has_flag(flag) | → boolean | Test whether this entity prototype has a certain flag set. |
Test whether this entity prototype has a certain flag set. | ||
get_inventory_size(index, quality?) changed | → uint? | Gets the base size of the given inventory on this entity or |
Gets the base size of the given inventory on this entity or | ||
get_crafting_speed(quality?) new | → double | The crafting speed of this crafting-machine. |
The crafting speed of this crafting-machine. | ||
get_supply_area_distance(quality?) new | → double | The supply area of this electric pole or beacon prototype. |
The supply area of this electric pole or beacon prototype. | ||
get_max_wire_distance(quality?) new | → double | The maximum wire distance for this entity. [...] |
The maximum wire distance for this entity. [...] | ||
get_max_circuit_wire_distance(quality?) new | → double | The maximum circuit wire distance for this entity. [...] |
The maximum circuit wire distance for this entity. [...] | ||
get_max_energy_usage(quality?) new | → double | The theoretical maximum energy usage for this entity. |
The theoretical maximum energy usage for this entity. | ||
get_max_energy_production(quality?) new | → double | The theoretical maximum energy production for this entity. |
The theoretical maximum energy production for this entity. | ||
get_max_energy(quality?) new | → double? | The max energy for this flying robot prototype. |
The max energy for this flying robot prototype. | ||
get_inserter_extension_speed(quality?) new | → double? | The extension speed of this inserter. |
The extension speed of this inserter. | ||
get_inserter_rotation_speed(quality?) new | → double? | The rotation speed of this inserter. |
The rotation speed of this inserter. | ||
get_researching_speed(quality?) new | → double? | The base researching speed of this lab prototype. |
The base researching speed of this lab prototype. | ||
get_max_distance_of_sector_revealed(quality?) new | → uint? | The radius of the area this radar can chart, in chunks. |
The radius of the area this radar can chart, in chunks. | ||
get_max_distance_of_nearby_sector_revealed(quality?) new | → uint? | The radius of the area constantly revealed by this radar, or cargo landing pad, in chunks. |
The radius of the area constantly revealed by this radar, or cargo landing pad, in chunks. | ||
get_max_health(quality?) new | → float | Max health of this entity. [...] |
Max health of this entity. [...] | ||
get_fluid_usage_per_tick(quality?) new | → double? | The fluid usage of this generator prototype. |
The fluid usage of this generator prototype. | ||
get_max_power_output(quality?) new | → double? | The maximum power output of this burner generator or generator prototype. |
The maximum power output of this burner generator or generator prototype. | ||
get_pumping_speed(quality?) new | → double | The pumping speed of this offshore or normal pump. |
The pumping speed of this offshore or normal pump. | ||
infinite_resource | :: R boolean? | Whether this resource is infinite. |
Whether this resource is infinite. | ||
minimum_resource_amount | :: R uint? | Minimum amount of this resource. |
Minimum amount of this resource. | ||
normal_resource_amount | :: R uint? | The normal amount for this resource. |
The normal amount for this resource. | ||
infinite_depletion_resource_amount | :: R uint? | Every time this infinite resource 'ticks' down, it is reduced by this amount. [...] |
Every time this infinite resource 'ticks' down, it is reduced by this amount. [...] | ||
resource_category | :: R string? | Name of the category of this resource. [...] |
Name of the category of this resource. [...] | ||
mineable_properties changed | :: R MineableProperties | Whether this entity is minable and what can be obtained by mining it. |
Whether this entity is minable and what can be obtained by mining it. | ||
items_to_place_this | :: R array[ItemStackDefinition] ? | Items that when placed will produce this entity, if any. [...] |
Items that when placed will produce this entity, if any. [...] | ||
collision_box | :: R BoundingBox | The bounding box used for collision checking. |
The bounding box used for collision checking. | ||
secondary_collision_box | :: R BoundingBox? | The secondary bounding box used for collision checking, if any. [...] |
The secondary bounding box used for collision checking, if any. [...] | ||
map_generator_bounding_box | :: R BoundingBox | The bounding box used for map generator collision checking. |
