Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.37


A player in the game. Pay attention that a player may or may not have a character, which is the LuaEntity of the little guy running around the world doing things.


set_ending_screen_data(message, file?)

Setup the screen to be shown when the game is finished.

Setup the screen to be shown when the game is finished.

print(message, print_settings?) changed

Print text to the chat console. [...]

Print text to the chat console. [...]


Clear the chat console.

Clear the chat console.

get_goal_description() LocalisedString

Get the current goal description, as a localised string.

Get the current goal description, as a localised string.

set_goal_description(text?, only_update?)

Set the text in the goal window (top left).

Set the text in the goal window (top left).

set_controller{type=…, character?=…, waypoints?=…, start_position?=…, start_zoom?=…, final_transition_time?=…, chart_mode_cutoff?=…, position?=…, surface?=…} changed

Set the controller type of the player. [...]

Set the controller type of the player. [...]

drag_wire{position=…} boolean

Start/end wire dragging at the specified location, wire type is based on the cursor contents

Start/end wire dragging at the specified location, wire type is based on the cursor contents


Disable recipe groups.

Disable recipe groups.


Enable recipe groups.

Enable recipe groups.


Disable recipe subgroups.

Disable recipe subgroups.


Enable recipe subgroups.

Enable recipe subgroups.

print_entity_statistics(entities?) changed

Print entity statistics to the player's console.

Print entity statistics to the player's console.


Print construction robot job counts to the player's console.

Print construction robot job counts to the player's console.


Print LuaObject counts per mod.

Print LuaObject counts per mod.


Unlock the achievements of the given player. [...]

Unlock the achievements of the given player. [...]

clear_cursor() boolean

Invokes the "clear cursor" action on the player as if the user pressed it.

Invokes the "clear cursor" action on the player as if the user pressed it.

create_character(character?) changedboolean

Creates and attaches a character entity to this player. [...]

Creates and attaches a character entity to this player. [...]

add_alert(entity, type)

Adds an alert to this player for the given entity of the given alert type.

Adds an alert to this player for the given entity of the given alert type.

add_custom_alert(entity, icon, message, show_on_map)

Adds a custom alert to this player.

Adds a custom alert to this player.

remove_alert{entity?=…, prototype?=…, position?=…, type?=…, surface?=…, icon?=…, message?=…} changed

Removes all alerts matching the given filters or if an empty filters table is given all alerts are removed.

Removes all alerts matching the given filters or if an empty filters table is given all alerts are removed.

get_alerts{entity?=…, prototype?=…, position?=…, type?=…, surface?=…} → dictionary[uint → dictionary[defines.alert_type → array[Alert]]]

Get all alerts matching the given filters, or all alerts if no filters are given.

Get all alerts matching the given filters, or all alerts if no filters are given.

mute_alert(alert_type) boolean

Mutes alerts for the given alert category.

Mutes alerts for the given alert category.

unmute_alert(alert_type) boolean

Unmutes alerts for the given alert category.

Unmutes alerts for the given alert category.

is_alert_muted(alert_type) boolean

If the given alert type is currently muted.

If the given alert type is currently muted.

enable_alert(alert_type) boolean

Enables alerts for the given alert category.

Enables alerts for the given alert category.

disable_alert(alert_type) boolean

Disables alerts for the given alert category.

Disables alerts for the given alert category.

is_alert_enabled(alert_type) boolean

If the given alert type is currently enabled.

If the given alert type is currently enabled.

pipette_entity(entity, allow_ghost?) changedboolean

Invokes the "smart pipette" action on the player as if the user pressed it.

Invokes the "smart pipette" action on the player as if the user pressed it.

can_place_entity{name=…, position=…, direction?=…} changedboolean

Checks if this player can build the given entity at the given location on the surface the player is on.

Checks if this player can build the given entity at the given location on the surface the player is on.

can_build_from_cursor{position=…, direction?=…, build_mode?=…, terrain_building_size?=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…} changedboolean

Checks if this player can build what ever is in the cursor on the surface the player is on.

Checks if this player can build what ever is in the cursor on the surface the player is on.

build_from_cursor{position=…, direction?=…, mirror?=…, build_mode?=…, terrain_building_size?=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…} changed

Builds whatever is in the cursor on the surface the player is on. [...]

Builds whatever is in the cursor on the surface the player is on. [...]

clear_inventory_highlights() new

Clears the blinking of the inventory based on insertion of items

Clears the blinking of the inventory based on insertion of items


Uses the current item in the cursor if it's a capsule or does nothing if not.

Uses the current item in the cursor if it's a capsule or does nothing if not.

play_sound{path=…, position?=…, volume_modifier?=…, override_sound_type?=…}

Play a sound for this player. [...]

Play a sound for this player. [...]

get_associated_characters() → array[LuaEntity]

The characters associated with this player. [...]

The characters associated with this player. [...]


Associates a character with this player. [...]

Associates a character with this player. [...]


Disassociates a character from this player. [...]

Disassociates a character from this player. [...]

create_local_flying_text{text=…, position?=…, surface?=…, create_at_cursor?=…, color?=…, time_to_live?=…, speed?=…} changed

Spawn flying text that is only visible to this player. [...]

Spawn flying text that is only visible to this player. [...]

clear_local_flying_texts() new

Clear any active flying texts for this player.

Clear any active flying texts for this player.

get_quick_bar_slot(index) changedItemFilter?

Gets the quick bar filter for the given slot or nil.

Gets the quick bar filter for the given slot or nil.

set_quick_bar_slot(index, filter) changed

Sets the quick bar filter for the given slot. [...]

Sets the quick bar filter for the given slot. [...]

get_active_quick_bar_page(index) uint8?

Gets which quick bar page is being used for the given screen page or nil if not known.

Gets which quick bar page is being used for the given screen page or nil if not known.

set_active_quick_bar_page(screen_index, page_index)

Sets which quick bar page is being used for the given screen page.

Sets which quick bar page is being used for the given screen page.


Jump to the specified cutscene waypoint. [...]

Jump to the specified cutscene waypoint. [...]


Exit the current cutscene. [...]

Exit the current cutscene. [...]

is_shortcut_toggled(prototype_name) boolean

Is a custom Lua shortcut currently toggled?

