.

Gets the first script area by name or id.

edit_script_area(id, area)

Sets the given script area to the new values.

Sets the given script area to the new values.

add_script_area(area) uint

Adds the given script area.

Adds the given script area.

remove_script_area(id) boolean

Removes the given script area.

Removes the given script area.

get_script_positions(name?) → array[ScriptPosition]

Gets the script positions that match the given name or if no name is given all positions are returned.

Gets the script positions that match the given name or if no name is given all positions are returned.

get_script_position(key?) ScriptPosition?

Gets the first script position by name or id.

Gets the first script position by name or id.

edit_script_position(id, position) changed

Sets the given script position to the new values.

Sets the given script position to the new values.

add_script_position(position) changeduint

Adds the given script position.

Adds the given script position.

remove_script_position(id) boolean

Removes the given script position.

Removes the given script position.

get_map_exchange_string() string

Gets the map exchange string for the current map generation settings of this surface.

Gets the map exchange string for the current map generation settings of this surface.

get_starting_area_radius() double

Gets the starting area radius of this surface.

Gets the starting area radius of this surface.

get_closest(position, entities) LuaEntity?

Gets the closest entity in the list to this position.

Gets the closest entity in the list to this position.

get_total_pollution() double

Gets the total amount of pollution on the surface by iterating over all the chunks containing pollution.

Gets the total amount of pollution on the surface by iterating over all the chunks containing pollution.

entity_prototype_collides(prototype, position, use_map_generation_bounding_box, direction?) changedboolean

Whether the given entity prototype collides at the given position and direction.

Whether the given entity prototype collides at the given position and direction.

decorative_prototype_collides(prototype, position) changedboolean

Whether the given decorative prototype collides at the given position and direction.

Whether the given decorative prototype collides at the given position and direction.

calculate_tile_properties(property_names, positions) → dictionary[string → array[double]]

Calculate values for a list of tile properties at a list of positions. [...]

Calculate values for a list of tile properties at a list of positions. [...]

get_entities_with_force(position, force) changed → array[LuaEntity]

Returns all the military targets (entities with force) on this chunk for the given force.

Returns all the military targets (entities with force) on this chunk for the given force.


Sets the given area to the checkerboard lab tiles.

Sets the given area to the checkerboard lab tiles.

get_property(property) newdouble

Gets the value of surface property on this surface.

Gets the value of surface property on this surface.

set_property(property, value) new

Sets the value of surface property on this surface.

Sets the value of surface property on this surface.

create_global_electric_network() new

Creates a global electric network for this surface, if one doesn't exist already.

Creates a global electric network for this surface, if one doesn't exist already.

destroy_global_electric_network() new

Destroys the global electric network for this surface, if it exists.

Destroys the global electric network for this surface, if it exists.

execute_lightning{name=…, position=…} new

Creates lightning. [...]

Creates lightning. [...]

clear_hidden_tiles() new

Completely removes hidden and double hidden tiles data on this surface.

Completely removes hidden and double hidden tiles data on this surface.

name :: RW string

The name of this surface. [...]

The name of this surface. [...]

index :: R uint

This surface's index in LuaGameScript::surfaces (unique ID). [...]

This surface's index in LuaGameScript::surfaces (unique ID). [...]

map_gen_settings :: RW MapGenSettings

The generation settings for this surface. [...]

The generation settings for this surface. [...]

generate_with_lab_tiles :: RW boolean

When set to true, new chunks will be generated with lab tiles, instead of using the surface's map generation settings.

When set to true, new chunks will be generated with lab tiles, instead of using the surface's map generation settings.

always_day :: RW boolean

When set to true, the sun will always shine.

When set to true, the sun will always shine.

daytime :: RW double

Current time of day, as a number in range [0, 1).

Current time of day, as a number in range [0, 1).

darkness :: R float

Amount of darkness at the current time, as a number in range [0, 1].

Amount of darkness at the current time, as a number in range [0, 1].

wind_speed :: RW double

Current wind speed in tiles per tick.

Current wind speed in tiles per tick.

wind_orientation :: RW RealOrientation

Current wind direction.

Current wind direction.

wind_orientation_change :: RW double

Change in wind orientation per tick.

Change in wind orientation per tick.

peaceful_mode :: RW boolean

Is peaceful mode enabled on this surface?

Is peaceful mode enabled on this surface?

no_enemies_mode new :: RW boolean

Is no-enemies mode enabled on this surface?

Is no-enemies mode enabled on this surface?

freeze_daytime :: RW boolean

True if daytime is currently frozen.

True if daytime is currently frozen.

ticks_per_day :: RW uint

The number of ticks per day for this surface.

The number of ticks per day for this surface.

dusk :: RW double

The daytime when dusk starts.

The daytime when dusk starts.

dawn :: RW double

The daytime when dawn starts.

The daytime when dawn starts.

evening :: RW double

The daytime when evening starts.

The daytime when evening starts.

morning :: RW double

The daytime when morning starts.

The daytime when morning starts.

solar_power_multiplier :: RW double

The multiplier of solar power on this surface. [...]

The multiplier of solar power on this surface. [...]

min_brightness :: RW double

The minimal brightness during the night. [...]

The minimal brightness during the night. [...]

brightness_visual_weights :: RW ColorModifier

Defines how surface daytime brightness influences each color channel of the current color lookup table (LUT). [...]

Defines how surface daytime brightness influences each color channel of the current color lookup table (LUT). [...]

show_clouds :: RW boolean

If clouds are shown on this surface. [...]

If clouds are shown on this surface. [...]

has_global_electric_network new :: R boolean

Whether this surface currently has a global electric network.

Whether this surface currently has a global electric network.

platform new :: R LuaSpacePlatform?
planet new :: R LuaPlanet?

The planet associated with this surface, if there is one. [...]

The planet associated with this surface, if there is one. [...]

deletable new :: R boolean

If this surface can be deleted.

If this surface can be deleted.

global_effect new :: RW ModuleEffects?

Surface-wide effects applied to entities with effect receivers. [...]

Surface-wide effects applied to entities with effect receivers. [...]

pollutant_type new :: R LuaAirbornePollutantPrototype?

The type of pollutant enabled on the surface, or nil if no pollutant is enabled.

The type of pollutant enabled on the surface, or nil if no pollutant is enabled.

localised_name new :: RW LocalisedString?

Localised name of this surface. [...]

Localised name of this surface. [...]

ignore_surface_conditions new :: RW boolean

If surface condition checks should not be performed on this surface.

If surface condition checks should not be performed on this surface.

valid :: R boolean

Is this object valid? [...]

Is this object valid? [...]

object_name :: R string

The class name of this object. [...]

The class name of this object. [...]


get_pollution(position) → double

Get the pollution for a given position.

Pollution is stored per chunk, so this will return the same value for all positions in one chunk.


position :: MapPosition

The position to poll the chunk's pollution

The position to poll the chunk's pollution



can_place_entity{name=…, position=…, direction?=…, force?=…, build_check_type?=…, forced?=…, inner_name?=…} → booleanchanged

Check for collisions with terrain or other entities.


Table with the following fields:
name :: EntityID

Name of the entity prototype to check.

Name of the entity prototype to check.

position :: MapPosition

Where the entity would be placed.

Where the entity would be placed.

direction :: defines.direction?

Direction of the placed entity. Defaults to north.

Direction of the placed entity. Defaults to north.

force :: ForceID?

The force that would place the entity. Defaults to the "neutral" force.

The force that would place the entity. Defaults to the "neutral" force.

build_check_type :: defines.build_check_type?

Which type of check should be carried out. Defaults to ghost_revive.

Which type of check should be carried out. Defaults to ghost_revive.

forced :: boolean?

If true, entities that can be marked for deconstruction are ignored. Only used if build_check_type is either manual_ghost, script_ghost or blueprint_ghost. Defaults to false.