The bounding box used for map generator collision checking. | ||
selection_box | :: R BoundingBox | The bounding box used for drawing selection. |
The bounding box used for drawing selection. | ||
drawing_box_vertical_extension new | :: R double | Extra vertical space needed to see the whole entity in GUIs. [...] |
Extra vertical space needed to see the whole entity in GUIs. [...] | ||
sticker_box | :: R BoundingBox | The bounding box used to attach sticker type entities. |
The bounding box used to attach sticker type entities. | ||
collision_mask | :: R CollisionMask | The collision masks this entity uses |
The collision masks this entity uses | ||
trigger_target_mask new | :: R dictionary[string → boolean] | The trigger target mask for this entity prototype type. [...] |
The trigger target mask for this entity prototype type. [...] | ||
healing_per_tick | :: R float? | Amount this entity can heal per tick, if any. |
Amount this entity can heal per tick, if any. | ||
emissions_per_second changed | :: R dictionary[string → double] | A table of pollution emissions per second the entity will create, grouped by the name of the pollution type. |
A table of pollution emissions per second the entity will create, grouped by the name of the pollution type. | ||
corpses | :: R dictionary[string → LuaEntityPrototype] ? | Corpses used when this entity is destroyed. [...] |
Corpses used when this entity is destroyed. [...] | ||
selectable_in_game | :: R boolean | Is this entity selectable? |
Is this entity selectable? | ||
selection_priority | :: R uint | The selection priority of this entity - a value between |
The selection priority of this entity - a value between | ||
weight | :: R double? | The weight of this vehicle prototype. |
The weight of this vehicle prototype. | ||
resistances | :: R dictionary[string → Resistance] ? | List of resistances towards each damage type. [...] |
List of resistances towards each damage type. [...] | ||
fast_replaceable_group | :: R string? | The group of mutually fast-replaceable entities, if any. |
The group of mutually fast-replaceable entities, if any. | ||
next_upgrade | :: R LuaEntityPrototype? | The next upgrade for this entity, if any. |
The next upgrade for this entity, if any. | ||
loot | :: R array[Loot] ? | Loot that will be dropped when this entity is killed, if any. |
Loot that will be dropped when this entity is killed, if any. | ||
repair_speed_modifier changed | :: R float? | Repair-speed modifier for this entity, if any. [...] |
Repair-speed modifier for this entity, if any. [...] | ||
turret_range | :: R uint? | The range of this turret. |
The range of this turret. | ||
autoplace_specification | :: R AutoplaceSpecification? | Autoplace specification for this entity prototype, if any. |
Autoplace specification for this entity prototype, if any. | ||
belt_speed | :: R double? | The speed of this transport belt. |
The speed of this transport belt. | ||
result_units | :: R array[UnitSpawnDefinition] ? | The result units and spawn points with weight and evolution factor for a biter spawner entity. |
The result units and spawn points with weight and evolution factor for a biter spawner entity. | ||
attack_result | :: R array[TriggerItem] ? | The attack result of this entity, if any. |
The attack result of this entity, if any. | ||
final_attack_result | :: R array[TriggerItem] ? | The final attack result for this projectile. |
The final attack result for this projectile. | ||
attack_parameters | :: R AttackParameters? | The attack parameters for this entity, if any. |
The attack parameters for this entity, if any. | ||
spawn_cooldown | :: R table ? | The spawning cooldown for this enemy spawner prototype. |
The spawning cooldown for this enemy spawner prototype. | ||
mining_drill_radius | :: R double? | The mining radius of this mining drill prototype. |
The mining radius of this mining drill prototype. | ||
mining_speed | :: R double? | The mining speed of this mining drill/character prototype. |
The mining speed of this mining drill/character prototype. | ||
resource_drain_rate_percent new | :: R uint8? | The resource drain rate percent of this mining drill prototype. |
The resource drain rate percent of this mining drill prototype. | ||
logistic_mode | :: R "requester" or "active-provider" or "passive-provider" or "buffer" or "storage" or "none" ? | The logistic mode of this logistic container. |
The logistic mode of this logistic container. | ||
max_underground_distance | :: R uint8? | The max underground distance for underground belts and underground pipes. |
