Commonly used conventions for passing data between mods and Factorio.
MapTick | uint64 |
| ||
ModuleEffectValue | float | The percentual increase of the attribute. [...] |
The percentual increase of the attribute. [...] | ||
ModuleEffects | table | |
ComparatorString | union | A string that specifies how the inputs should be compared. [...] |
A string that specifies how the inputs should be compared. [...] | ||
SpritePath | string | It can be either the name of a SpritePrototype defined in the data stage, or a path in form "type/name" or "". [...] |
It can be either the name of a SpritePrototype defined in the data stage, or a path in form "type/name" or "". [...] | ||
FlowStatisticsID | union | Identifies a statistics prototype, depending on the statistics type. |
Identifies a statistics prototype, depending on the statistics type. | ||
CollisionMask | table | |
ItemStackIndex | uint16 | |
LogisticFilterIndex | uint16 | |
ItemCountType | uint | |
InventoryIndex | uint8 | |
RollingStockDrawData | table | |
EntitySearchFilters | table | |
TileSearchFilters | table | |
SimulationWidgetType | union | |
RailExtensionData | table | |
TrainFilter | table | |
TrainStopFilter | table | |
TrainPathRequestType | union | A string specifying the type of request for LuaTrainManager::request_train_path. |
A string specifying the type of request for LuaTrainManager::request_train_path. | ||
TrainPathFinderGoal | union | |
TrainStopGoal | table | |
RailEndGoal | table | |
RailEndStart | table | |
TrainPathFinderOneGoalResult | table | |
TrainPathAllGoalsResult | table | |
AddRecordData | table | |
DetailedItemOnLine | table | |
PipeConnection | table | A single pipe connection for a given fluidbox. |
A single pipe connection for a given fluidbox. | ||
FluidBoxConnectionRecord | table | |
EventFilter | array[union] | Used to filter out irrelevant event callbacks in a performant way. [...] |
Used to filter out irrelevant event callbacks in a performant way. [...] | ||
RegistrationTarget | union | Represents an object that can be registered for the on_object_destroyed event. [...] |
Represents an object that can be registered for the on_object_destroyed event. [...] | ||
UndoRedoAction | table | |
BlueprintWireEnd | table | |
SoundType | union | Defines which slider in the game's sound settings affects the volume of this sound. [...] |
Defines which slider in the game's sound settings affects the volume of this sound. [...] | ||
ItemStackDefinition | table | |
SelectionModeFlags | dictionary[union → true ] | A set of flags on a selection tool that define how entities and tiles are selected. [...] |
A set of flags on a selection tool that define how entities and tiles are selected. [...] | ||
AmmoType | table | |
ItemPrototypeFlags | dictionary[ItemPrototypeFlag → true ] | A set of flags. [...] |
A set of flags. [...] | ||
ItemPrototypeFlag | union | A string specifying an item prototype flag. |
A string specifying an item prototype flag. | ||
PrototypeFilterMode | union | |
PipeConnectionDefinition | table | |
CollisionLayerID | string | The name of a LuaCollisionLayerPrototype. |
The name of a LuaCollisionLayerPrototype. | ||
ItemIDFilter | table | |
EntityIDFilter | table | |
PrototypeFilter | array[union] | Types |
Types | ||
DisplayPanelMessageDefinition | table | |
SignalIDType | union | |
SignalID | table | |
LinkedGameControl | union | The internal name of a game control (key binding). |
The internal name of a game control (key binding). | ||
ResearchIngredient | table | |
ModifierType | union | Used by TechnologyModifier. |
Used by TechnologyModifier. | ||
ResearchTrigger | table | |
EntityPrototypeFlags | dictionary[EntityPrototypeFlag → true ] | A set of flags. [...] |
A set of flags. [...] | ||
EntityPrototypeFlag | union | A string specifying an entity prototype flag. |
A string specifying an entity prototype flag. | ||
CustomEntityStatus | table | |
ItemInventoryPositions | table | |
InventoryPosition | table | |
RadiusVisualisationSpecification | table | |
ProgrammableSpeakerPlaybackMode | union | Specifies from where the programmable speaker's sound will be heard. |
Specifies from where the programmable speaker's sound will be heard. | ||
CliffOrientation | union | |
BlueprintInsertPlan | table | Defines an item type that a blueprint entity will request. |
Defines an item type that a blueprint entity will request. | ||
MarketIngredient | table | |
Offer | table | A single offer on a market entity. |