If true, entities that can be marked for deconstruction are ignored. Only used if build_check_type is either manual_ghost, script_ghost or blueprint_ghost. Defaults to false.

inner_name :: string?

The prototype name of the entity contained in the ghost. Only used if name is entity-ghost.

The prototype name of the entity contained in the ghost. Only used if name is entity-ghost.

can_fast_replace{name=…, position=…, direction?=…, force?=…} → booleanchanged

If there exists an entity at the given location that can be fast-replaced with the given entity parameters.


Table with the following fields:
name :: EntityID

Name of the entity to check.

Name of the entity to check.

position :: MapPosition

Where the entity would be placed.

Where the entity would be placed.

direction :: defines.direction?

Direction the entity would be placed. Defaults to north.

Direction the entity would be placed. Defaults to north.

force :: ForceID?

The force that would place the entity. Defaults to the "neutral" force.

The force that would place the entity. Defaults to the "neutral" force.

find_entity(entity, position) → LuaEntity?changed

Find an entity of the given name at the given position. This checks both the exact position and the bounding box of the entity.


entity :: EntityWithQualityID

Name of the entity to look for.

Name of the entity to look for.

position :: MapPosition

Coordinates to look at.

Coordinates to look at.

Return values

→ LuaEntity?

nil if no such entity is found.


game.player.selected.surface.find_entity('filter-inserter', {0,0})

find_entities(area?) → array[LuaEntity]

Find entities in a given area.

If no area is given all entities on the surface are returned.


area :: BoundingBox?


-- Will evaluate to a list of all entities within given area.
game.surfaces["nauvis"].find_entities({{-10, -10}, {10, 10}})

find_entities_filtered(filter) → array[LuaEntity] changed

Find all entities of the given type or name in the given area.

If no filters (name, type, force, etc.) are given, this returns all entities in the search area. If multiple filters are specified, only entities matching all given filters are returned.

  • If no area or position are given, the entire surface is searched.

  • If position is given, this returns the entities colliding with that position (i.e the given position is within the entity's collision box).

  • If position and radius are given, this returns the entities within the radius of the position. Looks for the center of entities.

  • If area is specified, this returns the entities colliding with that area.



game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{area = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, type = "resource"} -- gets all resources in the rectangle
game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{area = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, name = "iron-ore"} -- gets all iron ores in the rectangle
game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{area = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, name = {"iron-ore", "copper-ore"}} -- gets all iron ore and copper ore in the rectangle
game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{area = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, force = "player"}  -- gets player owned entities in the rectangle
game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{area = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, limit = 5}  -- gets the first 5 entities in the rectangle
game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{position = {0, 0}, radius = 10}  -- gets all entities within 10 tiles of the position [0,0].

find_tiles_filtered(filter) → array[LuaTile] changed

Find all tiles of the given name in the given area.

If no filters are given, this returns all tiles in the search area.

If no area or position and radius is given, the entire surface is searched. If position and radius are given, only tiles within the radius of the position are included.


filter :: TileSearchFilters

count_entities_filtered(filter) → uintchanged

Count entities of given type or name in a given area. Works just like LuaSurface::find_entities_filtered, except this only returns the count. As it doesn't construct all the wrapper objects, this is more efficient if one is only interested in the number of entities.

  • If no area or position are given, the entire surface is searched.

  • If position is given, this returns the entities colliding with that position (i.e the given position is within the entity's collision box).

  • If position and radius are given, this returns entities in the radius of the position.

  • If area is specified, this returns entities colliding with that area.


count_tiles_filtered(filter) → uintchanged

Count tiles of a given name in a given area. Works just like LuaSurface::find_tiles_filtered, except this only returns the count. As it doesn't construct all the wrapper objects, this is more efficient if one is only interested in the number of tiles.

If no area or position and radius is given, the entire surface is searched. If position and radius are given, only tiles within the radius of the position are included.


filter :: TileSearchFilters

find_non_colliding_position(name, center, radius, precision, force_to_tile_center?) → MapPosition?changed

Find a non-colliding position within a given radius.

Special care needs to be taken when using a radius of 0. The game will not stop searching until it finds a suitable position, so it is important to make sure such a position exists. One particular case where it would not be able to find a solution is running it before any chunks have been generated.


name :: EntityID

Prototype name of the entity to find a position for. (The bounding box for the collision checking is taken from this prototype.)

Prototype name of the entity to find a position for. (The bounding box for the collision checking is taken from this prototype.)

center :: MapPosition

Center of the search area.

Center of the search area.

radius :: double

Max distance from center to search in. A radius of 0 means an infinitely-large search area.

Max distance from center to search in. A radius of 0 means an infinitely-large search area.

precision :: double

The step length from the given position as it searches, in tiles. Minimum value is 0.01.

The step length from the given position as it searches, in tiles. Minimum value is 0.01.

force_to_tile_center :: boolean?

Will only check tile centers. This can be useful when your intent is to place a building at the resulting position, as they must generally be placed at tile centers. Defaults to false.

Will only check tile centers. This can be useful when your intent is to place a building at the resulting position, as they must generally be placed at tile centers. Defaults to false.

Return values

→ MapPosition?

The non-colliding position. May be nil if no suitable position was found.

find_non_colliding_position_in_box(name, search_space, precision, force_to_tile_center?) → MapPosition?changed

Find a non-colliding position within a given rectangle.


name :: EntityID

Prototype name of the entity to find a position for. (The bounding box for the collision checking is taken from this prototype.)

Prototype name of the entity to find a position for. (The bounding box for the collision checking is taken from this prototype.)

search_space :: BoundingBox

The rectangle to search inside.

The rectangle to search inside.

precision :: double

The step length from the given position as it searches, in tiles. Minimum value is 0.01.

The step length from the given position as it searches, in tiles. Minimum value is 0.01.

force_to_tile_center :: boolean?

Will only check tile centers. This can be useful when your intent is to place a building at the resulting position, as they must generally be placed at tile centers. Defaults to false.

Will only check tile centers. This can be useful when your intent is to place a building at the resulting position, as they must generally be placed at tile centers. Defaults to false.

Return values

→ MapPosition?

The non-colliding position. May be nil if no suitable position was found.

spill_item_stack{position=…, stack=…, enable_looted?=…, force?=…, allow_belts?=…, max_radius?=…, use_start_position_on_failure?=…} → array[LuaEntity] changed

Spill items on the ground centered at a given location.


Table with the following fields:
position :: MapPosition

Center of the spillage

Center of the spillage

stack :: ItemStackIdentification

Stack of items to spill

Stack of items to spill

enable_looted :: boolean?

When true, each created item will be flagged with the LuaEntity::to_be_looted flag. Defaults to false.

When true, each created item will be flagged with the LuaEntity::to_be_looted flag. Defaults to false.

force :: ForceID?

When provided (and not nil) the items will be marked for deconstruction by this force.

When provided (and not nil) the items will be marked for deconstruction by this force.

allow_belts :: boolean?

Whether items can be spilled onto belts. Defaults to true.

Whether items can be spilled onto belts. Defaults to true.

max_radius :: double?

Max radius from the specified position to spill items.

Max radius from the specified position to spill items.

use_start_position_on_failure :: boolean?

Allow spilling items at position if no non-colliding position is found. Note: Setting to false might cause some items not to be spilled. Defaults to true.

Allow spilling items at position if no non-colliding position is found. Note: Setting to false might cause some items not to be spilled. Defaults to true.

Return values

→ array[LuaEntity]

The created item-on-ground entities.

find_enemy_units(center, radius, force?) → array[LuaEntity] changed

Find enemy units (entities with type "unit") of a given force within an area.

This is more efficient than LuaSurface::find_entities.


center :: MapPosition

Center of the search area

Center of the search area

radius :: double

Radius of the circular search area

Radius of the circular search area

force :: ForceID?

Force to find enemies of. If not given, uses the player force.