Is a custom Lua shortcut currently toggled?

is_shortcut_available(prototype_name) boolean

Is a custom Lua shortcut currently available?

Is a custom Lua shortcut currently available?

set_shortcut_toggled(prototype_name, toggled)

Toggle or untoggle a custom Lua shortcut

Toggle or untoggle a custom Lua shortcut

set_shortcut_available(prototype_name, available)

Make a custom Lua shortcut available or unavailable.

Make a custom Lua shortcut available or unavailable.

connect_to_server{address=…, name?=…, description?=…, password?=…}

Asks the player if they would like to connect to the given server. [...]

Asks the player if they would like to connect to the given server. [...]


Toggles this player into or out of the map editor. [...]

Toggles this player into or out of the map editor. [...]

request_translation(localised_string) uint?

Requests a translation for the given localised string. [...]

Requests a translation for the given localised string. [...]

request_translations(localised_strings) → array[uint]?

Requests translation for the given set of localised strings. [...]

Requests translation for the given set of localised strings. [...]

get_infinity_inventory_filter(index) InfinityInventoryFilter?

Gets the filter for this map editor infinity filters at the given index or nil if the filter index doesn't exist or is empty.

Gets the filter for this map editor infinity filters at the given index or nil if the filter index doesn't exist or is empty.

set_infinity_inventory_filter(index, filter)

Sets the filter for this map editor infinity filters at the given index.

Sets the filter for this map editor infinity filters at the given index.


Clears all recipe notifications for this player.

Clears all recipe notifications for this player.

add_recipe_notification(recipe) changed

Adds the given recipe to the list of recipe notifications for this player.

Adds the given recipe to the list of recipe notifications for this player.

clear_recipe_notification(recipe) new

Clears the given recipe from the list of recipe notifications for this player.

Clears the given recipe from the list of recipe notifications for this player.


Adds the given blueprint to this player's clipboard queue.

Adds the given blueprint to this player's clipboard queue.


Gets a copy of the currently selected blueprint in the clipboard queue into the player's cursor, as if the player activated Paste.

Gets a copy of the currently selected blueprint in the clipboard queue into the player's cursor, as if the player activated Paste.

start_selection(position, selection_mode) changed

Starts selection with selection tool from the specified position. [...]

Starts selection with selection tool from the specified position. [...]


Clears the player's selection tool selection position.

Clears the player's selection tool selection position.

enter_space_platform(space_platform) newboolean

Enters the given space platform if possible.

Enters the given space platform if possible.

leave_space_platform() new

Ejects this player from the current space platform if in a platform. [...]

Ejects this player from the current space platform if in a platform. [...]

land_on_planet() newboolean

Ejects this player from the current space platform and lands on the current planet.

Ejects this player from the current space platform and lands on the current planet.

physical_surface new :: R LuaSurface

The surface this player's physical controller is on.

The surface this player's physical controller is on.

physical_surface_index new :: R uint

Unique ID associated with the surface this player's physical controller is currently on.

Unique ID associated with the surface this player's physical controller is currently on.

physical_position new :: R MapPosition

The current position of this player's physical controller.

The current position of this player's physical controller.

physical_vehicle new :: R LuaEntity?

The current vehicle of this player's physical controller.

The current vehicle of this player's physical controller.

character :: RW LuaEntity?

The character attached to this player, if any. [...]

The character attached to this player, if any. [...]

cutscene_character :: R LuaEntity?

When in a cutscene; the character this player would be using once the cutscene is over, if any. [...]

When in a cutscene; the character this player would be using once the cutscene is over, if any. [...]

index :: R uint

This player's index in LuaGameScript::players (unique ID). [...]

This player's index in LuaGameScript::players (unique ID). [...]

gui :: R LuaGui
opened_self :: R boolean

true if the player opened itself. [...]

true if the player opened itself. [...]

controller_type :: R defines.controllers
physical_controller_type new :: R defines.controllers

The player's "physical" controller. [...]

The player's "physical" controller. [...]

stashed_controller_type :: R defines.controllers?

The stashed controller type, if any. [...]

The stashed controller type, if any. [...]

spidertron_remote_selection new :: RW array[LuaEntity] ?

All SpiderVehicles currently selected by the player, if they are holding a spidertron remote.

All SpiderVehicles currently selected by the player, if they are holding a spidertron remote.

zoom :: W double

The player's zoom-level. [...]

The player's zoom-level. [...]

centered_on new :: RW LuaEntity?

The entity being centered on in remote view. [...]

The entity being centered on in remote view. [...]

game_view_settings :: RW GameViewSettings

The player's game view settings.

The player's game view settings.

minimap_enabled :: RW boolean

true if the minimap is visible.

true if the minimap is visible.

color :: RW Color

The color associated with the player. [...]

The color associated with the player. [...]

chat_color :: RW Color

The color used when this player talks in game.

The color used when this player talks in game.

name :: R string

The player's username.

The player's username.

tag :: RW string

The tag that is shown after the player in chat, on the map and above multiplayer selection rectangles.

The tag that is shown after the player in chat, on the map and above multiplayer selection rectangles.

connected :: R boolean

true if the player is currently connected to the game.

true if the player is currently connected to the game.

admin :: RW boolean

true if the player is an admin. [...]

true if the player is an admin. [...]

entity_copy_source :: R LuaEntity?

The source entity used during entity settings copy-paste, if any.

The source entity used during entity settings copy-paste, if any.

afk_time :: R uint

How many ticks since the last action of this player.

How many ticks since the last action of this player.

online_time :: R uint

How many ticks did this player spend playing this save (all sessions combined).

How many ticks did this player spend playing this save (all sessions combined).

last_online :: R uint

At what tick this player was last online.

At what tick this player was last online.

permission_group :: RW LuaPermissionGroup?

The permission group this player is part of, if any.

The permission group this player is part of, if any.

mod_settings :: R LuaCustomTable[string → ModSetting]

The current per-player settings for the this player, indexed by prototype name. [...]

The current per-player settings for the this player, indexed by prototype name. [...]

ticks_to_respawn :: RW uint?

The number of ticks until this player will respawn. [...]

