Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42

EnemyExpansionMapSettings :: table

Candidate chunks are given scores to determine which one of them should be expanded into. This score takes into account various settings noted below. The iteration is over a square region centered around the chunk for which the calculation is done, and includes the central chunk as well. Distances are calculated as Manhattan distance.

The pseudocode algorithm to determine a chunk's score is as follows:

player = 0
for neighbour in all chunks within enemy_building_influence_radius from chunk:
  player += number of player buildings on neighbour
    * building_coefficient
    * neighbouring_chunk_coefficient^distance(chunk, neighbour)
base = 0
for neighbour in all chunk within friendly_base_influence_radius from chunk:
  base += num of enemy bases on neighbour
    * other_base_coefficient
    * neighbouring_base_chunk_coefficient^distance(chunk, neighbour)
score(chunk) = 1 / (1 + player + base)

Table fields

enabled :: boolean

Whether enemy expansion is enabled at all.

Whether enemy expansion is enabled at all.

max_expansion_distance :: uint

Distance in chunks from the furthest base around to prevent expansions from reaching too far into the player's territory. Defaults to 7.

Distance in chunks from the furthest base around to prevent expansions from reaching too far into the player's territory. Defaults to 7.

friendly_base_influence_radius :: uint

Defaults to 2.

Defaults to 2.

enemy_building_influence_radius :: uint

Defaults to 2.

Defaults to 2.

building_coefficient :: double

Defaults to 0.1.

Defaults to 0.1.

other_base_coefficient :: double

Defaults to 2.0.

Defaults to 2.0.

neighbouring_chunk_coefficient :: double

Defaults to 0.5.

Defaults to 0.5.

neighbouring_base_chunk_coefficient :: double

Defaults to 0.4.

Defaults to 0.4.

max_colliding_tiles_coefficient :: double

A chunk has to have at most this high of a percentage of unbuildable tiles for it to be considered a candidate to avoid chunks full of water as candidates. Defaults to 0.9, or 90%.

A chunk has to have at most this high of a percentage of unbuildable tiles for it to be considered a candidate to avoid chunks full of water as candidates. Defaults to 0.9, or 90%.

settler_group_min_size :: uint

The minimum size of a biter group that goes to build a new base. This is multiplied by the evolution factor. Defaults to 5.

The minimum size of a biter group that goes to build a new base. This is multiplied by the evolution factor. Defaults to 5.

settler_group_max_size :: uint

The maximum size of a biter group that goes to build a new base. This is multiplied by the evolution factor. Defaults to 20.

The maximum size of a biter group that goes to build a new base. This is multiplied by the evolution factor. Defaults to 20.

min_expansion_cooldown :: uint

The minimum time between expansions in ticks. The actual cooldown is adjusted to the current evolution levels. Defaults to 4*3 600=14 400 ticks.

The minimum time between expansions in ticks. The actual cooldown is adjusted to the current evolution levels. Defaults to 4*3 600=14 400 ticks.

max_expansion_cooldown :: uint

The maximum time between expansions in ticks. The actual cooldown is adjusted to the current evolution levels. Defaults to 60*3 600=216 000 ticks.

The maximum time between expansions in ticks. The actual cooldown is adjusted to the current evolution levels. Defaults to 60*3 600=216 000 ticks.