Force to find enemies of. If not given, uses the player force.


-- Find all units who would be interested to attack the player, within 100-tile area.
local enemies = game.player.surface.find_enemy_units(game.player.position, 100)

find_units{area=…, force=…, condition=…} → array[LuaEntity] changed

Find units (entities with type "unit") of a given force and force condition within a given area.

This is more efficient than LuaSurface::find_entities.


Table with the following fields:
area :: BoundingBox

Box to find units within.

Box to find units within.

force :: ForceID

Force performing the search.

Force performing the search.

condition :: ForceCondition

Only forces which meet the condition will be included in the search.

Only forces which meet the condition will be included in the search.


-- Find friendly units to "player" force
local friendly_units = game.player.surface.find_units({area = {{-10, -10},{10, 10}}, force = "player", condition = "friend")
-- Find units of "player" force
local units = game.player.surface.find_units({area = {{-10, -10},{10, 10}}, force = "player", condition = "same"})

find_nearest_enemy{position=…, max_distance=…, force?=…} → LuaEntity?changed

Find the enemy military target (military entity) closest to the given position.


Table with the following fields:
position :: MapPosition

Center of the search area.

Center of the search area.

max_distance :: double

Radius of the circular search area.

Radius of the circular search area.

force :: ForceID?

The force the result will be an enemy of. Uses the player force if not specified.

The force the result will be an enemy of. Uses the player force if not specified.

Return values

→ LuaEntity?

The nearest enemy military target or nil if no enemy could be found within the given area.

find_nearest_enemy_entity_with_owner{position=…, max_distance=…, force?=…} → LuaEntitychanged

Find the enemy entity-with-owner closest to the given position.


Table with the following fields:
position :: MapPosition

Center of the search area.

Center of the search area.

max_distance :: double

Radius of the circular search area.

Radius of the circular search area.

force :: ForceID?

The force the result will be an enemy of. Uses the player force if not specified.

The force the result will be an enemy of. Uses the player force if not specified.

Return values

→ LuaEntity

The nearest enemy entity-with-owner or nil if no enemy could be found within the given area.

set_multi_command{command=…, unit_count=…, force?=…, unit_search_distance?=…} → uintchanged

Give a command to multiple units. This will automatically select suitable units for the task.


Table with the following fields:
command :: Command
unit_count :: uint

Number of units to give the command to.

Number of units to give the command to.

force :: ForceID?

Force of the units this command is to be given to. If not specified, uses the enemy force.

Force of the units this command is to be given to. If not specified, uses the enemy force.

unit_search_distance :: uint?

Radius to search for units. The search area is centered on the destination of the command. If not specified uses default value of 150.

Radius to search for units. The search area is centered on the destination of the command. If not specified uses default value of 150.

Return values

→ uint

Number of units actually sent. May be less than count if not enough units were available.

create_entity{name=…, position=…, direction?=…, quality?=…, force?=…, target?=…, source?=…, cause?=…, snap_to_grid?=…, fast_replace?=…, item_index?=…, player?=…, character?=…, spill?=…, raise_built?=…, create_build_effect_smoke?=…, spawn_decorations?=…, move_stuck_players?=…, item?=…, preserve_ghosts_and_corpses?=…} → LuaEntity?changed

Create an entity on this surface.


Table with the following fields:
name :: EntityID

The entity prototype name to create.

The entity prototype name to create.

position :: MapPosition

Where to create the entity.

Where to create the entity.

direction :: defines.direction?

Desired orientation of the entity after creation.

Desired orientation of the entity after creation.

quality :: QualityID?

Quality of the entity to be created. Defaults to normal.

Quality of the entity to be created. Defaults to normal.

force :: ForceID?

Force of the entity, default is enemy.

Force of the entity, default is enemy.

target :: LuaEntity or MapPosition?

Entity with health for the new entity to target.

Entity with health for the new entity to target.

source :: LuaEntity or MapPosition?

Source entity. Used for beams, projectiles, and highlight-boxes.

Source entity. Used for beams, projectiles, and highlight-boxes.

cause :: LuaEntity or ForceID?

Cause entity / force. The entity or force that triggered the chain of events that led to this entity being created. Used for beams, projectiles, stickers, etc. so that the damage receiver can know which entity or force to retaliate against.

Cause entity / force. The entity or force that triggered the chain of events that led to this entity being created. Used for beams, projectiles, stickers, etc. so that the damage receiver can know which entity or force to retaliate against.

snap_to_grid :: boolean?

If false the exact position given is used to instead of snapping to the normal entity grid. This only applies if the entity normally snaps to the grid.

If false the exact position given is used to instead of snapping to the normal entity grid. This only applies if the entity normally snaps to the grid.

fast_replace :: boolean?

If true, building will attempt to simulate fast-replace building. Defaults to false.

If true, building will attempt to simulate fast-replace building. Defaults to false.

item_index :: uint?

The index of the undo item to add this action to. An index of 0 creates a new undo item for it. Defaults to putting it into the appropriate undo item automatically if not specified.

The index of the undo item to add this action to. An index of 0 creates a new undo item for it. Defaults to putting it into the appropriate undo item automatically if not specified.

player :: PlayerIdentification?

If given set the last_user to this player. If fast_replace is true simulate fast replace using this player. Also the player whose undo queue this action should be added to.

If given set the last_user to this player. If fast_replace is true simulate fast replace using this player. Also the player whose undo queue this action should be added to.

character :: LuaEntity?

If fast_replace is true simulate fast replace using this character.

If fast_replace is true simulate fast replace using this character.

spill :: boolean?

If false while fast_replace is true and player is nil any items from fast-replacing will be deleted instead of dropped on the ground. Defaults to true.

If false while fast_replace is true and player is nil any items from fast-replacing will be deleted instead of dropped on the ground. Defaults to true.

raise_built :: boolean?

If true; defines.events.script_raised_built will be fired on successful entity creation. Defaults to false.

If true; defines.events.script_raised_built will be fired on successful entity creation. Defaults to false.

create_build_effect_smoke :: boolean?

If false, the building effect smoke will not be shown around the new entity. Defaults to true.

If false, the building effect smoke will not be shown around the new entity. Defaults to true.

spawn_decorations :: boolean?

If true, entity types that have spawn_decoration property will apply triggers defined in the property. Defaults to false.

If true, entity types that have spawn_decoration property will apply triggers defined in the property. Defaults to false.

move_stuck_players :: boolean?

If true, any characters that are in the way of the entity are teleported out of the way.

If true, any characters that are in the way of the entity are teleported out of the way.

item :: LuaItemStack?

If provided, the entity will attempt to pull stored values from this item (for example; creating a spidertron from a previously named and mined spidertron)

If provided, the entity will attempt to pull stored values from this item (for example; creating a spidertron from a previously named and mined spidertron)

preserve_ghosts_and_corpses :: boolean?

If true, colliding ghosts and corpses will not be removed by the creation of some entity types. Defaults to false.

If true, colliding ghosts and corpses will not be removed by the creation of some entity types. Defaults to false.

Other attributes may be specified depending on the type of entity:


recipe :: string?


target_position :: MapPosition?

Absolute target position that can be used instead of target entity (entity has precedence if both entity and position are defined).

Absolute target position that can be used instead of target entity (entity has precedence if both entity and position are defined).

source_position :: MapPosition?

Absolute source position that can be used instead of source entity (entity has precedence if both entity and position are defined).

Absolute source position that can be used instead of source entity (entity has precedence if both entity and position are defined).

max_length :: uint?

If set, beam will be destroyed when distance between source and target is greater than this value.

If set, beam will be destroyed when distance between source and target is greater than this value.

duration :: uint?

If set, beam will be destroyed after this value of ticks.

If set, beam will be destroyed after this value of ticks.

source_offset :: Vector?

Source position will be offset by this value when rendering the beam.

