Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42

AttackParameters :: table

Table fields

type :: "projectile" or "stream" or "beam"

The type of AttackParameter.

The type of AttackParameter.

range :: float

Maximum range of attack.

Maximum range of attack.

min_range :: float

Minimum range of attack. Used with flamethrower turrets to prevent self-immolation.

Minimum range of attack. Used with flamethrower turrets to prevent self-immolation.

range_mode :: RangeMode

Defines how the range is determined.

Defines how the range is determined.

fire_penalty :: float

When searching for the nearest enemy to attack, fire_penalty is added to the enemy's distance if they are on fire.

When searching for the nearest enemy to attack, fire_penalty is added to the enemy's distance if they are on fire.

rotate_penalty :: float

When searching for an enemy to attack, a higher rotate_penalty will discourage targeting enemies that would take longer to turn to face.

When searching for an enemy to attack, a higher rotate_penalty will discourage targeting enemies that would take longer to turn to face.

health_penalty :: float

When searching for an enemy to attack, a higher health_penalty will discourage targeting enemies with high health. A negative penalty will do the opposite.

When searching for an enemy to attack, a higher health_penalty will discourage targeting enemies with high health. A negative penalty will do the opposite.

min_attack_distance :: float

If less than range, the entity will choose a random distance between range and min_attack_distance and attack from that distance. Used for spitters.

If less than range, the entity will choose a random distance between range and min_attack_distance and attack from that distance. Used for spitters.

turn_range :: float

The arc that the entity can attack in as a fraction of a circle. A value of 1 means the full 360 degrees.

The arc that the entity can attack in as a fraction of a circle. A value of 1 means the full 360 degrees.

damage_modifier :: float

Multiplier applied to the damage of an attack.

Multiplier applied to the damage of an attack.

ammo_consumption_modifier :: float

Multiplier applied to the ammo consumption of an attack.

Multiplier applied to the ammo consumption of an attack.

cooldown :: float

Minimum amount of ticks between shots. If this is less than 1, multiple shots can be performed per tick.

Minimum amount of ticks between shots. If this is less than 1, multiple shots can be performed per tick.

warmup :: uint

Number of ticks it takes for the weapon to actually shoot after it has been ordered to do so.

Number of ticks it takes for the weapon to actually shoot after it has been ordered to do so.

movement_slow_down_factor :: double
movement_slow_down_cooldown :: float
ammo_type :: AmmoType?
ammo_categories :: array[string]?

List of the names of compatible LuaAmmoCategoryPrototypes.

List of the names of compatible LuaAmmoCategoryPrototypes.

Other attributes may be specified depending on type:


projectile_center :: Vector
projectile_creation_distance :: float
projectile_orientation_offset :: float
shell_particle :: CircularParticleCreationSpecification?
projectile_creation_parameters :: array[CircularProjectileCreationSpecification]?


gun_barrel_length :: float
gun_center_shift :: GunShift4Way
fluid_consumption :: float
fluids :: array[AttackParameterFluid]?
projectile_creation_parameters :: array[CircularProjectileCreationSpecification]?



