Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.39

PrintSettings :: table

Table fields

color :: Color?

Color of the message to print. Defaults to white.

Color of the message to print. Defaults to white.

sound :: defines.print_sound?

If a sound should be emitted for this message. Defaults to defines.print_sound.use_player_settings.

If a sound should be emitted for this message. Defaults to defines.print_sound.use_player_settings.

skip :: defines.print_skip?

Condition when to skip adding message. Defaults to defines.print_skip.if_redundant.

Condition when to skip adding message. Defaults to defines.print_skip.if_redundant.

sound_path :: SoundPath?

The sound to play. If not given, UtilitySounds::console_message will be used instead.

The sound to play. If not given, UtilitySounds::console_message will be used instead.

volume_modifier :: float?

The volume of the sound to play. Must be between 0 and 1 inclusive. Defaults to 1.

The volume of the sound to play. Must be between 0 and 1 inclusive. Defaults to 1.

game_state :: boolean?

If set to false, message will not be part of game state and will disappear from output console after save-load. Defaults to true.

If set to false, message will not be part of game state and will disappear from output console after save-load. Defaults to true.



