Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.37

BlueprintEntity :: table

The representation of an entity inside of a blueprint. It has at least these fields, but can contain additional ones depending on the kind of entity.

Table fields

entity_number :: uint

The entity's unique identifier in the blueprint.

The entity's unique identifier in the blueprint.

name :: string

The prototype name of the entity.

The prototype name of the entity.

position :: MapPosition

The position of the entity.

The position of the entity.

direction :: defines.direction?

The direction the entity is facing. Only present for entities that can face in different directions and when the entity is not facing north.

The direction the entity is facing. Only present for entities that can face in different directions and when the entity is not facing north.

mirror :: boolean?

Whether this entity is mirrored.

Whether this entity is mirrored.

quality :: string?

The prototype name of the entity's quality.

The prototype name of the entity's quality.

control_behavior :: BlueprintControlBehavior?

The control behavior of the entity, if it has one. The format of the control behavior depends on the entity's type. Only relevant for entities that support control behaviors.

The control behavior of the entity, if it has one. The format of the control behavior depends on the entity's type. Only relevant for entities that support control behaviors.

items :: array[BlueprintInsertPlan]?

The items that the entity will request when revived, if any.

The items that the entity will request when revived, if any.

tags :: Tags?

The entity tags of the entity, if there are any.

The entity tags of the entity, if there are any.

schedule :: BlueprintSchedule?

The schedule of the entity, if it has one. Only relevant for locomotives.

The schedule of the entity, if it has one. Only relevant for locomotives.

wires :: array[BlueprintWire]?

Wires connected to this entity in the blueprint.

Wires connected to this entity in the blueprint.



