Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.39


Commonly used conventions for passing data between mods and Factorio.


math.huge represents the maximum possible tick.

math.huge represents the maximum possible tick.


The percentual increase of the attribute. [...]

The percentual increase of the attribute. [...]

ModuleEffects table
ComparatorString union

A string that specifies how the inputs should be compared. [...]

A string that specifies how the inputs should be compared. [...]


It can be either the name of a SpritePrototype defined in the data stage, or a path in form "type/name" or "type.name". [...]

It can be either the name of a SpritePrototype defined in the data stage, or a path in form "type/name" or "type.name". [...]

FlowStatisticsID union

Identifies a statistics prototype, depending on the statistics type.

Identifies a statistics prototype, depending on the statistics type.

CollisionMask table
RollingStockDrawData table
EntitySearchFilters table
TileSearchFilters table
SimulationWidgetType union
RailExtensionData table
TrainFilter table
TrainStopFilter table
TrainPathRequestType union

A string specifying the type of request for LuaTrainManager::request_train_path.

A string specifying the type of request for LuaTrainManager::request_train_path.

TrainPathFinderGoal union
TrainStopGoal table
RailEndGoal table
RailEndStart table
TrainPathFinderOneGoalResult table
TrainPathAllGoalsResult table
AddRecordData table
DetailedItemOnLine table
PipeConnection table

A single pipe connection for a given fluidbox.

A single pipe connection for a given fluidbox.

FluidBoxConnectionRecord table
EventFilter array[union]

Used to filter out irrelevant event callbacks in a performant way. [...]

Used to filter out irrelevant event callbacks in a performant way. [...]

RegistrationTarget union

Represents an object that can be registered for the on_object_destroyed event. [...]

Represents an object that can be registered for the on_object_destroyed event. [...]

UndoRedoAction table
BlueprintWireEnd table
SoundType union

Defines which slider in the game's sound settings affects the volume of this sound. [...]

Defines which slider in the game's sound settings affects the volume of this sound. [...]

ItemStackDefinition table
SelectionModeFlags dictionary[union → true]

A set of flags on a selection tool that define how entities and tiles are selected. [...]

A set of flags on a selection tool that define how entities and tiles are selected. [...]

AmmoType table
ItemPrototypeFlags dictionary[ItemPrototypeFlag → true]

A set of flags. [...]

A set of flags. [...]

ItemPrototypeFlag union

A string specifying an item prototype flag.

A string specifying an item prototype flag.

PrototypeFilterMode union
PipeConnectionDefinition table
ItemIDFilter table
EntityIDFilter table
PrototypeFilter array[union]

Types "signal" and "item-group" do not support filters. [...]

Types "signal" and "item-group" do not support filters. [...]

DisplayPanelMessageDefinition table
SignalIDType union
SignalID table
LinkedGameControl union

The internal name of a game control (key binding).

The internal name of a game control (key binding).

ResearchIngredient table
ModifierType union
ResearchTrigger table
EntityPrototypeFlags dictionary[EntityPrototypeFlag → true]

A set of flags. [...]

A set of flags. [...]

EntityPrototypeFlag union

A string specifying an entity prototype flag.

A string specifying an entity prototype flag.

CustomEntityStatus table
ItemInventoryPositions table
InventoryPosition table
RadiusVisualisationSpecification table
ProgrammableSpeakerPlaybackMode union

Specifies from where the programmable speaker's sound will be heard.

Specifies from where the programmable speaker's sound will be heard.

CliffOrientation union
BlueprintInsertPlan table

Defines an item type that a blueprint entity will request.

Defines an item type that a blueprint entity will request.

MarketIngredient table
Offer table

A single offer on a market entity.

A single offer on a market entity.

ItemFilter table or string

An item filter may be specified in two ways, either as a string which is an item prototype name or as a table.

An item filter may be specified in two ways, either as a string which is an item prototype name or as a table.

GuiArrowSpecification table

Used for specifying where a GUI arrow should point to.

Used for specifying where a GUI arrow should point to.

Vector3D table or {float, float, float}

Reading this always returns the table with the named keys. [...]

Reading this always returns the table with the named keys. [...]

ItemWithQualityCounts table
EquipmentWithQualityCounts table
TrainSchedule table
PlatformSchedule table
EffectReceiver table
RecipeIDAndQualityIDPair table

A recipe prototype with optional quality specification.

A recipe prototype with optional quality specification.

WorkerRobotOrder table
ForceID union

A force may be specified in one of three ways.

A force may be specified in one of three ways.