The number of ticks until this player will respawn. [...]

display_resolution :: R DisplayResolution

The display resolution for this player. [...]

The display resolution for this player. [...]

display_scale :: R double

The display scale for this player. [...]

The display scale for this player. [...]

display_density_scale new :: R double

The display density scale for this player. [...]

The display density scale for this player. [...]

locale new :: R string

The active locale for this player. [...]

The active locale for this player. [...]

blueprint_to_setup :: R LuaItemStack

The item stack containing a blueprint to be setup.

The item stack containing a blueprint to be setup.

blueprints new :: R array[LuaRecord]

Records contained in the player's blueprint library.

Records contained in the player's blueprint library.

render_mode :: R defines.render_mode

The render mode of the player, like map or zoom to world.

The render mode of the player, like map or zoom to world.

input_method :: R defines.input_method

The input method of the player, mouse and keyboard or game controller

The input method of the player, mouse and keyboard or game controller

spectator :: RW boolean

If true, zoom-to-world noise effect will be disabled and environmental sounds will be based on zoom-to-world view instead of position of player's character.

If true, zoom-to-world noise effect will be disabled and environmental sounds will be based on zoom-to-world view instead of position of player's character.

show_on_map :: RW boolean

If true, circle and name of given player is rendered on the map/chart.

If true, circle and name of given player is rendered on the map/chart.

remove_unfiltered_items :: RW boolean

If items not included in this map editor infinity inventory filters should be removed.

If items not included in this map editor infinity inventory filters should be removed.

infinity_inventory_filters :: RW array[InfinityInventoryFilter]

The filters for this map editor infinity inventory settings.

The filters for this map editor infinity inventory settings.

auto_sort_main_inventory :: R boolean

If the main inventory will be auto sorted.

If the main inventory will be auto sorted.

hand_location :: RW ItemStackLocation?

The original location of the item in the cursor, marked with a hand. [...]

The original location of the item in the cursor, marked with a hand. [...]

cursor_stack_temporary :: RW boolean

Returns true if the current item stack in cursor will be destroyed after clearing the cursor. [...]

Returns true if the current item stack in cursor will be destroyed after clearing the cursor. [...]

undo_redo_stack new :: R LuaUndoRedoStack

The undo and redo stack for this player.

The undo and redo stack for this player.

drag_target :: R DragTarget?

The wire drag target for this player, if any.

The wire drag target for this player, if any.

map_view_settings :: W MapViewSettings

The player's map view settings. [...]

The player's map view settings. [...]

valid :: R boolean

Is this object valid? [...]

Is this object valid? [...]

object_name :: R string

The class name of this object. [...]

The class name of this object. [...]

Inherited from LuaControl
get_inventory(inventory) LuaInventory?

Get an inventory belonging to this entity. [...]

Get an inventory belonging to this entity. [...]

get_max_inventory_index() defines.inventory

The highest index of all inventories this entity can use. [...]

The highest index of all inventories this entity can use. [...]

get_main_inventory() LuaInventory?

Gets the main inventory for this character or player if this is a character or player.

Gets the main inventory for this character or player if this is a character or player.

can_insert(items) boolean

Can at least some items be inserted?

Can at least some items be inserted?

insert(items) uint

Insert items into this entity. [...]

Insert items into this entity. [...]

set_gui_arrow{margin=…, type=…}

Create an arrow which points at this entity. [...]

Create an arrow which points at this entity. [...]


Removes the arrow created by set_gui_arrow.

Removes the arrow created by set_gui_arrow.

get_item_count(item?) changeduint

Get the number of all or some items in this entity.

Get the number of all or some items in this entity.

has_items_inside() boolean

Does this entity have any item inside it?

Does this entity have any item inside it?

can_reach_entity(entity) boolean

Can a given entity be opened or accessed?

Can a given entity be opened or accessed?


Remove all items from this entity.

Remove all items from this entity.

remove_item(items) uint

Remove items from this entity.

Remove items from this entity.

teleport(position, surface?, raise_teleported?, snap_to_grid?, build_check_type?) changedboolean

Teleport the entity to a given position, possibly on another surface. [...]

Teleport the entity to a given position, possibly on another surface. [...]


Select an entity, as if by hovering the mouse above it.

Select an entity, as if by hovering the mouse above it.


Unselect any selected entity.

Unselect any selected entity.


Disable the flashlight.

Disable the flashlight.


Enable the flashlight.

Enable the flashlight.

is_flashlight_enabled() boolean

Is the flashlight enabled.

Is the flashlight enabled.

get_craftable_count(recipe) changeduint

Gets the count of the given recipe that can be crafted.

Gets the count of the given recipe that can be crafted.

begin_crafting{count=…, recipe=…, silent?=…} changeduint

Begins crafting the given count of the given recipe.

Begins crafting the given count of the given recipe.

cancel_crafting{index=…, count=…}

Cancels crafting the given count of the given crafting queue index.

Cancels crafting the given count of the given crafting queue index.

mine_entity(entity, force?) boolean

Mines the given entity as if this player (or character) mined it.

Mines the given entity as if this player (or character) mined it.

mine_tile(tile) boolean

Mines the given tile as if this player (or character) mined it.

Mines the given tile as if this player (or character) mined it.

is_player() boolean

When true control adapter is a LuaPlayer object, false for entities including characters with players.

When true control adapter is a LuaPlayer object, false for entities including characters with players.

open_technology_gui(technology?) changed

Open the technology GUI and select a given technology.

Open the technology GUI and select a given technology.

is_cursor_blueprint() boolean

Returns whether the player is holding a blueprint. [...]

Returns whether the player is holding a blueprint. [...]

is_cursor_empty() boolean

Returns whether the player is holding something in the cursor. [...]

Returns whether the player is holding something in the cursor. [...]

get_requester_point() newLuaLogisticPoint?

Gets the requester logistic point for this entity if it has one.

Gets the requester logistic point for this entity if it has one.

set_driving(driving, force?) new

Sets if this character or player is driving. [...]

Sets if this character or player is driving. [...]

surface :: R LuaSurface

The surface this entity is currently on.

The surface this entity is currently on.

surface_index :: R uint

Unique index (ID) associated with the surface this entity is currently on.

