Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.37


An abstract base class for behaviors that support switching the entity on or off based on some condition.


disabled :: R boolean

If the entity is currently disabled because of the control behavior.

If the entity is currently disabled because of the control behavior.

circuit_enable_disable new :: RW boolean

true if this entity enable/disable state is controlled by circuit condition

true if this entity enable/disable state is controlled by circuit condition

circuit_condition :: RW CircuitConditionDefinition

The circuit condition. [...]

The circuit condition. [...]

connect_to_logistic_network :: RW boolean

true if this should connect to the logistic network.

true if this should connect to the logistic network.

logistic_condition :: RW CircuitConditionDefinition

The logistic condition. [...]

The logistic condition. [...]

Inherited from LuaControlBehavior
get_circuit_network(wire_connector_id) changedLuaCircuitNetwork?
type :: R defines.control_behavior.type

The concrete type of this control behavior.

The concrete type of this control behavior.

entity :: R LuaEntity

The entity this control behavior belongs to.

The entity this control behavior belongs to.


disabled :: Read boolean  

If the entity is currently disabled because of the control behavior.

circuit_enable_disable :: Read|Write boolean   new

true if this entity enable/disable state is controlled by circuit condition

circuit_condition :: Read|Write CircuitConditionDefinition  

The circuit condition. Writing nil clears the circuit condition.


-- Tell an entity to be active (for example a lamp to be lit) when it receives a
-- circuit signal of more than 4 chain signals.
a_behavior.circuit_condition = {condition={
  first_signal={type="item", name="rail-chain-signal"},

connect_to_logistic_network :: Read|Write boolean  

true if this should connect to the logistic network.

logistic_condition :: Read|Write CircuitConditionDefinition  

The logistic condition. Writing nil clears the logistic condition.


-- Tell an entity to be active (for example a lamp to be lit) when the logistics
-- network it's connected to has more than four chain signals.
a_behavior.logistic_condition = {condition={
  first_signal={type="item", name="rail-chain-signal"},