FluidID union

A fluid may be specified in one of three ways.

A fluid may be specified in one of three ways.

EntityWithQualityID union

An entity prototype with optional quality specification. [...]

An entity prototype with optional quality specification. [...]

EntityIDAndQualityIDPair table

An entity prototype with optional quality specification.

An entity prototype with optional quality specification.

ItemWithQualityID union

An item prototype with optional quality specification. [...]

An item prototype with optional quality specification. [...]

ItemIDAndQualityIDPair table

An item prototype with optional quality specification.

An item prototype with optional quality specification.

ItemID union

An item prototype may be specified in one of four ways.

An item prototype may be specified in one of four ways.

EntityID union

An entity prototype may be specified in one of three ways.

An entity prototype may be specified in one of three ways.

VirtualSignalID union

A virtual signal prototype may be specified in one of two ways.

A virtual signal prototype may be specified in one of two ways.

TechnologyID union

An technology prototype may be specified in one of three ways.

An technology prototype may be specified in one of three ways.

ParticleID union

A particle prototype may be specified in one of two ways.

A particle prototype may be specified in one of two ways.

DamageTypeID union

A damage type prototype may be specified in one of two ways.

A damage type prototype may be specified in one of two ways.

TrivialSmokeID union

A trivial smoke prototype may be specified in one of two ways.

A trivial smoke prototype may be specified in one of two ways.

TextAlign union

The text is aligned so that the target position is at the given side of the text. [...]

The text is aligned so that the target position is at the given side of the text. [...]

VerticalTextAlign union

The text is aligned so that the target position is at the given side of the text. [...]

The text is aligned so that the target position is at the given side of the text. [...]

QualityID union

A quality prototype may be specified in one of two ways.

A quality prototype may be specified in one of two ways.

RecipeID union

A recipe may be specified in one of three ways.

A recipe may be specified in one of three ways.

TileID union

A tile may be specified in one of three ways.

A tile may be specified in one of three ways.

Fluid table
EquipmentID union

An equipment prototype may be specified in one of three ways.

An equipment prototype may be specified in one of three ways.

EquipmentWithQualityID union

An equipment prototype with optional quality specification.

An equipment prototype with optional quality specification.

EquipmentIDAndQualityIDPair table

An equipment prototype with optional quality specification.

An equipment prototype with optional quality specification.

BoundingBox table or {MapPosition, MapPosition}

Two positions, specifying the top-left and bottom-right corner of the box respectively. [...]

Two positions, specifying the top-left and bottom-right corner of the box respectively. [...]

SpacePlatformIdentification union

Space platform may be specified in one of one ways.

Space platform may be specified in one of one ways.

ForceSet union

Set of forces. [...]

Set of forces. [...]

DecorativeID union

A decorative prototype may be specified in one of two ways.

A decorative prototype may be specified in one of two ways.

AsteroidChunkID union

An asteroid chunk prototype may be specified in one of two ways.

An asteroid chunk prototype may be specified in one of two ways.

SpaceConnectionID union

A space connection prototype may be specified in one of two ways.

A space connection prototype may be specified in one of two ways.

SpaceLocationID union

A space location prototype may be specified in one of two ways.

A space location prototype may be specified in one of two ways.

SignalFilter table or string

A signal filter may be specified in two ways, either as a string which is a virtual signal name or item prototype name or as a table.

A signal filter may be specified in two ways, either as a string which is a virtual signal name or item prototype name or as a table.

LogisticFilter table
PrintSettings table
SurfacePropertyID union

Surface property prototype may be specified in one of two ways.

Surface property prototype may be specified in one of two ways.

ScriptRenderTargetLuaEntity or MapPosition or ScriptRenderTargetTable

When writing it is possible to give LuaEntity or MapPosition directly. [...]

When writing it is possible to give LuaEntity or MapPosition directly. [...]

ScriptRenderTargetTable table
QualityCondition table or string

An item filter may be specified in two ways, either as a string which is a quality prototype name or as a table.

An item filter may be specified in two ways, either as a string which is a quality prototype name or as a table.

CargoDestination table

The destination of a cargo pod.

The destination of a cargo pod.

ScheduleRecordPosition table
LuaEventType union

Event name may be specified in one of four ways.

Event name may be specified in one of four ways.

RangeMode union
BlueprintEntity table

The representation of an entity inside of a blueprint. [...]

The representation of an entity inside of a blueprint. [...]


A string that represents a math expression. [...]

A string that represents a math expression. [...]

Product union

Returns one of the subtypes, depending on the value of type.