Unique index (ID) associated with the surface this entity is currently on.

position :: R MapPosition

The current position of the entity.

The current position of the entity.

vehicle :: R LuaEntity?

The vehicle the player is currently sitting in.

The vehicle the player is currently sitting in.

cargo_pod new :: R LuaEntity?

The cargo pod the player is currently sitting in or the cargo pod attached to this rocket silo.

The cargo pod the player is currently sitting in or the cargo pod attached to this rocket silo.

hub new :: R LuaEntity?

The space platform hub the player is currently sitting in.

The space platform hub the player is currently sitting in.

force changed :: R LuaForce | W ForceID

The force of this entity. [...]

The force of this entity. [...]

force_index :: R uint

Unique index (ID) associated with the force of this entity.

Unique index (ID) associated with the force of this entity.

selected :: RW LuaEntity?

The currently selected entity. [...]

The currently selected entity. [...]

opened changed :: RW LuaEntity or LuaItemStack or LuaEquipment or LuaEquipmentGrid or LuaPlayer or LuaGuiElement or LuaInventory or LuaLogisticNetwork or defines.gui_type?

The GUI the player currently has open. [...]

The GUI the player currently has open. [...]

crafting_queue_size :: R uint

Size of the crafting queue.

Size of the crafting queue.

crafting_queue_progress :: RW double

The crafting queue progress in the range [0-1]. [...]

The crafting queue progress in the range [0-1]. [...]

walking_state :: RW table

Current walking state.

Current walking state.

riding_state :: RW RidingState

Current riding state of this car, or of the car this player is riding in.

Current riding state of this car, or of the car this player is riding in.

mining_state :: RW table

Current mining state. [...]

Current mining state. [...]

shooting_state :: RW table

Current shooting state.

Current shooting state.

picking_state :: RW boolean

Current item-picking state.

Current item-picking state.

repair_state :: RW table

Current repair state.

Current repair state.

cursor_stack :: R LuaItemStack?

The player's cursor stack. [...]

The player's cursor stack. [...]

cursor_ghost changed :: R ItemIDAndQualityIDPair | W ItemWithQualityID?

The ghost prototype in the player's cursor. [...]

The ghost prototype in the player's cursor. [...]

cursor_record new :: R LuaRecord?

The blueprint record in the player's cursor.

The blueprint record in the player's cursor.

driving :: RW boolean

true if the player is in a vehicle. [...]

true if the player is in a vehicle. [...]

crafting_queue :: R array[CraftingQueueItem]

The current crafting queue items.

The current crafting queue items.

following_robots :: R array[LuaEntity]

The current combat robots following the character. [...]

The current combat robots following the character. [...]

cheat_mode :: RW boolean

When true hand crafting is free and instant.

When true hand crafting is free and instant.

character_crafting_speed_modifier :: RW double

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_mining_speed_modifier :: RW double

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_additional_mining_categories :: RW array[string]

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_running_speed_modifier :: RW double

Modifies the running speed of this character by the given value as a percentage. [...]

Modifies the running speed of this character by the given value as a percentage. [...]

character_build_distance_bonus :: RW uint

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_item_drop_distance_bonus :: RW uint

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_reach_distance_bonus :: RW uint

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_resource_reach_distance_bonus :: RW uint

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_item_pickup_distance_bonus :: RW uint

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_loot_pickup_distance_bonus :: RW uint

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_inventory_slots_bonus :: RW uint

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_trash_slot_count_bonus :: RW uint

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_maximum_following_robot_count_bonus :: RW uint

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

character_health_bonus :: RW float

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

When called on a LuaPlayer, it must be associated with a character (see LuaPlayer::character).

opened_gui_type :: R defines.gui_type?
build_distance :: R uint

The build distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character.

The build distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character.

drop_item_distance :: R uint

The item drop distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character.

The item drop distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character.

reach_distance :: R uint

The reach distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character.

The reach distance of this character or max uint when not a character or player connected to a character.

item_pickup_distance :: R double

The item pickup distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character.

The item pickup distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character.

loot_pickup_distance :: R double

The loot pickup distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character.

The loot pickup distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character.

resource_reach_distance :: R double

The resource reach distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character.

The resource reach distance of this character or max double when not a character or player connected to a character.

in_combat :: R boolean

Whether this character entity is in combat.

Whether this character entity is in combat.

character_running_speed :: R double

The current movement speed of this character, including effects from exoskeletons, tiles, stickers and shooting.

The current movement speed of this character, including effects from exoskeletons, tiles, stickers and shooting.

character_mining_progress :: R double

The current mining progress between 0 and 1 of this character, or 0 if they aren't mining.

The current mining progress between 0 and 1 of this character, or 0 if they aren't mining.


set_ending_screen_data(message, file?)

Setup the screen to be shown when the game is finished.


message :: LocalisedString

Message to be shown.

Message to be shown.

file :: string?

Path to image to be shown.

Path to image to be shown.

print(message, print_settings?) changed

Print text to the chat console.

By default, messages that are identical to a message sent in the last 60 ticks are not printed again.


message :: LocalisedString
print_settings :: PrintSettings?


Clear the chat console.

get_goal_description() → LocalisedString

Get the current goal description, as a localised string.

set_goal_description(text?, only_update?)

Set the text in the goal window (top left).


text :: LocalisedString?

The text to display. Lines can be delimited with \n. Passing an empty string or omitting this parameter entirely will make the goal window disappear.

The text to display. Lines can be delimited with \n. Passing an empty string or omitting this parameter entirely will make the goal window disappear.

only_update :: boolean?

When true, won't play the "goal updated" sound.

When true, won't play the "goal updated" sound.

set_controller{type=…, character?=…, waypoints?=…, start_position?=…, start_zoom?=…, final_transition_time?=…, chart_mode_cutoff?=…, position?=…, surface?=…} changed

Set the controller type of the player.

Setting a player to defines.controllers.editor auto promotes the player to admin and enables cheat mode. Setting a player to defines.controllers.editor also requires the calling player be an admin.


Table with the following fields:
type :: defines.controllers

Which controller to use.

Which controller to use.

character :: LuaEntity?

Entity to control. Mandatory when type is defines.controllers.character, ignored otherwise.

