Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42

TrainPathAllGoalsResult :: table

Table fields

amount_accessible :: uint

Amount of goals that are accessible.

Amount of goals that are accessible.

accessible :: array[boolean]

Array of the same length as requested goals: each field will tell if related goal is accessible for the train.

Array of the same length as requested goals: each field will tell if related goal is accessible for the train.

penalties :: array[double]?

Array of the same length as requested goals. Only present if request type was "all-goals-penalties".

Array of the same length as requested goals. Only present if request type was "all-goals-penalties".

steps_count :: uint

Amount of steps pathfinder performed. This is a measure of how expensive this search was.

Amount of steps pathfinder performed. This is a measure of how expensive this search was.



