Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42

TrainFilter :: table

Table fields

train_id :: uint?

Train ID filter

Train ID filter

surface :: SurfaceIdentification?

Surface the train must be on in order to pass

Surface the train must be on in order to pass

force :: ForceID?

Train must contain at least one rolling stock of this force to pass

Train must contain at least one rolling stock of this force to pass

stock :: EntityID or array[EntityID]?

Train must contain a rolling stock of any of provided prototype to pass

Train must contain a rolling stock of any of provided prototype to pass

min_stocks :: uint?

Train must have at least that many stocks to pass

Train must have at least that many stocks to pass

max_stocks :: uint?

Train must have at most that many stocks to pass

Train must have at most that many stocks to pass

is_moving :: boolean?

Checks if train is moving (has speed != 0) or not moving.

Checks if train is moving (has speed != 0) or not moving.

has_passenger :: boolean?

Checks if train has a passenger.

Checks if train has a passenger.

is_manual :: boolean?

Checks if train is in manual controller.

Checks if train is in manual controller.

group :: string?

Train must belong to a group of a given name.

Train must belong to a group of a given name.



