Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42

MapGenSettings :: table

Table fields

autoplace_controls :: dictionary[string → AutoplaceControl]

Indexed by autoplace control prototype name.

Indexed by autoplace control prototype name.

default_enable_all_autoplace_controls :: boolean

Whether undefined autoplace_controls should fall back to the default controls or not. Defaults to true.

Whether undefined autoplace_controls should fall back to the default controls or not. Defaults to true.

autoplace_settings :: dictionary["entity" or "tile" or "decorative" → AutoplaceSettings]

Each setting in this dictionary maps the string type to the settings for that type.

Each setting in this dictionary maps the string type to the settings for that type.

seed :: uint

The random seed used to generated this map.

The random seed used to generated this map.

width :: uint

Width in tiles. If 0, the map has 'infinite' width, with the actual limitation being one million tiles in each direction from the center.

Width in tiles. If 0, the map has 'infinite' width, with the actual limitation being one million tiles in each direction from the center.

height :: uint

Height in tiles. If 0, the map has 'infinite' height, with the actual limitation being one million tiles in each direction from the center.

Height in tiles. If 0, the map has 'infinite' height, with the actual limitation being one million tiles in each direction from the center.

starting_area :: MapGenSize

Size of the starting area.

Size of the starting area.

starting_points :: array[MapPosition]

Positions of the starting areas.

Positions of the starting areas.

peaceful_mode :: boolean

Whether enemy creatures will not attack unless the player first attacks them.

Whether enemy creatures will not attack unless the player first attacks them.

no_enemies_mode :: boolean

Whether enemy creatures will not naturally spawn from spawners, map gen, or trigger effects.

Whether enemy creatures will not naturally spawn from spawners, map gen, or trigger effects.

property_expression_names :: PropertyExpressionNames

Overrides for tile property value generators.

Overrides for tile property value generators.

cliff_settings :: CliffPlacementSettings

Map generation settings for entities of the type "cliff".

Map generation settings for entities of the type "cliff".

territory_settings :: TerritorySettings


-- Assuming a NamedNoiseExpression with the name "my-alternate-grass1-probability" is defined...
local surface = game.player.surface
local mgs = surface.map_gen_settings
mgs.property_expression_names["tile:grass1:probability"] = "my-alternate-grass1-probability"
surface.map_gen_settings = mgs
-- ...would override the probability of grass1 being placed at any given point on the current surface.
-- To make there be no deep water on (newly generated chunks) a surface
local surface = game.player.surface
local mgs = surface.map_gen_settings
mgs.property_expression_names["tile:deepwater:probability"] = -1000
surface.map_gen_settings = mgs
-- This does not require a NamedNoiseExpression to be defined, since literal numbers (and strings naming literal
-- numbers, e.g. `"123"`) are understood to stand for constant value expressions.