Source position will be offset by this value when rendering the beam.


target_position :: MapPosition?

Absolute target position that can be used instead of target entity (entity has precedence if both entity and position are defined).

Absolute target position that can be used instead of target entity (entity has precedence if both entity and position are defined).

source_position :: MapPosition?

Absolute source position that can be used instead of source entity (entity has precedence if both entity and position are defined).

Absolute source position that can be used instead of source entity (entity has precedence if both entity and position are defined).


bar :: uint?

Inventory index where the red limiting bar should be set.

Inventory index where the red limiting bar should be set.


cliff_orientation :: CliffOrientation?

If not specified, direction will be used instead.

If not specified, direction will be used instead.


inner_name :: string

The prototype name of the entity contained in the ghost.

The prototype name of the entity contained in the ghost.

tags :: Tags?

The LuaEntity::tags associated with this entity ghost.

The LuaEntity::tags associated with this entity ghost.


inner_name :: string

The prototype name of the tile contained in the ghost.

The prototype name of the tile contained in the ghost.


initial_ground_flame_count :: uint8?

With how many small flames should the fire on ground be created. Defaults to the initial flame count of the prototype.

With how many small flames should the fire on ground be created. Defaults to the initial flame count of the prototype.


tick_grown :: uint?

The tick the plant will be fully grown. If not specified, the plants normal growth time is used.

The tick the plant will be fully grown. If not specified, the plants normal growth time is used.


conditions :: InserterCircuitConditions
filters :: array[InventoryFilter]


stack :: SimpleItemStack

The stack of items to create.

The stack of items to create.


target :: LuaEntity

The target items are to be delivered to.

The target items are to be delivered to.

modules :: array[BlueprintInsertPlan]

The stacks of items to be delivered to target entity from logistic network.

The stacks of items to be delivered to target entity from logistic network.

removal_plan :: array[BlueprintInsertPlan]?

Specification of items to be removed from the target entity by the logistic network.

Specification of items to be removed from the target entity by the logistic network.


orientation :: RealOrientation?

The orientation of this rolling stock.

The orientation of this rolling stock.

color :: Color?

The color of this rolling stock, if it supports colors.

The color of this rolling stock, if it supports colors.


snap_to_train_stop :: boolean?

Whether the locomotive should snap to an adjacent train stop. Defaults to true.

Whether the locomotive should snap to an adjacent train stop. Defaults to true.


request_filters :: array[InventoryFilter]?


movement :: Vector
height :: float
vertical_speed :: float
frame_speed :: float


movement :: Vector
height :: float
vertical_speed :: float
frame_speed :: float


speed :: double?

Defaults to 0.

Defaults to 0.

max_range :: double?

Defaults to 1000.

Defaults to 1000.


speed :: double?

Defaults to 1.

Defaults to 1.


amount :: uint
enable_tree_removal :: boolean?

If colliding trees are removed normally for this resource entity based off the prototype tree removal values. Default is true.

If colliding trees are removed normally for this resource entity based off the prototype tree removal values. Default is true.

enable_cliff_removal :: boolean?

If colliding cliffs are removed. Default is true.

If colliding cliffs are removed. Default is true.

snap_to_tile_center :: boolean?

If true, the resource entity will be placed to center of a tile as map generator would place it, otherwise standard non-resource grid alignment rules will apply. Default is true.

If true, the resource entity will be placed to center of a tile as map generator would place it, otherwise standard non-resource grid alignment rules will apply. Default is true.


type :: "output" or "input"?

Defaults to "input".

Defaults to "input".


type :: "output" or "input"?

Defaults to "input".

Defaults to "input".

filters :: array[InventoryFilter]?


type :: "output" or "input"?

Defaults to "input".

Defaults to "input".

filters :: array[InventoryFilter]?



inventory_size :: uint?
player_index :: uint?


bounding_box :: BoundingBox?

The bounding box defining the highlight box using absolute map coordinates. If specified, the general position parameter still needs to be present, but will be ignored. If not specified, the game falls back to the source parameter first, then the target parameter second. One of these three parameters need to be specified.

The bounding box defining the highlight box using absolute map coordinates. If specified, the general position parameter still needs to be present, but will be ignored. If not specified, the game falls back to the source parameter first, then the target parameter second. One of these three parameters need to be specified.

box_type :: CursorBoxRenderType?

Specifies the graphical appearance (color) of the highlight box. Defaults to "electricity".

Specifies the graphical appearance (color) of the highlight box. Defaults to "electricity".

render_player_index :: uint?

The player to render the highlight box for. If not provided, it will be rendered for all players.

The player to render the highlight box for. If not provided, it will be rendered for all players.

blink_interval :: uint?

The blink interval for this highlight box. Makes it be shown every blink_interval ticks. Defaults to 0 (constantly shown).

The blink interval for this highlight box. Makes it be shown every blink_interval ticks. Defaults to 0 (constantly shown).

time_to_live :: uint?

The amount of time in ticks that the highlight box will exist for. Defaults to existing forever.

The amount of time in ticks that the highlight box will exist for. Defaults to existing forever.


text :: LocalisedString
lifetime :: uint?


render_player_index :: uint?


render_player_index :: uint?


auto_connect :: boolean?

True by default. If set to false, created electric pole will not auto connect to neighbour electric poles.

True by default. If set to false, created electric pole will not auto connect to neighbour electric poles.


color :: Color?

Defaults to white.

Defaults to white.

always_on :: boolean?

Defaults to false.

Defaults to false.



Return values

→ LuaEntity?

The created entity or nil if the creation failed.

Raised events

script_raised_built? instantly

Raised if the raise_built flag was set and the entity was successfully created.


local asm = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = "assembling-machine-1", position = {15, 3}, force = game.forces.player, recipe = "iron-stick"}
-- Creates a filter inserter with circuit conditions and a filter
  name = "filter-inserter", position = {20, 15}, force = game.player.force,
  conditions =
    red = {name = "wood", count = 3, operator = ">"},
    green = {name = "iron-ore", count = 1, operator = "<"},
    logistics = {name = "wood", count = 3, operator = "="}
  filters = {{index = 1, name = "iron-ore"}}
-- Creates a requester chest already set to request 128 iron plates.
  name = "requester-chest", position = {game.player.position.x+3, game.player.position.y},
  force = game.player.force, request_filters = {{index = 1, name = "iron-plate", count = 128}}
game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = "big-biter", position = {15, 3}, force = game.forces.player} -- Friendly biter
game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = "medium-biter", position = {15, 3}, force = game.forces.enemy} -- Enemy biter
-- Creates a basic inserter at the player's location facing north
game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = "inserter", position = game.player.position, direction = defines.direction.north}

create_trivial_smoke{name=…, position=…} changed


Table with the following fields:
name :: TrivialSmokeID

The smoke prototype name to create.

The smoke prototype name to create.

position :: MapPosition

Where to create the smoke.

Where to create the smoke.

create_particle{name=…, position=…, movement=…, height=…, vertical_speed=…, frame_speed=…} changed

Creates a particle at the given location


Table with the following fields:
name :: ParticleID

The particle name.

The particle name.

position :: MapPosition

Where to create the particle.

Where to create the particle.

movement :: Vector
height :: float
vertical_speed :: float
frame_speed :: float

create_unit_group{position=…, force?=…} → LuaCommandablechanged

Create a new unit group at a given position.


Table with the following fields:
position :: MapPosition

Initial position of the new unit group.

Initial position of the new unit group.

force :: ForceID?

Force of the new unit group. Defaults to "enemy".

Force of the new unit group. Defaults to "enemy".

Raised events

build_enemy_base(position, unit_count, force?) changed

Send a group to build a new base.

The specified force must be AI-controlled; i.e. force.ai_controllable must be true.


position :: MapPosition

Location of the new base.

Location of the new base.

unit_count :: uint

Number of biters to send for the base-building task.