A single offer on a market entity. | ||
ItemFilter | table or string | An item filter may be specified in two ways, either as a string which is an item prototype name or as a table. |
An item filter may be specified in two ways, either as a string which is an item prototype name or as a table. | ||
GuiArrowSpecification | table | Used for specifying where a GUI arrow should point to. |
Used for specifying where a GUI arrow should point to. | ||
Vector3D | table or {float, float, float} | Reading this always returns the table with the named keys. [...] |
Reading this always returns the table with the named keys. [...] | ||
ItemWithQualityCounts | table | |
EquipmentWithQualityCounts | table | |
TrainSchedule | table | |
PlatformSchedule | table | |
EffectReceiver | table | |
RecipeIDAndQualityIDPair | table | A recipe prototype with optional quality specification. |
A recipe prototype with optional quality specification. | ||
WorkerRobotOrder | table | |
ForceID | union | A force may be specified in one of three ways. |
A force may be specified in one of three ways. | ||
FluidID | union | A fluid may be specified in one of three ways. |
A fluid may be specified in one of three ways. | ||
EntityWithQualityID | union | An entity prototype with optional quality specification. [...] |
An entity prototype with optional quality specification. [...] | ||
EntityIDAndQualityIDPair | table | An entity prototype with optional quality specification. |
An entity prototype with optional quality specification. | ||
ItemWithQualityID | union | An item prototype with optional quality specification. [...] |
An item prototype with optional quality specification. [...] | ||
ItemIDAndQualityIDPair | table | An item prototype with optional quality specification. |
An item prototype with optional quality specification. | ||
ItemID | union | An item prototype may be specified in one of four ways. |
An item prototype may be specified in one of four ways. | ||
EntityID | union | An entity prototype may be specified in one of three ways. |
An entity prototype may be specified in one of three ways. | ||
VirtualSignalID | union | A virtual signal prototype may be specified in one of two ways. |
A virtual signal prototype may be specified in one of two ways. | ||
TechnologyID | union | An technology prototype may be specified in one of three ways. |
An technology prototype may be specified in one of three ways. | ||
ParticleID | union | A particle prototype may be specified in one of two ways. |
A particle prototype may be specified in one of two ways. | ||
DamageTypeID | union | A damage type prototype may be specified in one of two ways. |
A damage type prototype may be specified in one of two ways. | ||
TrivialSmokeID | union | A trivial smoke prototype may be specified in one of two ways. |
A trivial smoke prototype may be specified in one of two ways. | ||
TextAlign | union | The text is aligned so that the target position is at the given side of the text. [...] |
The text is aligned so that the target position is at the given side of the text. [...] | ||
VerticalTextAlign | union | The text is aligned so that the target position is at the given side of the text. [...] |
The text is aligned so that the target position is at the given side of the text. [...] | ||
QualityID | union | A quality prototype may be specified in one of two ways. |
A quality prototype may be specified in one of two ways. | ||
RecipeID | union | A recipe may be specified in one of three ways. |
A recipe may be specified in one of three ways. | ||
TileID | union | A tile may be specified in one of three ways. |
A tile may be specified in one of three ways. | ||
Fluid | table | |
EquipmentID | union | An equipment prototype may be specified in one of three ways. |
An equipment prototype may be specified in one of three ways. | ||
EquipmentWithQualityID | union | An equipment prototype with optional quality specification. |
An equipment prototype with optional quality specification. | ||
EquipmentIDAndQualityIDPair | table | An equipment prototype with optional quality specification. |
An equipment prototype with optional quality specification. | ||
BoundingBox | table or {MapPosition, MapPosition} | Two positions, specifying the top-left and bottom-right corner of the box respectively. [...] |
Two positions, specifying the top-left and bottom-right corner of the box respectively. [...] | ||
SpacePlatformIdentification | union | Space platform may be specified in one of one ways. |
