Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42

AmmoType :: table

Table fields

action :: array[TriggerItem]?
target_type :: TargetType
clamp_position :: boolean?

When true, the gun will be able to shoot even when the target is out of range. Only applies when target_type is position. The gun will fire at the maximum range in the direction of the target position. Defaults to false.

When true, the gun will be able to shoot even when the target is out of range. Only applies when target_type is position. The gun will fire at the maximum range in the direction of the target position. Defaults to false.

energy_consumption :: double?

Energy consumption of a single shot, if applicable. Defaults to 0.

Energy consumption of a single shot, if applicable. Defaults to 0.

range_modifier :: double?
cooldown_modifier :: double?
consumption_modifier :: float?