Number of biters to send for the base-building task.

force :: ForceID?

Force the new base will belong to. Defaults to enemy.

Force the new base will belong to. Defaults to enemy.

get_tile(x, y) → LuaTile

Get the tile at a given position. An alternative call signature for this method is passing it a single TilePosition.

Non-integer values will result in them being rounded down.


x :: int
y :: int

set_tiles(tiles, correct_tiles?, remove_colliding_entities?, remove_colliding_decoratives?, raise_event?, player?, undo_index?) changed

Set tiles at specified locations. Can automatically correct the edges around modified tiles.

Placing a mineable tile on top of a non-mineable or foundation one will turn the latter into the LuaTile::hidden_tile for that tile. Placing a mineable non-foundation tile on a mineable non-foundation one or a mineable foundation tile on a mineable foundation one will not modify the hidden tile. This restriction can however be circumvented by using LuaSurface::set_hidden_tile. Placing a non-foundation tile on top of a foundation one when there already exists a hidden tile will push hidden tile to double hidden, and foundation tile will turn into hidden. Placing a mineable foundation tile over a mineable non-foundation tile with hidden mineable foundation tile, the hidden tile will be replaced by previously double hidden tile and double hidden tile will be erased. Placing a non-mineable tile will erase hidden and double hidden tiles.

It is recommended to call this method once for all the tiles you want to change rather than calling it individually for every tile. As the tile correction is used after every step, calling it one by one could cause the tile correction logic to redo some of the changes. Also, many small API calls are generally more performance intensive than one big one.


tiles :: array[Tile]
correct_tiles :: boolean?

If false, the correction logic is not applied to the changed tiles. Defaults to true.

If false, the correction logic is not applied to the changed tiles. Defaults to true.

remove_colliding_entities :: boolean or "abort_on_collision"?

Defaults to true.

Defaults to true.

remove_colliding_decoratives :: boolean?

Defaults to true.

Defaults to true.

raise_event :: boolean?

Defaults to false.

Defaults to false.

player :: PlayerIdentification?

The player whose undo queue to add these actions to.

The player whose undo queue to add these actions to.

undo_index :: uint?

The index of the undo item to add this action to. An index of 0 creates a new undo item for it. Defaults to putting it into the appropriate undo item automatically if not specified.

The index of the undo item to add this action to. An index of 0 creates a new undo item for it. Defaults to putting it into the appropriate undo item automatically if not specified.

Raised events

script_raised_set_tiles? instantly

Raised if the raise_event flag was set.

pollute(source, amount, prototype?) changed

Spawn pollution at the given position.


source :: MapPosition

Where to spawn the pollution.

Where to spawn the pollution.

amount :: double

How much pollution to add.

How much pollution to add.

prototype :: EntityID?

The entity prototype to attribute the pollution change to in statistics. If not defined, the pollution change will not show up in statistics.

The entity prototype to attribute the pollution change to in statistics. If not defined, the pollution change will not show up in statistics.

get_chunks() → LuaChunkIterator

Get an iterator going over every chunk on this surface.

is_chunk_generated(position) → boolean

Is a given chunk generated?


position :: ChunkPosition

The chunk's position.

The chunk's position.

request_to_generate_chunks(position, radius?)

Request that the game's map generator generate chunks at the given position for the given radius on this surface. If the radius is 0, then only the chunk at the given position is generated.


position :: MapPosition

Where to generate the new chunks.

Where to generate the new chunks.

radius :: uint?

The chunk radius from position to generate new chunks in. Defaults to 0.

The chunk radius from position to generate new chunks in. Defaults to 0.


Blocks and generates all chunks that have been requested using all available threads.

set_chunk_generated_status(position, status)

Set generated status of a chunk. Useful when copying chunks.


position :: ChunkPosition

The chunk's position.

The chunk's position.

status :: defines.chunk_generated_status

The chunk's new status.

The chunk's new status.

find_logistic_network_by_position(position, force) → LuaLogisticNetwork?changed

Find the logistic network that covers a given position.


position :: MapPosition
force :: ForceID

Force the logistic network should belong to.

Force the logistic network should belong to.

Return values

→ LuaLogisticNetwork?

The found network or nil if no such network was found.

find_closest_logistic_network_by_position(position, force) → LuaLogisticNetwork?changed

Find the logistic network with a cell closest to a given position.


position :: MapPosition
force :: ForceID

Force the logistic network should belong to.

Force the logistic network should belong to.

Return values

→ LuaLogisticNetwork?

The found network or nil if no such network was found.

find_logistic_networks_by_construction_area(position, force) → array[LuaLogisticNetwork] changed

Finds all of the logistics networks whose construction area intersects with the given position.


position :: MapPosition
force :: ForceID

Force the logistic networks should belong to.

Force the logistic networks should belong to.

deconstruct_area{area=…, force=…, player?=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…, item?=…, super_forced?=…} changed

Place a deconstruction request.


Table with the following fields:
area :: BoundingBox

The area to mark for deconstruction.

The area to mark for deconstruction.

force :: ForceID

The force whose bots should perform the deconstruction.

The force whose bots should perform the deconstruction.

player :: PlayerIdentification?

The player to set the last_user to if any.

The player to set the last_user to if any.

skip_fog_of_war :: boolean?

If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped. Defaults to false.

If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped. Defaults to false.

item :: LuaItemStack?

The deconstruction item to use if any.

The deconstruction item to use if any.

super_forced :: boolean?

If the deconstruction is super-forced. Defaults to false.

If the deconstruction is super-forced. Defaults to false.

Raised events

on_marked_for_deconstruction? instantly

Raised for every entity that has been successfully marked for deconstruction.

cancel_deconstruct_area{area=…, force=…, player?=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…, item?=…, item_index?=…, super_forced?=…} changed

Cancel a deconstruction order.


Table with the following fields:
area :: BoundingBox

The area to cancel deconstruction orders in.

The area to cancel deconstruction orders in.

force :: ForceID

The force whose deconstruction orders to cancel.

The force whose deconstruction orders to cancel.

player :: PlayerIdentification?

The player to set the last_user to, if any. Also the player whose undo queue this action should be added to.

The player to set the last_user to, if any. Also the player whose undo queue this action should be added to.

skip_fog_of_war :: boolean?

If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped. Defaults to false.

If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped. Defaults to false.

item :: LuaItemStack?

The deconstruction item to use if any.

The deconstruction item to use if any.

item_index :: uint?

The index of the undo item to add this action to. An index of 0 creates a new undo item for it. Defaults to putting it into the appropriate undo item automatically if not specified.

The index of the undo item to add this action to. An index of 0 creates a new undo item for it. Defaults to putting it into the appropriate undo item automatically if not specified.

super_forced :: boolean?

If the cancel deconstruction is super-forced. Defaults to false.

If the cancel deconstruction is super-forced. Defaults to false.

Raised events

on_cancelled_deconstruction? instantly

Raised for every entity whose deconstruction has been successfully cancelled.

upgrade_area{area=…, force=…, player?=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…, item=…} changed

Place an upgrade request.


Table with the following fields:
area :: BoundingBox

The area to mark for upgrade.

The area to mark for upgrade.

force :: ForceID

The force whose bots should perform the upgrade.

The force whose bots should perform the upgrade.

player :: PlayerIdentification?

The player to set the last_user to if any.

The player to set the last_user to if any.

skip_fog_of_war :: boolean?

If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped.

If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped.

item :: LuaItemStack

The upgrade item to use.

The upgrade item to use.

Raised events

on_marked_for_upgrade? instantly

Raised for every entity that has been successfully marked for upgrade.

cancel_upgrade_area{area=…, force=…, player?=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…, item=…} changed

Cancel a upgrade order.


Table with the following fields:
area :: BoundingBox

The area to cancel upgrade orders in.

The area to cancel upgrade orders in.

force :: ForceID

The force whose upgrade orders to cancel.