Space platform may be specified in one of one ways. | ||
ForceSet | union | Set of forces. [...] |
Set of forces. [...] | ||
DecorativeID | union | A decorative prototype may be specified in one of two ways. |
A decorative prototype may be specified in one of two ways. | ||
AsteroidChunkID | union | An asteroid chunk prototype may be specified in one of two ways. |
An asteroid chunk prototype may be specified in one of two ways. | ||
SpaceConnectionID | union | A space connection prototype may be specified in one of two ways. |
A space connection prototype may be specified in one of two ways. | ||
SpaceLocationID | union | A space location prototype may be specified in one of two ways. |
A space location prototype may be specified in one of two ways. | ||
SignalFilter | table or string | A signal filter may be specified in two ways, either as a string which is a virtual signal name or item prototype name or as a table. |
A signal filter may be specified in two ways, either as a string which is a virtual signal name or item prototype name or as a table. | ||
LogisticFilter | table | |
PrintSettings | table | |
SurfacePropertyID | union | Surface property prototype may be specified in one of two ways. |
Surface property prototype may be specified in one of two ways. | ||
ScriptRenderTarget | LuaEntity or MapPosition or ScriptRenderTargetTable | When writing it is possible to give LuaEntity or MapPosition directly. [...] |
When writing it is possible to give LuaEntity or MapPosition directly. [...] | ||
ScriptRenderTargetTable | table | |
QualityCondition | table or string | An item filter may be specified in two ways, either as a string which is a quality prototype name or as a table. |
An item filter may be specified in two ways, either as a string which is a quality prototype name or as a table. | ||
CargoDestination | table | The destination of a cargo pod. |
The destination of a cargo pod. | ||
ScheduleRecordPosition | table | |
LuaEventType | union | Event name may be specified in one of four ways. |
Event name may be specified in one of four ways. | ||
RangeMode | union | |
BlueprintEntity | table | The representation of an entity inside of a blueprint. [...] |
The representation of an entity inside of a blueprint. [...] | ||
MathExpression | string | A string that represents a math expression. [...] |
A string that represents a math expression. [...] | ||
Product | union | Returns one of the subtypes, depending on the value of |
Returns one of the subtypes, depending on the value of | ||
ItemProduct | table | |
FluidProduct | table | |
ResearchProgressProduct | table | |
LogisticSections | table | |
CompiledLogisticFilter | table | |
LogisticSection | table | |
BlueprintLogisticFilter | table | |
AutoplaceSpecification | table | Specifies how probability and richness are calculated when placing something on the map. |
Specifies how probability and richness are calculated when placing something on the map. | ||
CliffPlacementSettings | table | |
AutoplaceSettings | table | |
TerritorySettings | table | |
MapGenSettings | table | |
AsteroidMapSettings | table | |
PollutionMapSettings | table | These values are for the time frame of one second (60 ticks). |
These values are for the time frame of one second (60 ticks). | ||
EnemyEvolutionMapSettings | table | These values represent a percentual increase in evolution. [...] |
These values represent a percentual increase in evolution. [...] | ||
EnemyExpansionMapSettings | table | Candidate chunks are given scores to determine which one of them should be expanded into. [...] |
Candidate chunks are given scores to determine which one of them should be expanded into. [...] | ||
SteeringMapSetting | table | |
SteeringMapSettings | table | |
UnitGroupMapSettings | table | |
PathFinderMapSettings | table | |
DifficultySettings | LuaStruct | Technology difficulty settings. [...] |
Technology difficulty settings. [...] | ||
MapDifficultySettings | table | |
MapAndDifficultySettings | table | A standard table containing all MapSettings attributes plus an additional table that contains all DifficultySettings properties. |
A standard table containing all MapSettings attributes plus an additional table that contains all DifficultySettings properties. | ||
MapSettings | LuaStruct | Various game-related settings. [...] |
Various game-related settings. [...] | ||
BlueprintScheduleRecord | table | |
ScheduleRecord | table | |
BlueprintScheduleInterrupt | table | |