The max underground distance for underground belts and underground pipes. | ||
flags | :: R EntityPrototypeFlags | The flags for this entity prototype. |
The flags for this entity prototype. | ||
remains_when_mined | :: R array[LuaEntityPrototype] | The remains left behind when this entity is mined. |
The remains left behind when this entity is mined. | ||
additional_pastable_entities | :: R array[LuaEntityPrototype] | Entities this entity can be pasted onto in addition to the normal allowed ones. |
Entities this entity can be pasted onto in addition to the normal allowed ones. | ||
allow_copy_paste | :: R boolean | When false copy-paste is not allowed for this entity. |
When false copy-paste is not allowed for this entity. | ||
shooting_cursor_size | :: R float | The cursor size used when shooting at this entity. |
The cursor size used when shooting at this entity. | ||
created_smoke changed | :: R table ? | The smoke trigger run when this entity is built, if any. |
The smoke trigger run when this entity is built, if any. | ||
created_effect | :: R array[TriggerItem] ? | The trigger to run when this entity is created, if any. |
The trigger to run when this entity is created, if any. | ||
map_color | :: R Color? | The map color used when charting this entity if a friendly or enemy color isn't defined, if any. |
The map color used when charting this entity if a friendly or enemy color isn't defined, if any. | ||
friendly_map_color | :: R Color | The friendly map color used when charting this entity. |
The friendly map color used when charting this entity. | ||
enemy_map_color | :: R Color | The enemy map color used when charting this entity. |
The enemy map color used when charting this entity. | ||
build_base_evolution_requirement | :: R double | The evolution requirement to build this entity as a base when expanding enemy bases. |
The evolution requirement to build this entity as a base when expanding enemy bases. | ||
instruments | :: R array[ProgrammableSpeakerInstrument] ? | The instruments for this programmable speaker. |
The instruments for this programmable speaker. | ||
max_polyphony | :: R uint? | The maximum polyphony for this programmable speaker. |
The maximum polyphony for this programmable speaker. | ||
module_inventory_size | :: R uint? | The module inventory size. [...] |
The module inventory size. [...] | ||
inventory_type new | :: R "normal" or "with_bar" or "with_filters_and_bar" ? | The inventory type this container or linked container uses. |
The inventory type this container or linked container uses. | ||
ingredient_count | :: R uint? | The max number of ingredients this crafting machine prototype supports. |
The max number of ingredients this crafting machine prototype supports. | ||
max_item_product_count new | :: R uint? | The max number of item products this crafting machine prototype supports. |
The max number of item products this crafting machine prototype supports. | ||
crafting_categories | :: R dictionary[string → true ] ? | The crafting categories this entity prototype supports. [...] |
The crafting categories this entity prototype supports. [...] | ||
resource_categories | :: R dictionary[string → true ] ? | The resource categories this character or mining drill supports. [...] |
The resource categories this character or mining drill supports. [...] | ||
energy_usage | :: R double? | The direct energy usage of this entity, if any. |
The direct energy usage of this entity, if any. | ||
effectivity | :: R double? | The effectivity of this car prototype, generator prototype. |
The effectivity of this car prototype, generator prototype. | ||
consumption | :: R double? | The energy consumption of this car prototype. |
The energy consumption of this car prototype. | ||
friction_force | :: R double? | The friction of this vehicle prototype. |
The friction of this vehicle prototype. | ||
braking_force | :: R double? | The braking force of this vehicle prototype. |
The braking force of this vehicle prototype. | ||
air_resistance | :: R double? | The air resistance of this rolling stock prototype. |
The air resistance of this rolling stock prototype. | ||
tank_driving | :: R boolean? | If this car prototype uses tank controls to drive. |
If this car prototype uses tank controls to drive. | ||
rotation_speed | :: R double? | The rotation speed of this car prototype. |
The rotation speed of this car prototype. | ||