Entity to control. Mandatory when type is defines.controllers.character, ignored otherwise.

waypoints :: CutsceneWaypoint?

List of waypoints for the cutscene controller. This parameter is mandatory when type is defines.controllers.cutscene.

List of waypoints for the cutscene controller. This parameter is mandatory when type is defines.controllers.cutscene.

start_position :: MapPosition?

If specified and type is defines.controllers.cutscene, the cutscene will start at this position. If not given the start position will be the player position.

If specified and type is defines.controllers.cutscene, the cutscene will start at this position. If not given the start position will be the player position.

start_zoom :: double?

If specified and type is defines.controllers.cutscene, the cutscene will start at this zoom level. If not given the start zoom will be the player's zoom.

If specified and type is defines.controllers.cutscene, the cutscene will start at this zoom level. If not given the start zoom will be the player's zoom.

final_transition_time :: uint?

If specified and type is defines.controllers.cutscene, it is the time in ticks it will take for the camera to pan from the final waypoint back to the starting position. If not given the camera will not pan back to the start position/zoom.

If specified and type is defines.controllers.cutscene, it is the time in ticks it will take for the camera to pan from the final waypoint back to the starting position. If not given the camera will not pan back to the start position/zoom.

chart_mode_cutoff :: double?

If specified and type is defines.controllers.cutscene, the game will switch to chart-mode (map zoomed out) rendering when the zoom level is less than this value.

If specified and type is defines.controllers.cutscene, the game will switch to chart-mode (map zoomed out) rendering when the zoom level is less than this value.

position :: MapPosition?

If specified and type is defines.controllers.remote, the position the remote controller will be centered on.

If specified and type is defines.controllers.remote, the position the remote controller will be centered on.

surface :: SurfaceIdentification?

If specified and type is defines.controllers.remote, the surface the remote controller will be put on.

If specified and type is defines.controllers.remote, the surface the remote controller will be put on.

drag_wire{position=…} → boolean

Start/end wire dragging at the specified location, wire type is based on the cursor contents


Table with the following fields:
position :: MapPosition

Position at which cursor was clicked. Used only to decide which side of arithmetic combinator, decider combinator or power switch is to be connected. Entity itself to be connected is based on the player's selected entity.

Position at which cursor was clicked. Used only to decide which side of arithmetic combinator, decider combinator or power switch is to be connected. Entity itself to be connected is based on the player's selected entity.

Return values

→ boolean

true if the action did something


Disable recipe groups.


Enable recipe groups.


Disable recipe subgroups.


Enable recipe subgroups.


Unlock the achievements of the given player. This has any effect only when this is the local player, the achievement isn't unlocked so far and the achievement is of the type "achievement".


name :: string

name of the achievement to unlock

name of the achievement to unlock

clear_cursor() → boolean

Invokes the "clear cursor" action on the player as if the user pressed it.

Return values

→ boolean

Whether the cursor is now empty.

Raised events

on_player_cursor_stack_changed? current_tick

Raised when the cursor was successfully cleared.

create_character(character?) → booleanchanged

Creates and attaches a character entity to this player.

The player must not have a character already connected and must be online (see LuaPlayer::connected).


character :: EntityWithQualityID?

The character to create else the default is used.

The character to create else the default is used.

Return values

→ boolean

Whether the character was created.

add_alert(entity, type)

Adds an alert to this player for the given entity of the given alert type.


entity :: LuaEntity
type :: defines.alert_type

add_custom_alert(entity, icon, message, show_on_map)

Adds a custom alert to this player.


entity :: LuaEntity

If the alert is clicked, the map will open at the position of this entity.

If the alert is clicked, the map will open at the position of this entity.

icon :: SignalID
message :: LocalisedString
show_on_map :: boolean

remove_alert{entity?=…, prototype?=…, position?=…, type?=…, surface?=…, icon?=…, message?=…} changed

Removes all alerts matching the given filters or if an empty filters table is given all alerts are removed.


Table with the following fields:
entity :: LuaEntity?
prototype :: EntityID?
position :: MapPosition?
type :: defines.alert_type?
surface :: SurfaceIdentification?
icon :: SignalID?
message :: LocalisedString?

get_alerts{entity?=…, prototype?=…, position?=…, type?=…, surface?=…} → dictionary[uint → dictionary[defines.alert_type → array[Alert]]]

Get all alerts matching the given filters, or all alerts if no filters are given.


Table with the following fields:
entity :: LuaEntity?
prototype :: LuaEntityPrototype?
position :: MapPosition?
type :: defines.alert_type?
surface :: SurfaceIdentification?

Return values

→ dictionary[uint → dictionary[defines.alert_type → array[Alert]]]

A mapping of surface index to an array of arrays of alerts indexed by the alert type.

mute_alert(alert_type) → boolean

Mutes alerts for the given alert category.


alert_type :: defines.alert_type

Return values

→ boolean

Whether the alert type was muted (false if it was already muted).

unmute_alert(alert_type) → boolean

Unmutes alerts for the given alert category.


alert_type :: defines.alert_type

Return values

→ boolean

Whether the alert type was unmuted (false if it was wasn't muted).

is_alert_muted(alert_type) → boolean

If the given alert type is currently muted.


alert_type :: defines.alert_type

enable_alert(alert_type) → boolean

Enables alerts for the given alert category.


alert_type :: defines.alert_type

Return values

→ boolean

Whether the alert type was enabled (false if it was already enabled).

disable_alert(alert_type) → boolean

Disables alerts for the given alert category.


alert_type :: defines.alert_type

Return values

→ boolean

Whether the alert type was disabled (false if it was already disabled).

is_alert_enabled(alert_type) → boolean

If the given alert type is currently enabled.


alert_type :: defines.alert_type

pipette_entity(entity, allow_ghost?) → booleanchanged

Invokes the "smart pipette" action on the player as if the user pressed it.


entity :: EntityWithQualityID
allow_ghost :: boolean?

Defaults to false.

Defaults to false.

Return values

→ boolean

Whether the smart pipette found something to place.

Raised events

on_player_pipette? instantly

Raised if the entity was successfully pipetted.

can_place_entity{name=…, position=…, direction?=…} → booleanchanged

Checks if this player can build the given entity at the given location on the surface the player is on.