ScheduleInterrupt | table | |
BlueprintSchedule | table | |
WaitCondition | table | |
WaitConditionType | union | Type of a WaitCondition. |
Type of a WaitCondition. | ||
CursorBoxRenderType | union | |
MapViewSettings | table | What is shown in the map view. [...] |
What is shown in the map view. [...] | ||
RenderLayer | union | A number between 0 and 255 inclusive, represented by one of the following named strings or the string version of the number. [...] |
A number between 0 and 255 inclusive, represented by one of the following named strings or the string version of the number. [...] | ||
BurnerUsageID | string | The name of a LuaBurnerUsagePrototype. |
The name of a LuaBurnerUsagePrototype. | ||
PrototypeWithQuality | table | |
ElemType | union | A string specifying a type for choose elem buttons. [...] |
A string specifying a type for choose elem buttons. [...] | ||
SwitchState | union | State of a GUI switch. |
State of a GUI switch. | ||
ElemID | table | |
TriggerEffectItemType | union | Used by TriggerEffectItem. |
Used by TriggerEffectItem. | ||
TriggerEffectItem | table | |
TriggerTargetMask | dictionary[string → true ] | A set of trigger target masks. |
A set of trigger target masks. | ||
TriggerItem | table | |
TriggerDelivery | table | |
DamageTypeFilters | table | |
LocalisedString | string or number or boolean or LuaObject or nil or array[LocalisedString] | Localised strings are a way to support translation of in-game text. [...] |
Localised strings are a way to support translation of in-game text. [...] | ||
DisplayResolution | table | |
RealOrientation | float | The smooth orientation. [...] |
The smooth orientation. [...] | ||
MapPosition | table or {double, double} | Coordinates on a surface, for example of an entity. [...] |
Coordinates on a surface, for example of an entity. [...] | ||
ChunkPosition | table or {int, int} | Coordinates of a chunk in a LuaSurface where each integer |
Coordinates of a chunk in a LuaSurface where each integer | ||
TilePosition | table or {int, int} | Coordinates of a tile on a LuaSurface where each integer |
Coordinates of a tile on a LuaSurface where each integer | ||
EquipmentPosition | table or {int, int} | Position inside an equipment grid. [...] |
Position inside an equipment grid. [...] | ||
GuiLocation | table or {int, int} | Screen coordinates of a GUI element in a LuaGui. [...] |
Screen coordinates of a GUI element in a LuaGui. [...] | ||
ChunkPositionAndArea | table | A ChunkPosition with an added bounding box for the area of the chunk. |
A ChunkPosition with an added bounding box for the area of the chunk. | ||
EquipmentPoint | table | A table used to define a manual shape for a piece of equipment. |
A table used to define a manual shape for a piece of equipment. | ||
GuiAnchor | table | |
TabAndContent | table | |
OldTileAndPosition | table | |
Tags | dictionary[string → AnyBasic] | A dictionary of string to the four basic Lua types: |
A dictionary of string to the four basic Lua types: | ||
SurfaceCondition | table | |
SmokeSource | table | |
Vector | table or {float, float} | A vector is a two-element array or dictionary containing the |
A vector is a two-element array or dictionary containing the | ||
ScriptArea | table | An area defined using the map editor. |
An area defined using the map editor. | ||
ScriptPosition | table | A position defined using the map editor. |
A position defined using the map editor. | ||
Color | table or {float, float, float, float} | Red, green, blue and alpha values, all in range [0, 1] or all in range [0, 255] if any value is > 1. [...] |
Red, green, blue and alpha values, all in range [0, 1] or all in range [0, 255] if any value is > 1. [...] | ||
ColorModifier | table or {float, float, float, float} | Same as Color, but red, green, blue and alpha values can be any floating point number, without any special handling of the range [1, 255]. |
Same as Color, but red, green, blue and alpha values can be any floating point number, without any special handling of the range [1, 255]. | ||
CraftingQueueItem | table | |
Alert | table | |
PathfinderWaypoint | table | |
CutsceneWaypoint | table | |
Decorative | table | |
DecorativeResult | table | |
MineableProperties | table | |
SpaceLocationAsteroidSpawnDefinition | table | |
SpaceConnectionAsteroidSpawnPoint | table | |
SpaceConnectionAsteroidSpawnDefinition | table | |
AsteroidChunk | table | |
PrototypeHistory | table | |
ChartTagSpec | table | Either |
Either | ||