turret_rotation_speed | :: R float? | The turret rotation speed of this car prototype. |
The turret rotation speed of this car prototype. | ||
guns | :: R dictionary[string → LuaItemPrototype] ? | A mapping of the gun name to the gun prototype this prototype uses. [...] |
A mapping of the gun name to the gun prototype this prototype uses. [...] | ||
indexed_guns | :: R array[LuaItemPrototype] ? | A vector of the gun prototypes of this car, spider vehicle, artillery wagon, or turret. |
A vector of the gun prototypes of this car, spider vehicle, artillery wagon, or turret. | ||
speed | :: R double? | The default speed of this flying robot, rolling stock or unit. [...] |
The default speed of this flying robot, rolling stock or unit. [...] | ||
speed_multiplier_when_out_of_energy | :: R float? | The speed multiplier when this flying robot is out of energy. |
The speed multiplier when this flying robot is out of energy. | ||
max_payload_size | :: R uint? | The max payload size of this logistics or construction robot. |
The max payload size of this logistics or construction robot. | ||
draw_cargo | :: R boolean? | Whether this logistics or construction robot renders its cargo when flying. |
Whether this logistics or construction robot renders its cargo when flying. | ||
energy_per_move | :: R double? | The energy consumed per tile moved for this flying robot. |
The energy consumed per tile moved for this flying robot. | ||
energy_per_tick | :: R double? | The energy consumed per tick for this flying robot. |
The energy consumed per tick for this flying robot. | ||
min_to_charge | :: R float? | The minimum energy for this flying robot before it tries to recharge. |
The minimum energy for this flying robot before it tries to recharge. | ||
max_to_charge | :: R float? | The maximum energy for this flying robot above which it won't try to recharge when stationing. |
The maximum energy for this flying robot above which it won't try to recharge when stationing. | ||
burner_prototype | :: R LuaBurnerPrototype? | The burner energy source prototype this entity uses, if any. |
The burner energy source prototype this entity uses, if any. | ||
electric_energy_source_prototype | :: R LuaElectricEnergySourcePrototype? | The electric energy source prototype this entity uses, if any. |
The electric energy source prototype this entity uses, if any. | ||
heat_energy_source_prototype | :: R LuaHeatEnergySourcePrototype? | The heat energy source prototype this entity uses, if any. |
The heat energy source prototype this entity uses, if any. | ||
fluid_energy_source_prototype | :: R LuaFluidEnergySourcePrototype? | The fluid energy source prototype this entity uses, if any. |
The fluid energy source prototype this entity uses, if any. | ||
void_energy_source_prototype | :: R LuaVoidEnergySourcePrototype? | The void energy source prototype this entity uses, if any. |
The void energy source prototype this entity uses, if any. | ||
heat_buffer_prototype | :: R LuaHeatBufferPrototype? | The heat buffer prototype this entity uses, if any. |
The heat buffer prototype this entity uses, if any. | ||
building_grid_bit_shift | :: R uint | The log2 of grid size of the building |
The log2 of grid size of the building | ||
fluid_usage_per_tick | :: R double? | The fluid usage of this generator prototype. [...] |
The fluid usage of this generator prototype. [...] | ||
maximum_temperature | :: R double? | The maximum fluid temperature of this generator prototype. |
The maximum fluid temperature of this generator prototype. | ||
burns_fluid | :: R boolean? | Whether this generator prototype burns fluid. |
Whether this generator prototype burns fluid. | ||
scale_fluid_usage | :: R boolean? | Whether this generator prototype scales fluid usage. |
Whether this generator prototype scales fluid usage. | ||
destroy_non_fuel_fluid | :: R boolean? | Whether this generator prototype destroys non-fuel fluids. |
Whether this generator prototype destroys non-fuel fluids. | ||
max_power_output | :: R double? | The default maximum power output of this generator prototype. [...] |
The default maximum power output of this generator prototype. [...] | ||
target_temperature | :: R double? | The target temperature of this boiler prototype. |
The target temperature of this boiler prototype. | ||
boiler_mode changed | :: R "heat-fluid-inside" or "output-to-separate-pipe" ? | The boiler operation mode of this boiler prototype. |
The boiler operation mode of this boiler prototype. | ||
