Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42


The train manager manages all the train in the game. LuaTrainManager allows to perform some direct queries to the train manager.

There is always exactly one train manager instance in a game, it can be obtained from LuaGameScript::train_manager. This object is always valid and is equal to any other instance of LuaTrainManager from this game.


get_train_by_id(train_id) LuaTrain?

Searches for a train with given ID.

Searches for a train with given ID.

get_trains(filter) → array[LuaTrain]

Gets all trains that pass given filter

Gets all trains that pass given filter

get_train_stops(filter) → array[LuaEntity]

Gets all train stops that pass given filter

Gets all train stops that pass given filter

request_train_path{type?=…, train?=…, goals=…, return_path?=…, starts?=…, search_direction?=…, in_chain_signal_section?=…, steps_limit?=…, shortest_path?=…} TrainPathFinderOneGoalResult or TrainPathAllGoalsResult

Direct access to train pathfinder. [...]

Direct access to train pathfinder. [...]

valid :: R boolean

Is this object valid? [...]

Is this object valid? [...]

object_name :: R string

The class name of this object. [...]

The class name of this object. [...]


get_train_by_id(train_id) → LuaTrain?

Searches for a train with given ID.


train_id :: uint

Train ID to search

Train ID to search

Return values

→ LuaTrain?

Train if found

get_trains(filter) → array[LuaTrain]

Gets all trains that pass given filter


filter :: TrainFilter

Filters the train must pass in order to be returned here

Filters the train must pass in order to be returned here

get_train_stops(filter) → array[LuaEntity]

Gets all train stops that pass given filter


filter :: TrainStopFilter

Filters the train stop must pass in order to be returned here

Filters the train stop must pass in order to be returned here

request_train_path{type?=…, train?=…, goals=…, return_path?=…, starts?=…, search_direction?=…, in_chain_signal_section?=…, steps_limit?=…, shortest_path?=…} → TrainPathFinderOneGoalResult or TrainPathAllGoalsResult

Direct access to train pathfinder. Allows to search rail paths or querying which stops are accessible


Table with the following fields:
type :: TrainPathRequestType?

Request type. Determines the return type of the method. Defaults to "path".

Request type. Determines the return type of the method. Defaults to "path".

train :: LuaTrain?

Mandatory if starts is not provided, optional otherwise. Selects a context for the pathfinder to decide which train to exclude from penalties and which signals are considered possible to reacquire. If starts is not provided, then it is also used to collect front and back ends for the search

Mandatory if starts is not provided, optional otherwise. Selects a context for the pathfinder to decide which train to exclude from penalties and which signals are considered possible to reacquire. If starts is not provided, then it is also used to collect front and back ends for the search

goals :: array[TrainPathFinderGoal]
return_path :: boolean?

Only relevant if request type is "path". Returning a full path is expensive due to multiple LuaEntity created. In order for path to be returned, true must be provided here. Defaults to false in which case a path will not be provided.

Only relevant if request type is "path". Returning a full path is expensive due to multiple LuaEntity created. In order for path to be returned, true must be provided here. Defaults to false in which case a path will not be provided.

starts :: array[RailEndStart]?

Manually provided starting positions.

Manually provided starting positions.

search_direction :: "respect-movement-direction" or "any-direction-with-locomotives"?

Only relevant if starts was not provided in which case 2 starts (front and back) are deduced from the train. Selects which train ends should be considered as starts. Defaults to "any-direction-with-locomotives".

Only relevant if starts was not provided in which case 2 starts (front and back) are deduced from the train. Selects which train ends should be considered as starts. Defaults to "any-direction-with-locomotives".

in_chain_signal_section :: boolean?

Defaults to false. If set to true, pathfinder will not return a path that cannot have its start immediately reserved. A path that cannot have its start immediately reserved could cause a train to stop inside of an intersection.

Defaults to false. If set to true, pathfinder will not return a path that cannot have its start immediately reserved. A path that cannot have its start immediately reserved could cause a train to stop inside of an intersection.

steps_limit :: uint?

Maximum amount of steps pathfinder is allowed to perform.

Maximum amount of steps pathfinder is allowed to perform.

shortest_path :: boolean?

Defaults to false. If set to true, only length of rails is added to penalties causing search to look for shortest path (not smallest penalty)

Defaults to false. If set to true, only length of rails is added to penalties causing search to look for shortest path (not smallest penalty)

Return values

→ TrainPathFinderOneGoalResult or TrainPathAllGoalsResult

The type of the returned value depends on type.


valid :: Read boolean  

Is this object valid? This Lua object holds a reference to an object within the game engine. It is possible that the game-engine object is removed whilst a mod still holds the corresponding Lua object. If that happens, the object becomes invalid, i.e. this attribute will be false. Mods are advised to check for object validity if any change to the game state might have occurred between the creation of the Lua object and its access.

object_name :: Read string  

The class name of this object. Available even when valid is false. For LuaStruct objects it may also be suffixed with a dotted path to a member of the struct.



