Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.37

TrainStopFilter :: table

Table fields

surface :: SurfaceIdentification?

Surface the train stop must be on in order to pass

Surface the train stop must be on in order to pass

force :: ForceID?

ForceID the train stop must have to pass

ForceID the train stop must have to pass

is_full :: boolean?

Checks if train stop is full (trains count >= trains limit or disabled) or not full.

Checks if train stop is full (trains count >= trains limit or disabled) or not full.

is_connected_to_rail :: boolean?

Checks if train stop has a rail next to it.

Checks if train stop has a rail next to it.

type :: EntityID or array[EntityID]?

If given, only train stops of this type will pass

If given, only train stops of this type will pass

station_name :: string or array[string]?

Train stop must belong to given station name to pass

Train stop must belong to given station name to pass

limit_set_by_control_behavior :: boolean?

If train stop has limit set by control behavior

If train stop has limit set by control behavior

is_disabled :: boolean?

If train stop is disabled by a control behavior

If train stop is disabled by a control behavior