GameViewSettings | LuaStruct | Parameters that affect the look and control of the game. [...] |
Parameters that affect the look and control of the game. [...] | ||
MapExchangeStringData | table | The data that can be extracted from a map exchange string, as a plain table. |
The data that can be extracted from a map exchange string, as a plain table. | ||
BlueprintSignalIcon | table | |
ItemLocationData | table | |
BlueprintWire | {uint, defines.wire_connector_id, uint, defines.wire_connector_id} | Describes a single wire in the blueprint. [...] |
Describes a single wire in the blueprint. [...] | ||
Tile | table | |
Ingredient | table | |
Loot | table | |
TechnologyModifier | table | The effect that is applied when a technology is researched. [...] |
The effect that is applied when a technology is researched. [...] | ||
NoiseExpression | table | A fragment of a functional program used to generate coherent noise, probably for purposes related to terrain generation. [...] |
A fragment of a functional program used to generate coherent noise, probably for purposes related to terrain generation. [...] | ||
AutoplaceSpecificationRestriction | table | |
Resistance | table | |
MapGenSize | union | A floating point number specifying an amount. [...] |
A floating point number specifying an amount. [...] | ||
AutoplaceControl | table | |
PropertyExpressionNames | dictionary[string → string] | All other MapGenSettings feed into named noise expressions, and therefore placement can be overridden by including the name of a property in this dictionary. [...] |
All other MapGenSettings feed into named noise expressions, and therefore placement can be overridden by including the name of a property in this dictionary. [...] | ||
AdvancedMapGenSettings | table | |
MapGenPreset | table | |
Signal | table | An actual signal transmitted by the network. |
An actual signal transmitted by the network. | ||
UpgradeMapperSource | table | |
UpgradeMapperDestination | table | |
InfinityInventoryFilter | table | A single filter used by an infinity-filters instance. |
A single filter used by an infinity-filters instance. | ||
InfinityPipeFilter | table | A single filter used by an infinity-pipe type entity. |
A single filter used by an infinity-pipe type entity. | ||
FluidBoxFilter | table | |
FluidBoxFilterSpec | table | |
HeatSetting | table | The settings used by a heat-interface type entity. |
The settings used by a heat-interface type entity. | ||
HeatConnection | table | |
ArithmeticCombinatorParameters | table | |
SelectorCombinatorParameters | table | |
DeciderCombinatorParameters | table | |
DeciderCombinatorCondition | table | |
DeciderCombinatorOutput | table | |
CircuitNetworkSelection | table | |
InserterCircuitConditions | table | |
CircuitCondition | table | |
CircuitConditionDefinition | table | |
DragTarget | table | |
InventoryFilter | table | |
PlaceAsTileResult | table | |
RaiseEventParameters | table | A table containing the parameters required to raise a given game event. [...] |
A table containing the parameters required to raise a given game event. [...] | ||
Command | table | Commands can be given to enemies and unit groups. |
Commands can be given to enemies and unit groups. | ||
PathfinderFlags | table | |
UnitSpawnDefinition | table | |
SpawnPointDefinition | table | |
SpoilToTriggerResult | table | |
SimpleItemStack | union | An item stack may be specified in one of two ways. |
An item stack may be specified in one of two ways. | ||
SurfaceIdentification | union | A surface may be specified in one of three ways. |
A surface may be specified in one of three ways. | ||
PlayerIdentification | union | A player may be specified in one of three ways. |
A player may be specified in one of three ways. | ||
ItemStackIdentification | union | An item may be specified in one of two ways. |
An item may be specified in one of two ways. | ||
TargetType | union | Target type of an AmmoType. |
Target type of an AmmoType. | ||
BeamTarget | table | |
RidingState | table | |
SoundPath | string | It can be either the name of a SoundPrototype defined in the data stage, or a path in the form |
It can be either the name of a SoundPrototype defined in the data stage, or a path in the form | ||
CircularParticleCreationSpecification | table | |
CircularProjectileCreationSpecification | {RealOrientation, Vector} | |
AttackParameterFluid | table | |
AttackParameters | table | |
GunShift4Way | table | |
CapsuleAction | table | |
LogisticsNetworkSupplyCounts | table | |