Returns one of the subtypes, depending on the value of type.

ItemProduct table
FluidProduct table
ResearchProgressProduct table
LogisticSections table
CompiledLogisticFilter table
LogisticSection table
BlueprintLogisticFilter table
AutoplaceSpecification table

Specifies how probability and richness are calculated when placing something on the map.

Specifies how probability and richness are calculated when placing something on the map.

CliffPlacementSettings table
AutoplaceSettings table
TerritorySettings table
MapGenSettings table
AsteroidMapSettings table
PollutionMapSettings table

These values are for the time frame of one second (60 ticks).

These values are for the time frame of one second (60 ticks).

EnemyEvolutionMapSettings table

These values represent a percentual increase in evolution. [...]

These values represent a percentual increase in evolution. [...]

EnemyExpansionMapSettings table

Candidate chunks are given scores to determine which one of them should be expanded into. [...]

Candidate chunks are given scores to determine which one of them should be expanded into. [...]

SteeringMapSetting table
SteeringMapSettings table
UnitGroupMapSettings table
PathFinderMapSettings table
DifficultySettings LuaStruct

Technology difficulty settings. [...]

Technology difficulty settings. [...]

MapDifficultySettings table
MapAndDifficultySettings table

A standard table containing all MapSettings attributes plus an additional table that contains all DifficultySettings properties.

A standard table containing all MapSettings attributes plus an additional table that contains all DifficultySettings properties.

MapSettings LuaStruct

Various game-related settings. [...]

Various game-related settings. [...]

BlueprintScheduleRecord table
ScheduleRecord table
BlueprintScheduleInterrupt table
ScheduleInterrupt table
BlueprintSchedule table
WaitCondition table
WaitConditionType union

Type of a WaitCondition.

Type of a WaitCondition.

CursorBoxRenderType union
MapViewSettings table

What is shown in the map view. [...]

What is shown in the map view. [...]

RenderLayer union

A number between 0 and 255 inclusive, represented by one of the following named strings or the string version of the number. [...]

A number between 0 and 255 inclusive, represented by one of the following named strings or the string version of the number. [...]

PrototypeWithQuality table
ElemType union

A string specifying a type for choose elem buttons. [...]

A string specifying a type for choose elem buttons. [...]

SwitchState union

State of a GUI switch.

State of a GUI switch.

ElemID table
TriggerEffectItemType union
TriggerEffectItem table
TriggerTargetMask dictionary[string → true]

A set of trigger target masks.

A set of trigger target masks.

TriggerItem table
TriggerDelivery table
DamageTypeFilters table
LocalisedStringstring or number or boolean or LuaObject or nil or array[LocalisedString]

Localised strings are a way to support translation of in-game text. [...]

Localised strings are a way to support translation of in-game text. [...]

DisplayResolution table

The smooth orientation. [...]

The smooth orientation. [...]

MapPosition table or {double, double}

Coordinates on a surface, for example of an entity. [...]

Coordinates on a surface, for example of an entity. [...]

ChunkPosition table or {int, int}

Coordinates of a chunk in a LuaSurface where each integer x/y represents a different chunk. [...]

Coordinates of a chunk in a LuaSurface where each integer x/y represents a different chunk. [...]

TilePosition table or {int, int}

Coordinates of a tile on a LuaSurface where each integer x/y represents a different tile. [...]

Coordinates of a tile on a LuaSurface where each integer x/y represents a different tile. [...]

EquipmentPosition table or {int, int}

Position inside an equipment grid. [...]

Position inside an equipment grid. [...]

GuiLocation table or {int, int}

Screen coordinates of a GUI element in a LuaGui. [...]

Screen coordinates of a GUI element in a LuaGui. [...]

ChunkPositionAndArea table

A ChunkPosition with an added bounding box for the area of the chunk.

A ChunkPosition with an added bounding box for the area of the chunk.

EquipmentPoint table

A table used to define a manual shape for a piece of equipment.

A table used to define a manual shape for a piece of equipment.

GuiAnchor table
TabAndContent table
OldTileAndPosition table
Tags dictionary[string → AnyBasic]

A dictionary of string to the four basic Lua types: string, boolean, number, table. [...]

A dictionary of string to the four basic Lua types: string, boolean, number, table. [...]

SurfaceCondition table
SmokeSource table
Vector table or {float, float}

A vector is a two-element array or dictionary containing the x and y components. [...]

A vector is a two-element array or dictionary containing the x and y components. [...]

ScriptArea table

An area defined using the map editor.

