Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42

EntitySearchFilters :: table

Table fields

area :: BoundingBox?
position :: MapPosition?

Has precedence over area field.

Has precedence over area field.

radius :: double?

If given with position, will return all entities within the radius of the position.

If given with position, will return all entities within the radius of the position.

name :: EntityID or array[EntityID]?

An empty array means nothing matches the name filter.

An empty array means nothing matches the name filter.

type :: string or array[string]?

An empty array means nothing matches the type filter.

An empty array means nothing matches the type filter.

ghost_name :: EntityID or array[EntityID]?

An empty array means nothing matches the ghost_name filter.

An empty array means nothing matches the ghost_name filter.

ghost_type :: string or array[string]?

An empty array means nothing matches the ghost_type filter.

An empty array means nothing matches the ghost_type filter.

direction :: defines.direction or array[defines.direction]?
collision_mask :: CollisionLayerID or array[CollisionLayerID] or dictionary[CollisionLayerID → true]?
force :: ForceSet?
to_be_deconstructed :: boolean?
to_be_upgraded :: boolean?
limit :: uint?
is_military_target :: boolean?
has_item_inside :: ItemWithQualityID?
quality :: QualityCondition?
invert :: boolean?

Whether the filters should be inverted.

Whether the filters should be inverted.