The force whose upgrade orders to cancel.

player :: PlayerIdentification?

The player to set the last_user to if any.

The player to set the last_user to if any.

skip_fog_of_war :: boolean?

If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped.

If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped.

item :: LuaItemStack

The upgrade item to use.

The upgrade item to use.

Raised events

on_cancelled_upgrade? instantly

Raised for every entity whose upgrade has been successfully cancelled.

get_hidden_tile(position) → string?

The hidden tile name.


position :: TilePosition

The tile position.

The tile position.

Return values

→ string?

nil if there isn't one for the given position.

get_double_hidden_tile(position) → stringnew

The double hidden tile name or nil if there isn't one for the given position.


position :: TilePosition

The tile position.

The tile position.

set_hidden_tile(position, tile?) changed

Set the hidden tile for the specified position. While during normal gameplay only non-mineable or foundation tiles can become hidden, this method allows any kind of tile to be set as the hidden one.


position :: TilePosition

The tile position.

The tile position.

tile :: TileID?

The new hidden tile or nil to clear the hidden tile.

The new hidden tile or nil to clear the hidden tile.

set_double_hidden_tile(position, tile?) new

Set double hidden tile for the specified position. During normal gameplay, only non-mineable tiles can become double hidden.

Does nothing if hidden tile at specified position does not exist.


position :: TilePosition

The tile position.

The tile position.

tile :: TileID?

The new double hidden tile or nil to clear the double hidden tile.

The new double hidden tile or nil to clear the double hidden tile.

get_connected_tiles(position, tiles, include_diagonal?, area?) → array[TilePosition] changed

Gets all tiles of the given types that are connected horizontally or vertically to the given tile position including the given tile position.

This won't find tiles in non-generated chunks.


position :: TilePosition

The tile position to start at.

The tile position to start at.

tiles :: array[TileID]

The tiles to search for.

The tiles to search for.

include_diagonal :: boolean?

Include tiles that are connected diagonally.

Include tiles that are connected diagonally.

area :: BoundingBox?

The area to find connected tiles in. If provided the start position must be in this area.

The area to find connected tiles in. If provided the start position must be in this area.

Return values

→ array[TilePosition]

The resulting set of tiles.



position :: ChunkPosition

The chunk position to delete

The chunk position to delete

Raised events

regenerate_entity(entities?, chunks?)

Regenerate autoplacement of some entities on this surface. This can be used to autoplace newly-added entities.

All specified entity prototypes must be autoplacable. If nothing is given all entities are generated on all chunks.


entities :: string or array[string]?

Prototype names of entity or entities to autoplace. When nil all entities with an autoplace are used.

Prototype names of entity or entities to autoplace. When nil all entities with an autoplace are used.

chunks :: array[ChunkPosition]?

The chunk positions to regenerate the entities on. If not given all chunks are regenerated. Note chunks with status < entities are ignored.

The chunk positions to regenerate the entities on. If not given all chunks are regenerated. Note chunks with status < entities are ignored.

regenerate_decorative(decoratives?, chunks?)

Regenerate autoplacement of some decoratives on this surface. This can be used to autoplace newly-added decoratives.

All specified decorative prototypes must be autoplacable. If nothing is given all decoratives are generated on all chunks.


decoratives :: string or array[string]?

Prototype names of decorative or decoratives to autoplace. When nil all decoratives with an autoplace are used.

Prototype names of decorative or decoratives to autoplace. When nil all decoratives with an autoplace are used.

chunks :: array[ChunkPosition]?

The chunk positions to regenerate the decoratives on. If not given all chunks are regenerated. Note chunks with status < entities are ignored.

The chunk positions to regenerate the decoratives on. If not given all chunks are regenerated. Note chunks with status < entities are ignored.

print(message, print_settings?) changed

Print text to the chat console of all players on this surface.

By default, messages that are identical to a message sent in the last 60 ticks are not printed again.


message :: LocalisedString
print_settings :: PrintSettings?

destroy_decoratives{area?=…, position?=…, name?=…, collision_mask?=…, from_layer?=…, to_layer?=…, exclude_soft?=…, limit?=…, invert?=…} changed

Removes all decoratives from the given area. If no area and no position are given, then the entire surface is searched.


Table with the following fields:
area :: BoundingBox?
position :: TilePosition?
name :: DecorativeID or array[DecorativeID]?
collision_mask :: CollisionLayerID or array[CollisionLayerID] or dictionary[CollisionLayerID → true]?
from_layer :: string?
to_layer :: string?
exclude_soft :: boolean?

Soft decoratives can be drawn over rails.

Soft decoratives can be drawn over rails.

limit :: uint?
invert :: boolean?

If the filters should be inverted.

If the filters should be inverted.

create_decoratives{check_collision?=…, decoratives=…}

Adds the given decoratives to the surface.

This will merge decoratives of the same type that already exist effectively increasing the "amount" field.


Table with the following fields:
check_collision :: boolean?

If collision should be checked against entities/tiles.

If collision should be checked against entities/tiles.

decoratives :: array[Decorative]

find_decoratives_filtered{area?=…, position?=…, name?=…, collision_mask?=…, from_layer?=…, to_layer?=…, exclude_soft?=…, limit?=…, invert?=…} → array[DecorativeResult] changed

Find decoratives of a given name in a given area.

If no filters are given, returns all decoratives in the search area. If multiple filters are specified, returns only decoratives matching every given filter. If no area and no position are given, the entire surface is searched.


Table with the following fields:
area :: BoundingBox?
position :: TilePosition?
name :: DecorativeID or array[DecorativeID]?
collision_mask :: CollisionLayerID or array[CollisionLayerID] or dictionary[CollisionLayerID → true]?
from_layer :: string?
to_layer :: string?
exclude_soft :: boolean?

Soft decoratives can be drawn over rails.

Soft decoratives can be drawn over rails.

limit :: uint?
invert :: boolean?

If the filters should be inverted.

If the filters should be inverted.


game.surfaces[1].find_decoratives_filtered{area = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, name = "sand-decal"} -- gets all sand-decals in the rectangle
game.surfaces[1].find_decoratives_filtered{area = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, limit = 5}  -- gets the first 5 decoratives in the rectangle


Clears all pollution on this surface.

play_sound{path=…, position?=…, volume_modifier?=…, override_sound_type?=…}

Play a sound for every player on this surface.

The sound is not played if its location is not charted for that player.


Table with the following fields:
path :: SoundPath

The sound to play.

The sound to play.

position :: MapPosition?

Where the sound should be played. If not given, it's played globally on this surface.

Where the sound should be played. If not given, it's played globally on this surface.

volume_modifier :: double?

The volume of the sound to play. Must be between 0 and 1 inclusive.

The volume of the sound to play. Must be between 0 and 1 inclusive.

override_sound_type :: SoundType?

The volume mixer to play the sound through. Defaults to the default mixer for the given sound type.

The volume mixer to play the sound through. Defaults to the default mixer for the given sound type.

get_resource_counts() → dictionary[string → uint]

Gets the resource amount of all resources on this surface

get_random_chunk() → ChunkPosition

Gets a random generated chunk position or 0,0 if no chunks have been generated on this surface.

clone_area{source_area=…, destination_area=…, destination_surface?=…, destination_force?=…, clone_tiles?=…, clone_entities?=…, clone_decoratives?=…, clear_destination_entities?=…, clear_destination_decoratives?=…, expand_map?=…, create_build_effect_smoke?=…} changed

Clones the given area.

Entities are cloned in an order such that they can always be created, eg rails before trains.


Table with the following fields:
source_area :: BoundingBox
destination_area :: BoundingBox
destination_surface :: SurfaceIdentification?
destination_force :: ForceID?
clone_tiles :: boolean?

If tiles should be cloned

If tiles should be cloned

clone_entities :: boolean?

