Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42

PipeConnection :: table

A single pipe connection for a given fluidbox.

Table fields

flow_direction :: "input" or "output" or "input-output"
connection_type :: "normal" or "underground" or "linked"
position :: MapPosition

The absolute position of this connection within the entity.

The absolute position of this connection within the entity.

target_position :: MapPosition

The absolute position of the connection's intended target.

The absolute position of the connection's intended target.

target :: LuaFluidBox?

The connected fluidbox, if any.

The connected fluidbox, if any.

target_fluidbox_index :: uint?

The index of the target fluidbox, if any.

The index of the target fluidbox, if any.

target_pipe_connection_index :: uint?

The index of the target fluidbox pipe connection, if any.

The index of the target fluidbox pipe connection, if any.



