Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42

MineableProperties :: table

Table fields

minable :: boolean

Is this entity mineable at all?

Is this entity mineable at all?

mining_time :: double

Energy required to mine an entity.

Energy required to mine an entity.

mining_particle :: string?

Prototype name of the particle produced when mining this entity. Will only be present if this entity produces any particle during mining.

Prototype name of the particle produced when mining this entity. Will only be present if this entity produces any particle during mining.

products :: array[Product]?

Products obtained by mining this entity.

Products obtained by mining this entity.

fluid_amount :: double?

The required fluid amount if any.

The required fluid amount if any.

required_fluid :: string?

The prototype name of the required fluid if any.

The prototype name of the required fluid if any.

mining_trigger :: array[TriggerItem]?

The mining trigger if any.

The mining trigger if any.