If entities should be cloned

If entities should be cloned

clone_decoratives :: boolean?

If decoratives should be cloned

If decoratives should be cloned

clear_destination_entities :: boolean?

If the destination entities should be cleared

If the destination entities should be cleared

clear_destination_decoratives :: boolean?

If the destination decoratives should be cleared

If the destination decoratives should be cleared

expand_map :: boolean?

If the destination surface should be expanded when destination_area is outside current bounds. Defaults to false.

If the destination surface should be expanded when destination_area is outside current bounds. Defaults to false.

create_build_effect_smoke :: boolean?

If true, the building effect smoke will be shown around the new entities. Defaults to false.

If true, the building effect smoke will be shown around the new entities. Defaults to false.

Raised events

on_entity_cloned instantly

Raised for every entity that was cloned.

on_area_cloned instantly

Raised after the individual on_entity_cloned events.

clone_brush{source_offset=…, destination_offset=…, source_positions=…, destination_surface?=…, destination_force?=…, clone_tiles?=…, clone_entities?=…, clone_decoratives?=…, clear_destination_entities?=…, clear_destination_decoratives?=…, expand_map?=…, manual_collision_mode?=…, create_build_effect_smoke?=…}

Clones the given area.

defines.events.on_entity_cloned is raised for each entity, and then defines.events.on_area_cloned is raised.

Entities are cloned in an order such that they can always be created, eg rails before trains.


Table with the following fields:
source_offset :: TilePosition
destination_offset :: TilePosition
source_positions :: array[TilePosition]
destination_surface :: SurfaceIdentification?
destination_force :: LuaForce or string?
clone_tiles :: boolean?

If tiles should be cloned

If tiles should be cloned

clone_entities :: boolean?

If entities should be cloned

If entities should be cloned

clone_decoratives :: boolean?

If decoratives should be cloned

If decoratives should be cloned

clear_destination_entities :: boolean?

If the destination entities should be cleared

If the destination entities should be cleared

clear_destination_decoratives :: boolean?

If the destination decoratives should be cleared

If the destination decoratives should be cleared

expand_map :: boolean?

If the destination surface should be expanded when destination_area is outside current bounds. Defaults to false.

If the destination surface should be expanded when destination_area is outside current bounds. Defaults to false.

manual_collision_mode :: boolean?

If manual-style collision checks should be done.

If manual-style collision checks should be done.

create_build_effect_smoke :: boolean?

If true, the building effect smoke will be shown around the new entities.

If true, the building effect smoke will be shown around the new entities.

clone_entities{entities=…, destination_offset=…, destination_surface?=…, destination_force?=…, snap_to_grid?=…, create_build_effect_smoke?=…} changed

Clones the given entities.

Entities are cloned in an order such that they can always be created, eg rails before trains.


Table with the following fields:
entities :: array[LuaEntity]
destination_offset :: Vector
destination_surface :: SurfaceIdentification?
destination_force :: ForceID?
snap_to_grid :: boolean?
create_build_effect_smoke :: boolean?

If true, the building effect smoke will be shown around the new entities.

If true, the building effect smoke will be shown around the new entities.

Raised events

on_entity_cloned instantly

Raised for every entity that was cloned.


Clears this surface deleting all entities and chunks on it.


ignore_characters :: boolean?

Whether characters on this surface that are connected to or associated with players should be ignored (not destroyed). Defaults to false.

Whether characters on this surface that are connected to or associated with players should be ignored (not destroyed). Defaults to false.

Raised events

request_path{bounding_box=…, collision_mask=…, start=…, goal=…, force=…, radius?=…, pathfind_flags?=…, can_open_gates?=…, path_resolution_modifier?=…, max_gap_size?=…, max_attack_distance?=…, entity_to_ignore?=…} → uintchanged

Generates a path with the specified constraints (as an array of PathfinderWaypoints) using the unit pathfinding algorithm. This path can be used to emulate pathing behavior by script for non-unit entities, such as vehicles. If you want to command actual units (such as biters or spitters) to move, use LuaCommandable::set_command via LuaEntity::commandable instead.

The resulting path is ultimately returned asynchronously via on_script_path_request_finished.


Table with the following fields:
bounding_box :: BoundingBox

The dimensions of the object that's supposed to travel the path.

The dimensions of the object that's supposed to travel the path.

collision_mask :: CollisionMask

The collision mask the bounding_box collides with.

The collision mask the bounding_box collides with.

start :: MapPosition

The position from which to start pathfinding.

The position from which to start pathfinding.

goal :: MapPosition

The position to find a path to.

The position to find a path to.

force :: ForceID

The force for which to generate the path, determining which gates can be opened for example.

The force for which to generate the path, determining which gates can be opened for example.

radius :: double?

How close the pathfinder needs to get to its goal (in tiles). Defaults to 1.

How close the pathfinder needs to get to its goal (in tiles). Defaults to 1.

pathfind_flags :: PathfinderFlags?

Flags that affect pathfinder behavior.

Flags that affect pathfinder behavior.

can_open_gates :: boolean?

Whether the path request can open gates. Defaults to false.

Whether the path request can open gates. Defaults to false.

path_resolution_modifier :: int?

Defines how coarse the pathfinder's grid is, where smaller values mean a coarser grid. Defaults to 0, which equals a resolution of 1x1 tiles, centered on tile centers. Values range from -8 to 8 inclusive, where each integer increment doubles/halves the resolution. So, a resolution of -8 equals a grid of 256x256 tiles, and a resolution of 8 equals 1/256 of a tile.

Defines how coarse the pathfinder's grid is, where smaller values mean a coarser grid. Defaults to 0, which equals a resolution of 1x1 tiles, centered on tile centers. Values range from -8 to 8 inclusive, where each integer increment doubles/halves the resolution. So, a resolution of -8 equals a grid of 256x256 tiles, and a resolution of 8 equals 1/256 of a tile.

max_gap_size :: int?

Defines the maximum allowed distance between path waypoints. 0 means that paths must be contiguous (as they are for biters). Values greater than 0 will produce paths with "gaps" that are suitable for spiders. Allowed values are from 0 to 31. Defaults to 0.

Defines the maximum allowed distance between path waypoints. 0 means that paths must be contiguous (as they are for biters). Values greater than 0 will produce paths with "gaps" that are suitable for spiders. Allowed values are from 0 to 31. Defaults to 0.

max_attack_distance :: double?

Defines the maximum allowed distance between the last traversable path waypoint and an obstacle entity to be destroyed. Only used when finding a discontiguous path, i.e. when max_gap_size > 0. This field filters out paths that are blocked by obstacles that are outside the entity's attack range. Allowed values are 0 or greater. Defaults to max_gap_size.

Defines the maximum allowed distance between the last traversable path waypoint and an obstacle entity to be destroyed. Only used when finding a discontiguous path, i.e. when max_gap_size > 0. This field filters out paths that are blocked by obstacles that are outside the entity's attack range. Allowed values are 0 or greater. Defaults to max_gap_size.

entity_to_ignore :: LuaEntity?

Makes the pathfinder ignore collisions with this entity if it is given.

Makes the pathfinder ignore collisions with this entity if it is given.

Return values

→ uint

A unique handle to identify this call when on_script_path_request_finished fires.

Raised events

get_script_areas(name?) → array[ScriptArea]

Gets the script areas that match the given name or if no name is given all areas are returned.


name :: string?

get_script_area(key?) → ScriptArea?

Gets the first script area by name or id.


key :: string or uint?

The name or id of the area to get.

The name or id of the area to get.

edit_script_area(id, area)

Sets the given script area to the new values.


id :: uint

The area to edit.