Table with the following fields:
name :: EntityID

Name of the entity to check.

Name of the entity to check.

position :: MapPosition

Where the entity would be placed.

Where the entity would be placed.

direction :: defines.direction?

Direction the entity would be placed. Defaults to north.

Direction the entity would be placed. Defaults to north.

can_build_from_cursor{position=…, direction?=…, build_mode?=…, terrain_building_size?=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…} → booleanchanged

Checks if this player can build what ever is in the cursor on the surface the player is on.


Table with the following fields:
position :: MapPosition

Where the entity would be placed

Where the entity would be placed

direction :: defines.direction?

Direction the entity would be placed

Direction the entity would be placed

build_mode :: defines.build_mode?

Which build mode should be used instead of normal build. Defaults to normal.

Which build mode should be used instead of normal build. Defaults to normal.

terrain_building_size :: uint?

The size for building terrain if building terrain. Defaults to 2.

The size for building terrain if building terrain. Defaults to 2.

skip_fog_of_war :: boolean?

If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped.

If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped.

build_from_cursor{position=…, direction?=…, mirror?=…, build_mode?=…, terrain_building_size?=…, skip_fog_of_war?=…} changed

Builds whatever is in the cursor on the surface the player is on. The cursor stack will automatically be reduced as if the player built normally.


Table with the following fields:
position :: MapPosition

Where the entity would be placed

Where the entity would be placed

direction :: defines.direction?

Direction the entity would be placed

Direction the entity would be placed

mirror :: boolean?

Whether to mirror the entity

Whether to mirror the entity

build_mode :: defines.build_mode?

Which build mode should be used instead of normal build. Defaults to normal.

Which build mode should be used instead of normal build. Defaults to normal.

terrain_building_size :: uint?

The size for building terrain if building terrain. Defaults to 2.

The size for building terrain if building terrain. Defaults to 2.

skip_fog_of_war :: boolean?

If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped.

If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped.

Raised events

on_pre_build? instantly

Raised if the cursor was successfully built.

on_built_entity? instantly

Raised if the cursor was successfully built.

clear_inventory_highlights() new

Clears the blinking of the inventory based on insertion of items


Uses the current item in the cursor if it's a capsule or does nothing if not.


position :: MapPosition

Where the item would be used.

Where the item would be used.

play_sound{path=…, position?=…, volume_modifier?=…, override_sound_type?=…}

Play a sound for this player.

The sound is not played if its location is not charted for this player.


Table with the following fields:
path :: SoundPath

The sound to play.

The sound to play.

position :: MapPosition?

Where the sound should be played. If not given, it's played globally on the player's controller's surface.

Where the sound should be played. If not given, it's played globally on the player's controller's surface.

volume_modifier :: double?

The volume of the sound to play. Must be between 0 and 1 inclusive.

The volume of the sound to play. Must be between 0 and 1 inclusive.

override_sound_type :: SoundType?

The volume mixer to play the sound through. Defaults to the default mixer for the given sound type.

The volume mixer to play the sound through. Defaults to the default mixer for the given sound type.

get_associated_characters() → array[LuaEntity]

The characters associated with this player.

The array will always be empty when the player is disconnected (see LuaPlayer::connected) regardless of there being associated characters.

Characters associated with this player will be logged off when this player disconnects but are not controlled by any player.


Associates a character with this player.

The character must not be connected to any controller.

If this player is currently disconnected (see LuaPlayer::connected) the character will be immediately "logged off".

See LuaPlayer::get_associated_characters for more information.


character :: LuaEntity

The character entity.

The character entity.


Disassociates a character from this player. This is functionally the same as setting LuaEntity::associated_player to nil.

See LuaPlayer::get_associated_characters for more information.


character :: LuaEntity

The character entity

The character entity

create_local_flying_text{text=…, position?=…, surface?=…, create_at_cursor?=…, color?=…, time_to_live?=…, speed?=…} changed

Spawn flying text that is only visible to this player. Either position or create_at_cursor are required. When create_at_cursor is true, all parameters other than text are ignored.

If no custom speed is set and the text is longer than 25 characters, its time_to_live and speed are dynamically adjusted to give the player more time to read it.

Local flying text is not saved, which means it will disappear after a save/load-cycle.


Table with the following fields:
text :: LocalisedString

The flying text to show.

The flying text to show.

position :: MapPosition?

The location on the map at which to show the flying text.

The location on the map at which to show the flying text.

surface :: SurfaceIdentification?

The surface which this text will be shown on. Defaults to player surface.

The surface which this text will be shown on. Defaults to player surface.

create_at_cursor :: boolean?

If true, the flying text is created at the player's cursor. Defaults to false.

If true, the flying text is created at the player's cursor. Defaults to false.

color :: Color?

The color of the flying text. Defaults to white text.

The color of the flying text. Defaults to white text.

time_to_live :: uint?

The amount of ticks that the flying text will be shown for. Defaults to 80.

The amount of ticks that the flying text will be shown for. Defaults to 80.

speed :: double?

The speed at which the text rises upwards in tiles/second. Can't be a negative value.

The speed at which the text rises upwards in tiles/second. Can't be a negative value.

clear_local_flying_texts() new

Clear any active flying texts for this player.

get_quick_bar_slot(index) → ItemFilter?changed

Gets the quick bar filter for the given slot or nil.


index :: uint

The slot index. 1 for the first slot of page one, 2 for slot two of page one, 11 for the first slot of page 2, etc.

The slot index. 1 for the first slot of page one, 2 for slot two of page one, 11 for the first slot of page 2, etc.

set_quick_bar_slot(index, filter) changed

Sets the quick bar filter for the given slot. If a LuaItemStack is provided, the slot will be set to that particular item instance if it has extra data, for example a specific blueprint or spidertron remote. Otherwise, it will be set to all items of that prototype, for example iron plates.


index :: uint

The slot index. 1 for the first slot of page one, 2 for slot two of page one, 11 for the first slot of page 2, etc.

The slot index. 1 for the first slot of page one, 2 for slot two of page one, 11 for the first slot of page 2, etc.

filter :: LuaItemStack or ItemWithQualityID or nil

The filter or nil to clear it.