An area defined using the map editor.

ScriptPosition table

A position defined using the map editor.

A position defined using the map editor.

Color table or {float, float, float, float}

Red, green, blue and alpha values, all in range [0, 1] or all in range [0, 255] if any value is > 1. [...]

Red, green, blue and alpha values, all in range [0, 1] or all in range [0, 255] if any value is > 1. [...]

ColorModifier table or {float, float, float, float}

Same as Color, but red, green, blue and alpha values can be any floating point number, without any special handling of the range [1, 255].

Same as Color, but red, green, blue and alpha values can be any floating point number, without any special handling of the range [1, 255].

CraftingQueueItem table
Alert table
PathfinderWaypoint table
CutsceneWaypoint table
Decorative table
DecorativeResult table
MineableProperties table
SpaceLocationAsteroidSpawnDefinition table
SpaceConnectionAsteroidSpawnPoint table
SpaceConnectionAsteroidSpawnDefinition table
AsteroidChunk table
PrototypeHistory table
ChartTagSpec table

Either icon, text, or both must be provided.

Either icon, text, or both must be provided.

GameViewSettings LuaStruct

Parameters that affect the look and control of the game. [...]

Parameters that affect the look and control of the game. [...]

MapExchangeStringData table

The data that can be extracted from a map exchange string, as a plain table.

The data that can be extracted from a map exchange string, as a plain table.

BlueprintSignalIcon table
ItemLocationData table
BlueprintWire {uint, defines.wire_connector_id, uint, defines.wire_connector_id}

Describes a single wire in the blueprint. [...]

Describes a single wire in the blueprint. [...]

Tile table
Ingredient table
Loot table
TechnologyModifier table

The effect that is applied when a technology is researched. [...]

The effect that is applied when a technology is researched. [...]

NoiseExpression table

A fragment of a functional program used to generate coherent noise, probably for purposes related to terrain generation. [...]

A fragment of a functional program used to generate coherent noise, probably for purposes related to terrain generation. [...]

AutoplaceSpecificationRestriction table
Resistance table
MapGenSize union

A floating point number specifying an amount. [...]

A floating point number specifying an amount. [...]

AutoplaceControl table
PropertyExpressionNames dictionary[string → string]

All other MapGenSettings feed into named noise expressions, and therefore placement can be overridden by including the name of a property in this dictionary. [...]

All other MapGenSettings feed into named noise expressions, and therefore placement can be overridden by including the name of a property in this dictionary. [...]

AdvancedMapGenSettings table
MapGenPreset table
Signal table

An actual signal transmitted by the network.

An actual signal transmitted by the network.

UpgradeMapperSource table
UpgradeMapperDestination table
InfinityInventoryFilter table

A single filter used by an infinity-filters instance.

A single filter used by an infinity-filters instance.

InfinityPipeFilter table

A single filter used by an infinity-pipe type entity.

A single filter used by an infinity-pipe type entity.

FluidBoxFilter table
FluidBoxFilterSpec table
HeatSetting table

The settings used by a heat-interface type entity.

The settings used by a heat-interface type entity.

HeatConnection table
ArithmeticCombinatorParameters table
SelectorCombinatorParameters table
DeciderCombinatorParameters table
InserterCircuitConditions table
CircuitCondition table
CircuitConditionDefinition table
DragTarget table
InventoryFilter table
PlaceAsTileResult table

A table containing the parameters required to raise a given game event. [...]

A table containing the parameters required to raise a given game event. [...]

Command table

Commands can be given to enemies and unit groups.

Commands can be given to enemies and unit groups.

PathfinderFlags table
UnitSpawnDefinition table
SpawnPointDefinition table
SpoilToTriggerResult table
SimpleItemStack union

An item stack may be specified in one of two ways.

An item stack may be specified in one of two ways.

SurfaceIdentification union

A surface may be specified in one of three ways.

A surface may be specified in one of three ways.

PlayerIdentification union

A player may be specified in one of three ways.

A player may be specified in one of three ways.

ItemStackIdentification union

An item may be specified in one of two ways.

An item may be specified in one of two ways.

TargetType union

Target type of an AmmoType.

Target type of an AmmoType.

BeamTarget table
RidingState table

It can be either the name of a SoundPrototype defined in the data stage, or a path in the form "type/name". [...]

It can be either the name of a SoundPrototype defined in the data stage, or a path in the form "type/name". [...]