The area to edit.

area :: ScriptArea

add_script_area(area) → uint

Adds the given script area.


area :: ScriptArea

Return values

→ uint

The id of the created area.

remove_script_area(id) → boolean

Removes the given script area.


id :: uint

Return values

→ boolean

If the area was actually removed. False when it didn't exist.

get_script_positions(name?) → array[ScriptPosition]

Gets the script positions that match the given name or if no name is given all positions are returned.


name :: string?

get_script_position(key?) → ScriptPosition?

Gets the first script position by name or id.


key :: string or uint?

The name or id of the position to get.

The name or id of the position to get.

edit_script_position(id, position) changed

Sets the given script position to the new values.


id :: uint

The position to edit.

The position to edit.

position :: ScriptPosition

add_script_position(position) → uintchanged

Adds the given script position.


position :: ScriptPosition

Return values

→ uint

The id of the created position.

remove_script_position(id) → boolean

Removes the given script position.


id :: uint

Return values

→ boolean

If the position was actually removed. False when it didn't exist.

get_map_exchange_string() → string

Gets the map exchange string for the current map generation settings of this surface.

get_starting_area_radius() → double

Gets the starting area radius of this surface.

get_closest(position, entities) → LuaEntity?

Gets the closest entity in the list to this position.


position :: MapPosition
entities :: array[LuaEntity]

The Entities to check.

The Entities to check.

get_total_pollution() → double

Gets the total amount of pollution on the surface by iterating over all the chunks containing pollution.

entity_prototype_collides(prototype, position, use_map_generation_bounding_box, direction?) → booleanchanged

Whether the given entity prototype collides at the given position and direction.


prototype :: EntityID

The entity prototype to check.

The entity prototype to check.

position :: MapPosition

The position to check.

The position to check.

use_map_generation_bounding_box :: boolean

If the map generation bounding box should be used instead of the collision bounding box.

If the map generation bounding box should be used instead of the collision bounding box.

direction :: defines.direction?

decorative_prototype_collides(prototype, position) → booleanchanged

Whether the given decorative prototype collides at the given position and direction.


prototype :: DecorativeID

The decorative prototype to check.

The decorative prototype to check.

position :: MapPosition

The position to check.

The position to check.

calculate_tile_properties(property_names, positions) → dictionary[string → array[double]]

Calculate values for a list of tile properties at a list of positions. Requests for unrecognized properties will be ignored, so this can also be used to test whether those properties exist.


property_names :: array[string]

Names of properties ("elevation", etc) to calculate.

Names of properties ("elevation", etc) to calculate.

positions :: array[MapPosition]

Positions for which to calculate property values.

Positions for which to calculate property values.

Return values

→ dictionary[string → array[double]]

Table of property value lists, keyed by property name.

get_entities_with_force(position, force) → array[LuaEntity] changed

Returns all the military targets (entities with force) on this chunk for the given force.


position :: ChunkPosition

The chunk's position.

The chunk's position.

force :: ForceID

Entities of this force will be returned.

Entities of this force will be returned.


Sets the given area to the checkerboard lab tiles.


area :: BoundingBox

The tile area.

The tile area.

get_property(property) → doublenew

Gets the value of surface property on this surface.


property :: SurfacePropertyID

Property to read.

Property to read.

Return values

→ double

Value of the property.

set_property(property, value) new

Sets the value of surface property on this surface.


property :: SurfacePropertyID

Property to change.

Property to change.

value :: double

The wanted value of the property.

The wanted value of the property.

create_global_electric_network() new

Creates a global electric network for this surface, if one doesn't exist already.

destroy_global_electric_network() new

Destroys the global electric network for this surface, if it exists.

execute_lightning{name=…, position=…} new

Creates lightning. If other entities which can be lightning targets are nearby, the final position will be adjusted.


Table with the following fields:
name :: EntityID
position :: MapPosition

clear_hidden_tiles() new

Completely removes hidden and double hidden tiles data on this surface.


name :: Read|Write string  

The name of this surface. Names are unique among surfaces.

The default surface can't be renamed.

Raised events

index :: Read uint  

This surface's index in LuaGameScript::surfaces (unique ID). It is assigned when a surface is created, and remains so until it is deleted. Indexes of deleted surfaces can be reused.

map_gen_settings :: Read|Write MapGenSettings  

The generation settings for this surface. These can be modified after surface generation, but note that this will not retroactively update the surface. To manually regenerate it, LuaSurface::regenerate_entity, LuaSurface::regenerate_decorative, and LuaSurface::delete_chunk can be used.

generate_with_lab_tiles :: Read|Write boolean  

When set to true, new chunks will be generated with lab tiles, instead of using the surface's map generation settings.

always_day :: Read|Write boolean  

When set to true, the sun will always shine.

daytime :: Read|Write double  

Current time of day, as a number in range [0, 1).

darkness :: Read float  

Amount of darkness at the current time, as a number in range [0, 1].

wind_speed :: Read|Write double  

Current wind speed in tiles per tick.

wind_orientation :: Read|Write RealOrientation  

Current wind direction.

wind_orientation_change :: Read|Write double  

Change in wind orientation per tick.

peaceful_mode :: Read|Write boolean  

Is peaceful mode enabled on this surface?

no_enemies_mode :: Read|Write boolean   new

Is no-enemies mode enabled on this surface?

freeze_daytime :: Read|Write boolean  

True if daytime is currently frozen.

ticks_per_day :: Read|Write uint  

The number of ticks per day for this surface.

dusk :: Read|Write double  

The daytime when dusk starts.

dawn :: Read|Write double  

The daytime when dawn starts.

evening :: Read|Write double  

The daytime when evening starts.

morning :: Read|Write double  

The daytime when morning starts.

solar_power_multiplier :: Read|Write double  

The multiplier of solar power on this surface. Cannot be less than 0.

min_brightness :: Read|Write double  

The minimal brightness during the night. Defaults to 0.15. This has an effect on both rendering and game mechanics such as biter spawns and solar power.

brightness_visual_weights :: Read|Write ColorModifier  

Defines how surface daytime brightness influences each color channel of the current color lookup table (LUT).

The LUT is multiplied by ((1 - weight) + brightness * weight) and result is clamped to range [0, 1].

Default is {0, 0, 0}, which means no influence.


-- Makes night on the surface pitch black, LuaSurface::min_brightness is set to default value 0.15.
game.surfaces[1].brightness_visual_weights = { 1 / 0.85, 1 / 0.85, 1 / 0.85 }

show_clouds :: Read|Write boolean  

If clouds are shown on this surface. If false, clouds are never shown. If true the player must also have clouds enabled in graphics settings for them to be shown.

has_global_electric_network :: Read boolean   new

Whether this surface currently has a global electric network.

platform :: Read LuaSpacePlatform  ?new

planet :: Read LuaPlanet  ?new

The planet associated with this surface, if there is one.

Use LuaPlanet::associate_surface to create a new association with a planet.

deletable :: Read boolean   new

If this surface can be deleted.

global_effect :: Read|Write ModuleEffects  ?new

Surface-wide effects applied to entities with effect receivers. May be nil if surface is not using surface-wide effect source.

pollutant_type :: Read LuaAirbornePollutantPrototype  ?new

The type of pollutant enabled on the surface, or nil if no pollutant is enabled.

localised_name :: Read|Write LocalisedString  ?new

Localised name of this surface. When set, will replace the internal surface name in places where a player sees surface name.

Value may be ignored if a surface has a SpacePlatform or Planet object attached to it, which take the precedence.

ignore_surface_conditions :: Read|Write boolean   new

If surface condition checks should not be performed on this surface.

valid :: Read boolean  

Is this object valid? This Lua object holds a reference to an object within the game engine. It is possible that the game-engine object is removed whilst a mod still holds the corresponding Lua object. If that happens, the object becomes invalid, i.e. this attribute will be false. Mods are advised to check for object validity if any change to the game state might have occurred between the creation of the Lua object and its access.

object_name :: Read string  

The class name of this object. Available even when valid is false. For LuaStruct objects it may also be suffixed with a dotted path to a member of the struct.