LogisticsNetworkSupplyPoints | table | |
ModSetting | table | |
AnyBasic | string or boolean or number or table | Any basic type (string, number, boolean) or table. |
Any basic type (string, number, boolean) or table. | ||
Any | string or boolean or number or table or LuaObject | Any basic type (string, number, boolean), table, or LuaObject. |
Any basic type (string, number, boolean), table, or LuaObject. | ||
ProgrammableSpeakerParameters | table | |
ProgrammableSpeakerAlertParameters | table | |
ProgrammableSpeakerCircuitParameters | table | |
ProgrammableSpeakerInstrument | table | |
Alignment | union | A string that specifies where a GUI element should be. |
A string that specifies where a GUI element should be. | ||
EventData | table | Information about the event that has been raised. [...] |
Information about the event that has been raised. [...] | ||
NthTickEventData | table | |
ModChangeData | table | |
ConfigurationChangedData | table | |
CustomCommandData | table | |
SelectedPrototypeData | table | |
MouseButtonFlags | dictionary[union → true ] | A set of flags. [...] |
A set of flags. [...] | ||
ForceCondition | union | |
ItemStackLocation | table | |
VehicleAutomaticTargetingParameters | table | |
GuiElementType | union | |
GuiArrowType | union | Used by GuiArrowSpecification. |
Used by GuiArrowSpecification. | ||
GuiDirection | union | Direction of a LuaGuiElement's layout. |
Direction of a LuaGuiElement's layout. | ||
ScrollPolicy | union | Scroll policy of a scroll pane. |
Scroll policy of a scroll pane. | ||
RailLocation | table | |
WireConnection | table | |
float | builtin | A floating-point number. [...] |
A floating-point number. [...] | ||
double | builtin | A double-precision floating-point number. [...] |
A double-precision floating-point number. [...] | ||
int | builtin | 32-bit signed integer. [...] |
32-bit signed integer. [...] | ||
int8 | builtin | 8-bit signed integer. [...] |
8-bit signed integer. [...] | ||
uint | builtin | 32-bit unsigned integer. [...] |
32-bit unsigned integer. [...] | ||
uint8 | builtin | 8-bit unsigned integer. [...] |
8-bit unsigned integer. [...] | ||
uint16 | builtin | 16-bit unsigned integer. [...] |
16-bit unsigned integer. [...] | ||
uint64 | builtin | 64-bit unsigned integer. [...] |
64-bit unsigned integer. [...] | ||
number | builtin | Any kind of integer or floating point number. |
Any kind of integer or floating point number. | ||
string | builtin | Strings are enclosed in double-quotes, like this |
Strings are enclosed in double-quotes, like this | ||
boolean | builtin | Either |
Either | ||
nil | builtin | Nil is the type of the value |
Nil is the type of the value | ||
table | builtin | Tables are enclosed in curly brackets, like this |
Tables are enclosed in curly brackets, like this | ||
LuaObject | builtin | Any LuaObject listed on the Classes page. |
Any LuaObject listed on the Classes page. | ||
ModSettingPrototypeFilter | table | |
TilePrototypeFilter | table | |
DecorativePrototypeFilter | table | |
RecipePrototypeFilter | table | |
AchievementPrototypeFilter | table | |
TechnologyPrototypeFilter | table | |
AsteroidChunkPrototypeFilter | table | |
ItemPrototypeFilter | table | |
EquipmentPrototypeFilter | table | |
EntityPrototypeFilter | table | |
SpaceLocationPrototypeFilter | table | |
FluidPrototypeFilter | table | |
LuaPrePlatformMinedEntityEventFilter | table | |
LuaRobotMinedEntityEventFilter | table | |
LuaEntityMarkedForUpgradeEventFilter | table | |
LuaPreGhostUpgradedEventFilter | table | |
LuaPlatformMinedEntityEventFilter | table | |
LuaScriptRaisedDestroyEventFilter | table | |
LuaPlayerBuiltEntityEventFilter | table | |
LuaPlatformBuiltEntityEventFilter | table | |
LuaPreGhostDeconstructedEventFilter | table | |
LuaEntityClonedEventFilter | table | |
LuaScriptRaisedTeleportedEventFilter | table | |
LuaEntityDeconstructionCancelledEventFilter | table | |
LuaRobotBuiltEntityEventFilter | table | |
LuaScriptRaisedBuiltEventFilter | table | |
LuaPrePlayerMinedEntityEventFilter | table | |
LuaPlayerRepairedEntityEventFilter | table | |
LuaUpgradeCancelledEventFilter | table | |
LuaSectorScannedEventFilter | table | |
LuaPostEntityDiedEventFilter | table | |
LuaEntityMarkedForDeconstructionEventFilter | table | |
LuaPlayerMinedEntityEventFilter | table | |
LuaEntityDamagedEventFilter | table | |
LuaScriptRaisedReviveEventFilter | table | |
LuaEntityDiedEventFilter | table | |
LuaPreRobotMinedEntityEventFilter | table |