CircularParticleCreationSpecification table
CircularProjectileCreationSpecification {RealOrientation, Vector}
AttackParameterFluid table
AttackParameters table
GunShift4Way table
CapsuleAction table
LogisticsNetworkSupplyCounts table
LogisticsNetworkSupplyPoints table
ModSetting table
AnyBasicstring or boolean or number or table

Any basic type (string, number, boolean) or table.

Any basic type (string, number, boolean) or table.

Anystring or boolean or number or table or LuaObject

Any basic type (string, number, boolean), table, or LuaObject.

Any basic type (string, number, boolean), table, or LuaObject.

ProgrammableSpeakerParameters table
ProgrammableSpeakerAlertParameters table
ProgrammableSpeakerCircuitParameters table
ProgrammableSpeakerInstrument table
Alignment union

A string that specifies where a GUI element should be.

A string that specifies where a GUI element should be.

EventData table

Information about the event that has been raised. [...]

Information about the event that has been raised. [...]

NthTickEventData table
ModChangeData table
ConfigurationChangedData table
CustomCommandData table
SelectedPrototypeData table
MouseButtonFlags dictionary[union → true]

A set of flags. [...]

A set of flags. [...]

ForceCondition union
ItemStackLocation table
VehicleAutomaticTargetingParameters table
GuiElementType union
GuiArrowType union
GuiDirection union

Direction of a LuaGuiElement's layout.

Direction of a LuaGuiElement's layout.

ScrollPolicy union

Scroll policy of a scroll pane.

Scroll policy of a scroll pane.

RailLocation table
WireConnection table
float builtin

A floating-point number. [...]

A floating-point number. [...]

double builtin

A double-precision floating-point number. [...]

A double-precision floating-point number. [...]

int builtin

32-bit signed integer. [...]

32-bit signed integer. [...]

int8 builtin

8-bit signed integer. [...]

8-bit signed integer. [...]

uint builtin

32-bit unsigned integer. [...]

32-bit unsigned integer. [...]

uint8 builtin

8-bit unsigned integer. [...]

8-bit unsigned integer. [...]

uint16 builtin

16-bit unsigned integer. [...]

16-bit unsigned integer. [...]

uint64 builtin

64-bit unsigned integer. [...]

64-bit unsigned integer. [...]

number builtin

Any kind of integer or floating point number.

Any kind of integer or floating point number.

string builtin

Strings are enclosed in double-quotes, like this "hi".

Strings are enclosed in double-quotes, like this "hi".

boolean builtin

Either true or false.

Either true or false.

nil builtin

Nil is the type of the value nil, whose main property is to be different from any other value. [...]

Nil is the type of the value nil, whose main property is to be different from any other value. [...]

table builtin

Tables are enclosed in curly brackets, like this {}. [...]

Tables are enclosed in curly brackets, like this {}. [...]

LuaObject builtin

Any LuaObject listed on the Classes page.

Any LuaObject listed on the Classes page.

ModSettingPrototypeFilter table
TilePrototypeFilter table
DecorativePrototypeFilter table
RecipePrototypeFilter table
AchievementPrototypeFilter table
TechnologyPrototypeFilter table
AsteroidChunkPrototypeFilter table
ItemPrototypeFilter table
EquipmentPrototypeFilter table
EntityPrototypeFilter table
SpaceLocationPrototypeFilter table
FluidPrototypeFilter table
LuaPrePlatformMinedEntityEventFilter table
LuaRobotMinedEntityEventFilter table
LuaEntityMarkedForUpgradeEventFilter table
LuaPreGhostUpgradedEventFilter table
LuaPlatformMinedEntityEventFilter table
LuaScriptRaisedDestroyEventFilter table
LuaPlayerBuiltEntityEventFilter table
LuaPlatformBuiltEntityEventFilter table
LuaPreGhostDeconstructedEventFilter table
LuaEntityClonedEventFilter table
LuaScriptRaisedTeleportedEventFilter table
LuaEntityDeconstructionCancelledEventFilter table
LuaRobotBuiltEntityEventFilter table
LuaScriptRaisedBuiltEventFilter table
LuaPrePlayerMinedEntityEventFilter table
LuaPlayerRepairedEntityEventFilter table
LuaUpgradeCancelledEventFilter table
LuaSectorScannedEventFilter table
LuaPostEntityDiedEventFilter table
LuaEntityMarkedForDeconstructionEventFilter table
LuaPlayerMinedEntityEventFilter table
LuaEntityDamagedEventFilter table
LuaScriptRaisedReviveEventFilter table
LuaEntityDiedEventFilter table
LuaPreRobotMinedEntityEventFilter table



