Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.39

CutsceneWaypoint :: table

Table fields

position :: MapPosition?

Position to pan the camera to.

Position to pan the camera to.

target :: LuaEntity or LuaCommandable?

Entity or unit group to pan the camera to.

Entity or unit group to pan the camera to.

transition_time :: uint

How many ticks it will take to reach this waypoint from the previous one.

How many ticks it will take to reach this waypoint from the previous one.

time_to_wait :: uint

Time in ticks to wait before moving to the next waypoint.

Time in ticks to wait before moving to the next waypoint.

zoom :: double?

Zoom level to be set when the waypoint is reached. When not specified, the previous waypoint's zoom is used.

Zoom level to be set when the waypoint is reached. When not specified, the previous waypoint's zoom is used.



