enabled | :: R boolean | If this recipe prototype is enabled by default (enabled at the beginning of a game). |
If this recipe prototype is enabled by default (enabled at the beginning of a game). | ||
category | :: R string | Category of the recipe. |
Category of the recipe. | ||
ingredients | :: R array[Ingredient] | The ingredients to this recipe. |
The ingredients to this recipe. | ||
products | :: R array[Product] | The results/products of this recipe. |
The results/products of this recipe. | ||
main_product | :: R Product? | The main product of this recipe, if any. |
The main product of this recipe, if any. | ||
hidden_from_flow_stats | :: R boolean | Is the recipe hidden from flow statistics (item/fluid production statistics)? |
Is the recipe hidden from flow statistics (item/fluid production statistics)? | ||
hidden_from_player_crafting | :: R boolean | Is the recipe hidden from player crafting? [...] |
Is the recipe hidden from player crafting? [...] | ||
always_show_made_in | :: R boolean | Should this recipe always show "Made in" in the tooltip? |
Should this recipe always show "Made in" in the tooltip? | ||
energy | :: R double | Energy required to execute this recipe. [...] |
Energy required to execute this recipe. [...] | ||
request_paste_multiplier | :: R uint | The multiplier used when this recipe is copied from an assembling machine to a requester chest. [...] |
The multiplier used when this recipe is copied from an assembling machine to a requester chest. [...] | ||
overload_multiplier | :: R uint | Used to determine how many extra items are put into an assembling machine before it's considered "full enough". |
Used to determine how many extra items are put into an assembling machine before it's considered "full enough". | ||
maximum_productivity new | :: R double | The maximal productivity bonus that can be achieved with this recipe. |
The maximal productivity bonus that can be achieved with this recipe. | ||
allow_inserter_overload | :: R boolean | If the recipe is allowed to have the extra inserter overload bonus applied (4 * stack inserter stack size). |
If the recipe is allowed to have the extra inserter overload bonus applied (4 * stack inserter stack size). | ||
allow_as_intermediate | :: R boolean | If this recipe is enabled for the purpose of intermediate hand-crafting. |
If this recipe is enabled for the purpose of intermediate hand-crafting. | ||
allow_intermediates | :: R boolean | If this recipe is allowed to use intermediate recipes when hand-crafting. |
If this recipe is allowed to use intermediate recipes when hand-crafting. | ||
show_amount_in_title | :: R boolean | If the amount is shown in the recipe tooltip title when the recipe produces more than 1 product. |
If the amount is shown in the recipe tooltip title when the recipe produces more than 1 product. | ||
always_show_products | :: R boolean | If the products are always shown in the recipe tooltip. |
If the products are always shown in the recipe tooltip. | ||
emissions_multiplier | :: R double | The emissions multiplier for this recipe. |
The emissions multiplier for this recipe. | ||
allow_decomposition | :: R boolean | Is this recipe allowed to be broken down for the recipe tooltip "Total raw" calculations? |
Is this recipe allowed to be broken down for the recipe tooltip "Total raw" calculations? | ||
unlock_results | :: R boolean | Is this recipe unlocks the result item(s) so they're shown in filter-select GUIs. |
Is this recipe unlocks the result item(s) so they're shown in filter-select GUIs. | ||
hide_from_signal_gui new | :: R boolean | Is this recipe is marked to be hidden from the signal GUI. |
Is this recipe is marked to be hidden from the signal GUI. | ||
hide_from_flow_stats new | :: R boolean | |
hide_from_player_crafting new | :: R boolean | |
trash new | :: R array[LuaItemPrototype] ? | The 'trash' items that this recipe might produce as a result of spoiling. |
The 'trash' items that this recipe might produce as a result of spoiling. | ||
preserve_products_in_machine_output new | :: R boolean | |
is_parameter new | :: R boolean | |
allowed_effects new | :: R dictionary[string → boolean] ? | The allowed module effects for this recipe, if any. |
The allowed module effects for this recipe, if any. | ||
allowed_module_categories new | :: R dictionary[string → true ] ? | The allowed module categories for this recipe, if any. |
The allowed module categories for this recipe, if any. | ||
effect_limitation_messages new | :: R array[LocalisedString] ? | |
surface_conditions new | :: R array[SurfaceCondition] ? | The surface conditions required to craft this recipe. |
The surface conditions required to craft this recipe. | ||
alternative_unlock_methods new | :: R array[LuaTechnologyPrototype] ? | Alternative technologies that can unlocked this recipe. |
Alternative technologies that can unlocked this recipe. | ||
crafting_machine_tints new | :: R array[Color] | |
factoriopedia_alternative new | :: R LuaRecipePrototype? | An alternative prototype that will be used to display info about this prototype in Factoriopedia. |
An alternative prototype that will be used to display info about this prototype in Factoriopedia. | ||
valid | :: R boolean | Is this object valid? [...] |
Is this object valid? [...] | ||
object_name | :: R string | The class name of this object. [...] |
The class name of this object. [...] |
type | :: R string | Type of this prototype. |
Type of this prototype. | ||
name | :: R string | Name of this prototype. |
Name of this prototype. | ||
order | :: R string | The string used to alphabetically sort these prototypes. [...] |
The string used to alphabetically sort these prototypes. [...] | ||
localised_name | :: R LocalisedString | |
localised_description | :: R LocalisedString | |
factoriopedia_description | :: R LocalisedString | Provides additional description used in factoriopedia. |
Provides additional description used in factoriopedia. | ||
group | :: R LuaGroup | Group of this prototype. |
Group of this prototype. | ||
subgroup | :: R LuaGroup | Subgroup of this prototype. |
Subgroup of this prototype. | ||
hidden | :: R boolean | |
hidden_in_factoriopedia | :: R boolean | |
parameter | :: R boolean |
-- The ingredients of "advanced-oil-processing" would look like this
{{type="fluid", name="crude-oil", amount=100}, {type="fluid", name="water", amount=50}}
-- The products of "advanced-oil-processing" would look like this:
{{type="fluid", name="heavy-oil", amount=25}, {type="fluid", name="light-oil", amount=45}, {type="fluid", name="petroleum-gas", amount=55}}