Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.37

TrainPathFinderOneGoalResult :: table

Table fields

found_path :: boolean

True if found path.

True if found path.

goal_index :: uint?

If path was found, provides index of the specific goal to which the path goes to.

If path was found, provides index of the specific goal to which the path goes to.

start_index :: uint?

If path was found, provides index of the specific start from which the path to target goes from

If path was found, provides index of the specific start from which the path to target goes from

penalty :: double?

Penalty of the path to goal if path was found.

Penalty of the path to goal if path was found.

is_front :: boolean?

If path was found, tells if the path was reached from the train's front end or from RailEndStart with RailEndStart::is_front set.

If path was found, tells if the path was reached from the train's front end or from RailEndStart with RailEndStart::is_front set.

total_length :: double?

If path was found and search was of type "path", provides total length of all rails of the path.

If path was found and search was of type "path", provides total length of all rails of the path.

path :: array[LuaEntity]?

Only if search was of type "path", return_path was set to true and path was found. Contains all rails in order that are part of the found path.

Only if search was of type "path", return_path was set to true and path was found. Contains all rails in order that are part of the found path.

steps_count :: uint

Amount of steps pathfinder performed. This is a measure of how expensive this search was.

Amount of steps pathfinder performed. This is a measure of how expensive this search was.