fluid_capacity | :: R double | The fluid capacity of this entity or 0 if this entity doesn't support fluids. [...] |
The fluid capacity of this entity or 0 if this entity doesn't support fluids. [...] | ||
pumping_speed | :: R double? | The pumping speed of this offshore or normal pump. [...] |
The pumping speed of this offshore or normal pump. [...] | ||
bulk new | :: R boolean? | Whether this inserter is a bulk-type. |
Whether this inserter is a bulk-type. | ||
allow_custom_vectors | :: R boolean? | Whether this inserter allows custom pickup and drop vectors. |
Whether this inserter allows custom pickup and drop vectors. | ||
allow_burner_leech | :: R boolean? | Whether this inserter allows burner leeching. |
Whether this inserter allows burner leeching. | ||
inserter_pickup_position | :: R Vector? | The pickup position for this inserter. |
The pickup position for this inserter. | ||
inserter_drop_position | :: R Vector? | The drop position for this inserter. |
The drop position for this inserter. | ||
inserter_chases_belt_items | :: R boolean? | True if this inserter chases items on belts for pickup. |
True if this inserter chases items on belts for pickup. | ||
loader_max_belt_stack_size new | :: R uint8? | The max belt stack size for this loader. |
The max belt stack size for this loader. | ||
loader_adjustable_belt_stack_size new | :: R boolean? | True if this loader supports a runtime-adjustable belt stack size. |
True if this loader supports a runtime-adjustable belt stack size. | ||
count_as_rock_for_filtered_deconstruction | :: R boolean? | If this simple-entity is counted as a rock for the deconstruction planner "trees and rocks only" filter. |
If this simple-entity is counted as a rock for the deconstruction planner "trees and rocks only" filter. | ||
filter_count | :: R uint? | The filter count of this inserter, loader, mining drill or logistic chest. [...] |
The filter count of this inserter, loader, mining drill or logistic chest. [...] | ||
time_to_live | :: R uint | The time to live for this prototype or |
The time to live for this prototype or | ||
distribution_effectivity | :: R double? | The distribution effectivity for this beacon prototype. |
The distribution effectivity for this beacon prototype. | ||
distribution_effectivity_bonus_per_quality_level new | :: R double? | The distribution effectivity bonus per quality level for this beacon prototype. |
The distribution effectivity bonus per quality level for this beacon prototype. | ||
profile new | :: R array[double] ? | The beacon profile: extra multiplier applied to the effects received from beacon by the effect receiver based on amount of beacons that reach that effect receiver |
The beacon profile: extra multiplier applied to the effects received from beacon by the effect receiver based on amount of beacons that reach that effect receiver | ||
beacon_counter new | :: R "total" or "same_type" ? | The beacon counter used by effect receiver when deciding which sample to take from beacon profile. |
The beacon counter used by effect receiver when deciding which sample to take from beacon profile. | ||
explosion_beam | :: R double? | Whether this explosion has a beam. |
Whether this explosion has a beam. | ||
explosion_rotate | :: R double? | Whether this explosion rotates. |
Whether this explosion rotates. | ||
tree_color_count | :: R uint8? | If it is a tree, return the number of colors it supports. |
If it is a tree, return the number of colors it supports. | ||
alert_when_damaged | :: R boolean? | Whether this entity raises an alert when damaged. |
Whether this entity raises an alert when damaged. | ||
alert_when_attacking | :: R boolean? | Whether this turret raises an alert when attacking |
Whether this turret raises an alert when attacking | ||
color | :: R Color? | The color of the prototype, if any. |
The color of the prototype, if any. | ||
collision_mask_collides_with_self | :: R boolean | Does this prototype collision mask collide with itself? |
Does this prototype collision mask collide with itself? | ||
collision_mask_collides_with_tiles_only | :: R boolean | Does this prototype collision mask collide with tiles only? |
Does this prototype collision mask collide with tiles only? | ||
collision_mask_considers_tile_transitions | :: R boolean | Does this prototype collision mask consider tile transitions? |
Does this prototype collision mask consider tile transitions? | ||
allowed_effects | :: R dictionary[string → boolean] ? | The allowed module effects for this entity, if any. |
