Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42

GuiElementType :: union

Union members


A clickable element. Relevant event: on_gui_click


A button that displays a sprite rather than text. Relevant event: on_gui_click


A clickable element with a check mark that can be turned off or on. Relevant event: on_gui_checked_state_changed


An invisible container that lays out its children either horizontally or vertically.


A non-transparent box that contains other elements. It can have a title (set via the caption attribute). Just like a flow, it lays out its children either horizontally or vertically. Relevant event: on_gui_location_changed


A piece of text.


A horizontal or vertical separation line.


A partially filled bar that can be used to indicate progress.


An invisible container that lays out its children in a specific number of columns. The width of each column is determined by the widest element it contains.


A single-line box the user can type into. Relevant events: on_gui_text_changed, on_gui_confirmed


An element that is similar to a checkbox, but with a circular appearance. Clicking a selected radio button will not unselect it. Radio buttons are not linked to each other in any way. Relevant event: on_gui_checked_state_changed


An element that shows an image.


An invisible element that is similar to a flow, but has the ability to show and use scroll bars.


A drop-down containing strings of text. Relevant event: on_gui_selection_state_changed


A list of strings, only one of which can be selected at a time. Shows a scroll bar if necessary. Relevant event: on_gui_selection_state_changed


A camera that shows the game at the given position on the given surface. It can visually track an entity that is set after the element has been created.


A button that lets the player pick from a certain kind of prototype, with optional filtering. Relevant event: on_gui_elem_changed


A multi-line textfield. Relevant event: on_gui_text_changed


A horizontal number line which can be used to choose a number. Relevant event: on_gui_value_changed


A minimap preview, similar to the normal player minimap. It can visually track an entity that is set after the element has been created.


A preview of an entity. The entity has to be set after the element has been created.


An empty element that just exists. The root GUI elements screen and relative are empty-widgets.


A collection of tabs and their contents. Relevant event: on_gui_selected_tab_changed


A tab for use in a tabbed-pane.


A switch with three possible states. Can have labels attached to either side. Relevant event: on_gui_switch_state_changed