The filter or nil to clear it.

get_active_quick_bar_page(index) → uint8?

Gets which quick bar page is being used for the given screen page or nil if not known.


index :: uint

The screen page. Index 1 is the top row in the gui. Index can go beyond the visible number of bars on the screen to account for the interface config setting change.

The screen page. Index 1 is the top row in the gui. Index can go beyond the visible number of bars on the screen to account for the interface config setting change.

set_active_quick_bar_page(screen_index, page_index)

Sets which quick bar page is being used for the given screen page.


screen_index :: uint

The screen page. Index 1 is the top row in the gui. Index can go beyond the visible number of bars on the screen to account for the interface config setting change.

The screen page. Index 1 is the top row in the gui. Index can go beyond the visible number of bars on the screen to account for the interface config setting change.

page_index :: uint

The new quick bar page.

The new quick bar page.


Jump to the specified cutscene waypoint. Only works when the player is viewing a cutscene.


waypoint_index :: uint


Exit the current cutscene. Errors if not in a cutscene.

is_shortcut_toggled(prototype_name) → boolean

Is a custom Lua shortcut currently toggled?


prototype_name :: string

Prototype name of the custom shortcut.

Prototype name of the custom shortcut.

is_shortcut_available(prototype_name) → boolean

Is a custom Lua shortcut currently available?


prototype_name :: string

Prototype name of the custom shortcut.

Prototype name of the custom shortcut.

set_shortcut_toggled(prototype_name, toggled)

Toggle or untoggle a custom Lua shortcut


prototype_name :: string

Prototype name of the custom shortcut.

Prototype name of the custom shortcut.

toggled :: boolean

set_shortcut_available(prototype_name, available)

Make a custom Lua shortcut available or unavailable.


prototype_name :: string

Prototype name of the custom shortcut.

Prototype name of the custom shortcut.

available :: boolean

connect_to_server{address=…, name?=…, description?=…, password?=…}

Asks the player if they would like to connect to the given server.

This only does anything when used on a multiplayer peer. Single player and server hosts will ignore the prompt.


Table with the following fields:
address :: string

The server (address:port) if port is not given the default Factorio port is used.

The server (address:port) if port is not given the default Factorio port is used.

name :: LocalisedString?

The name of the server.

The name of the server.

description :: LocalisedString?
password :: string?

The password if different from the one used to join this game. Note, if the current password is not empty but the one required to join the new server is an empty string should be given for this field.

The password if different from the one used to join this game. Note, if the current password is not empty but the one required to join the new server is an empty string should be given for this field.


Toggles this player into or out of the map editor. Does nothing if this player isn't an admin or if the player doesn't have permission to use the map editor.

Raised events

on_pre_player_toggled_map_editor? instantly

Raised if the map editor was successfully toggled.

on_player_toggled_map_editor? instantly

Raised if the map editor was successfully toggled.

request_translation(localised_string) → uint?

Requests a translation for the given localised string. If the request is successful, the on_string_translated event will be fired with the results.

Does nothing if this player is not connected (see LuaPlayer::connected).


localised_string :: LocalisedString

Return values

→ uint?

The unique ID for the requested translation.

Raised events

on_string_translated? future_tick

Raised if the request was successfully sent.

request_translations(localised_strings) → array[uint]?

Requests translation for the given set of localised strings. If the request is successful, a on_string_translated event will be fired for each string with the results.

Does nothing if this player is not connected (see LuaPlayer::connected).


localised_strings :: array[LocalisedString]

Return values

→ array[uint]?

The unique IDs for the requested translations.

Raised events

on_string_translated? future_tick

Raised if the request was successfully sent.

get_infinity_inventory_filter(index) → InfinityInventoryFilter?

Gets the filter for this map editor infinity filters at the given index or nil if the filter index doesn't exist or is empty.


index :: uint

The index to get.

The index to get.

set_infinity_inventory_filter(index, filter)

Sets the filter for this map editor infinity filters at the given index.


index :: uint

The index to set.

The index to set.

filter :: InfinityInventoryFilter or nil

The new filter or nil to clear the filter.

The new filter or nil to clear the filter.


Clears all recipe notifications for this player.

add_recipe_notification(recipe) changed

Adds the given recipe to the list of recipe notifications for this player.


recipe :: RecipeID

Recipe to add.

Recipe to add.

clear_recipe_notification(recipe) new

Clears the given recipe from the list of recipe notifications for this player.


recipe :: RecipeID

Recipe to clear.

Recipe to clear.


Adds the given blueprint to this player's clipboard queue.


blueprint :: LuaItemStack

The blueprint to add.

The blueprint to add.


Gets a copy of the currently selected blueprint in the clipboard queue into the player's cursor, as if the player activated Paste.

start_selection(position, selection_mode) changed

Starts selection with selection tool from the specified position. Does nothing if the player's cursor is not a selection tool.


position :: MapPosition

The position to start selection from.

The position to start selection from.

selection_mode :: defines.selection_mode

The type of selection to start.

The type of selection to start.


Clears the player's selection tool selection position.

enter_space_platform(space_platform) → booleannew

Enters the given space platform if possible.


space_platform :: SpacePlatformIdentification

Return values

→ boolean

If the player entered the platform.

leave_space_platform() new

Ejects this player from the current space platform if in a platform. The player is left on the platform at the position of the hub.

land_on_planet() → booleannew

Ejects this player from the current space platform and lands on the current planet.

Return values

→ boolean

If the player successfully landed on the planet.


physical_surface :: Read LuaSurface   new

The surface this player's physical controller is on.

physical_surface_index :: Read uint   new

Unique ID associated with the surface this player's physical controller is currently on.

physical_position :: Read MapPosition   new

The current position of this player's physical controller.

physical_vehicle :: Read LuaEntity  ?new

The current vehicle of this player's physical controller.

character :: Read|Write LuaEntity  ?

The character attached to this player, if any. Returns nil when the player is disconnected (see LuaPlayer::connected).

cutscene_character :: Read LuaEntity  ?