The allowed module effects for this entity, if any. | ||
allowed_module_categories new | :: R dictionary[string → true ] ? | The allowed module categories for this entity, if any. |
The allowed module categories for this entity, if any. | ||
rocket_parts_required | :: R uint? | The rocket parts required for this rocket silo prototype. |
The rocket parts required for this rocket silo prototype. | ||
rocket_rising_delay | :: R uint8? | The rocket rising delay for this rocket silo prototype. |
The rocket rising delay for this rocket silo prototype. | ||
launch_wait_time | :: R uint8? | The rocket launch delay for this rocket silo prototype. |
The rocket launch delay for this rocket silo prototype. | ||
light_blinking_speed | :: R double? | The light blinking speed for this rocket silo prototype. |
The light blinking speed for this rocket silo prototype. | ||
door_opening_speed | :: R double? | The door opening speed for this rocket silo prototype. |
The door opening speed for this rocket silo prototype. | ||
rising_speed | :: R double? | The rising speed for this rocket silo rocket prototype. |
The rising speed for this rocket silo rocket prototype. | ||
engine_starting_speed | :: R double? | The engine starting speed for this rocket silo rocket prototype. |
The engine starting speed for this rocket silo rocket prototype. | ||
flying_speed | :: R double? | The flying speed for this rocket silo rocket prototype. |
The flying speed for this rocket silo rocket prototype. | ||
flying_acceleration | :: R double? | The flying acceleration for this rocket silo rocket prototype. |
The flying acceleration for this rocket silo rocket prototype. | ||
fixed_recipe | :: R string? | The fixed recipe name for this assembling machine prototype, if any. |
The fixed recipe name for this assembling machine prototype, if any. | ||
construction_radius | :: R double? | The construction radius for this roboport prototype. |
The construction radius for this roboport prototype. | ||
logistic_radius | :: R double? | The logistic radius for this roboport prototype. |
The logistic radius for this roboport prototype. | ||
energy_per_hit_point | :: R double? | The energy used per hit point taken for this vehicle during collisions. |
The energy used per hit point taken for this vehicle during collisions. | ||
create_ghost_on_death | :: R boolean | If this prototype will attempt to create a ghost of itself on death. [...] |
If this prototype will attempt to create a ghost of itself on death. [...] | ||
ammo_category | :: R string? | Name of the ammo category of this land mine. |
Name of the ammo category of this land mine. | ||
timeout | :: R uint? | The time it takes this land mine to arm. |
The time it takes this land mine to arm. | ||
trigger_collision_mask changed | :: R CollisionMask? | The collision mask entities must collide with to make this landmine blow up. |
The collision mask entities must collide with to make this landmine blow up. | ||
fluidbox_prototypes | :: R array[LuaFluidBoxPrototype] | The fluidbox prototypes for this entity. |
The fluidbox prototypes for this entity. | ||
neighbour_bonus | :: R double? | |
container_distance | :: R double? | |
belt_distance | :: R double? | |
belt_length | :: R double? | |
per_lane_filters new | :: R boolean? | |
is_building | :: R boolean | |
automated_ammo_count | :: R uint? | The amount of ammo that inserters automatically insert into this ammo-turret or artillery-turret. |
The amount of ammo that inserters automatically insert into this ammo-turret or artillery-turret. | ||
max_speed | :: R double? | The max speed of this projectile or flying robot prototype. |
The max speed of this projectile or flying robot prototype. | ||
darkness_for_all_lamps_on | :: R float? | Value between 0 and 1 darkness where all lamps of this lamp prototype are on. |
Value between 0 and 1 darkness where all lamps of this lamp prototype are on. | ||
darkness_for_all_lamps_off | :: R float? | Value between 0 and 1 darkness where all lamps of this lamp prototype are off. |
Value between 0 and 1 darkness where all lamps of this lamp prototype are off. | ||
always_on | :: R boolean? | Whether the lamp is always on (except when out of power or turned off by the circuit network). |
Whether the lamp is always on (except when out of power or turned off by the circuit network). | ||
min_darkness_to_spawn | :: R float? | The minimum darkness at which this unit spawner can spawn entities. |
The minimum darkness at which this unit spawner can spawn entities. | ||