When in a cutscene; the character this player would be using once the cutscene is over, if any. Returns nil when the player is disconnected (see LuaPlayer::connected).

index :: Read uint  

This player's index in LuaGameScript::players (unique ID). It is assigned when a player is created, and remains so (even when the player is not connected) until the player is irreversibly removed. Indexes of removed players can be reused.

gui :: Read LuaGui  

opened_self :: Read boolean  

true if the player opened itself. I.e. if they opened the character or god-controller GUI.

controller_type :: Read defines.controllers  

physical_controller_type :: Read defines.controllers   new

The player's "physical" controller. When a player is in the remote controller, this specifies the controller they will return to. When the player is not in the remote controller, this is equivalent to LuaPlayer::controller_type.

stashed_controller_type :: Read defines.controllers  ?

The stashed controller type, if any. This is mainly useful when a player is in the map editor.

spidertron_remote_selection :: Read|Write array[LuaEntity]  ?new

All SpiderVehicles currently selected by the player, if they are holding a spidertron remote.

zoom :: Write double  

The player's zoom-level. Must be positive.

centered_on :: Read|Write LuaEntity  ?new

The entity being centered on in remote view.

When writing, the player will be switched to remote view (if not already in it) and centered on the given entity.

game_view_settings :: Read|Write GameViewSettings  

The player's game view settings.

minimap_enabled :: Read|Write boolean  

true if the minimap is visible.

color :: Read|Write Color  

The color associated with the player. This will be used to tint the player's character as well as their buildings and vehicles.

chat_color :: Read|Write Color  

The color used when this player talks in game.

name :: Read string  

The player's username.

tag :: Read|Write string  

The tag that is shown after the player in chat, on the map and above multiplayer selection rectangles.

connected :: Read boolean  

true if the player is currently connected to the game.

admin :: Read|Write boolean  

true if the player is an admin.

Trying to change player admin status from the console when you aren't an admin does nothing.

entity_copy_source :: Read LuaEntity  ?

The source entity used during entity settings copy-paste, if any.

afk_time :: Read uint  

How many ticks since the last action of this player.

online_time :: Read uint  

How many ticks did this player spend playing this save (all sessions combined).

last_online :: Read uint  

At what tick this player was last online.

permission_group :: Read|Write LuaPermissionGroup  ?

The permission group this player is part of, if any.

mod_settings :: Read LuaCustomTable[string → ModSetting]  

The current per-player settings for the this player, indexed by prototype name. Returns the same structure as LuaSettings::get_player_settings. This table becomes invalid if its associated player does.

Even though this attribute is marked as read-only, individual settings can be changed by overwriting their ModSetting table. Mods can only change their own settings. Using the in-game console, all player settings can be changed.


-- Change the value of the "active_lifestyle" setting
player.mod_settings["active_lifestyle"] = {value = true}

ticks_to_respawn :: Read|Write uint  ?

The number of ticks until this player will respawn. nil if this player is not waiting to respawn.

Set to nil to immediately respawn the player.

Set to any positive value to trigger the respawn state for this player.

display_resolution :: Read DisplayResolution  

The display resolution for this player.

During on_player_created, this attribute will always return a resolution of {width=1920, height=1080}. To get the actual resolution, listen to the on_player_display_resolution_changed event raised shortly afterwards.

display_scale :: Read double  

The display scale for this player.

During on_player_created, this attribute will always return a scale of 1. To get the actual scale, listen to the on_player_display_scale_changed event raised shortly afterwards.

display_density_scale :: Read double   new

The display density scale for this player. The display density scale is the factor of LuaPlayer::display_scale that is determined by the physical DPI of the screen that Factorio is running on. In most cases, the default value is 1. If the player is playing on a high-density display, this value may be 2 or greater.

During on_player_created, this attribute will always return a scale of 1. To get the actual scale, listen to the on_player_display_density_scale_changed event raised shortly afterwards.

locale :: Read string   new

The active locale for this player.

During on_player_created, this attribute will be en. To get the actual value, listen to the on_player_locale_changed event raised shortly afterwards.

blueprint_to_setup :: Read LuaItemStack  

The item stack containing a blueprint to be setup.

blueprints :: Read array[LuaRecord]   new

Records contained in the player's blueprint library.

render_mode :: Read defines.render_mode  

The render mode of the player, like map or zoom to world.

input_method :: Read defines.input_method  

The input method of the player, mouse and keyboard or game controller

spectator :: Read|Write boolean  

If true, zoom-to-world noise effect will be disabled and environmental sounds will be based on zoom-to-world view instead of position of player's character.

show_on_map :: Read|Write boolean  

If true, circle and name of given player is rendered on the map/chart.

remove_unfiltered_items :: Read|Write boolean  

If items not included in this map editor infinity inventory filters should be removed.

infinity_inventory_filters :: Read|Write array[InfinityInventoryFilter]  

The filters for this map editor infinity inventory settings.

auto_sort_main_inventory :: Read boolean  

If the main inventory will be auto sorted.

hand_location :: Read|Write ItemStackLocation  ?

The original location of the item in the cursor, marked with a hand. nil if the cursor stack is empty. When writing, the specified inventory slot must be empty and the cursor stack must not be empty.

cursor_stack_temporary :: Read|Write boolean  

Returns true if the current item stack in cursor will be destroyed after clearing the cursor. Manually putting it into inventory still preserves the item. If the cursor stack is not one of the supported types (blueprint, blueprint-book, deconstruction-planner, upgrade-planner), write operation will be silently ignored.

undo_redo_stack :: Read LuaUndoRedoStack   new

The undo and redo stack for this player.

drag_target :: Read DragTarget  ?

The wire drag target for this player, if any.

map_view_settings :: Write MapViewSettings  

The player's map view settings. To write to this, use a table containing the fields that should be changed.

valid :: Read boolean  

Is this object valid? This Lua object holds a reference to an object within the game engine. It is possible that the game-engine object is removed whilst a mod still holds the corresponding Lua object. If that happens, the object becomes invalid, i.e. this attribute will be false. Mods are advised to check for object validity if any change to the game state might have occurred between the creation of the Lua object and its access.

object_name :: Read string  

The class name of this object. Available even when valid is false. For LuaStruct objects it may also be suffixed with a dotted path to a member of the struct.