max_darkness_to_spawn | :: R float? | The maximum darkness at which this unit spawner can spawn entities. |
The maximum darkness at which this unit spawner can spawn entities. | ||
call_for_help_radius | :: R double? | |
max_count_of_owned_units | :: R double? | Count of enemies this spawner can sustain. |
Count of enemies this spawner can sustain. | ||
max_count_of_owned_defensive_units new | :: R double? | Count of defensive enemies this spawner can sustain. |
Count of defensive enemies this spawner can sustain. | ||
max_friends_around_to_spawn | :: R double? | How many friendly units are required within the spawning_radius of this spawner for it to stop producing more units. |
How many friendly units are required within the spawning_radius of this spawner for it to stop producing more units. | ||
max_defensive_friends_around_to_spawn new | :: R double? | How many defensive friendly units are required within the spawning_radius of this spawner for it to stop producing more units. |
How many defensive friendly units are required within the spawning_radius of this spawner for it to stop producing more units. | ||
spawning_radius | :: R double? | How far from the spawner can the units be spawned. |
How far from the spawner can the units be spawned. | ||
spawning_spacing | :: R double? | What spaces should be between the spawned units. |
What spaces should be between the spawned units. | ||
radius | :: R double | The radius of this entity prototype. |
The radius of this entity prototype. | ||
cliff_explosive_prototype | :: R string? | The item prototype name used to destroy this cliff. |
The item prototype name used to destroy this cliff. | ||
rocket_entity_prototype | :: R LuaEntityPrototype? | The rocket entity prototype associated with this rocket silo prototype. |
The rocket entity prototype associated with this rocket silo prototype. | ||
has_belt_immunity | :: R boolean? | Whether this unit, car, or character prototype has belt immunity. |
Whether this unit, car, or character prototype has belt immunity. | ||
vision_distance | :: R double? | The vision distance of this unit prototype. |
The vision distance of this unit prototype. | ||
absorptions_to_join_attack new | :: R dictionary[string → float] ? | A table of pollutions amounts that has to be absorbed by the unit's spawner before the unit will leave the spawner and attack the source of the pollution, indexed by the name of each absorbed pollution type. |
A table of pollutions amounts that has to be absorbed by the unit's spawner before the unit will leave the spawner and attack the source of the pollution, indexed by the name of each absorbed pollution type. | ||
min_pursue_time | :: R uint? | The minimum pursue time of this unit prototype. |
The minimum pursue time of this unit prototype. | ||
max_pursue_distance | :: R double? | The maximum pursue distance of this unit prototype. |
The maximum pursue distance of this unit prototype. | ||
radar_range | :: R uint? | The radar range of this unit prototype. |
The radar range of this unit prototype. | ||
move_while_shooting | :: R boolean? | Whether this unit prototype can move while shooting. |
Whether this unit prototype can move while shooting. | ||
can_open_gates | :: R boolean? | Whether this unit prototype can open gates. |
Whether this unit prototype can open gates. | ||
affected_by_tiles | :: R boolean? | Whether this unit prototype is affected by tile walking speed modifiers. |
Whether this unit prototype is affected by tile walking speed modifiers. | ||
distraction_cooldown | :: R uint? | The distraction cooldown of this unit prototype. |
The distraction cooldown of this unit prototype. | ||
spawning_time_modifier | :: R double? | The spawning time modifier of this unit prototype. |
The spawning time modifier of this unit prototype. | ||
alert_icon_shift | :: R Vector | The alert icon shift of this entity prototype. |
The alert icon shift of this entity prototype. | ||
alert_icon_scale | :: R float | The alert icon scale of this entity prototype. |
The alert icon scale of this entity prototype. | ||
lab_inputs | :: R array[string] ? | The item prototype names that are the inputs of this lab prototype. |
The item prototype names that are the inputs of this lab prototype. | ||
science_pack_drain_rate_percent new | :: R uint8 | How much science pack durability is required to research one science point. |
How much science pack durability is required to research one science point. | ||
effect_receiver new | :: R EffectReceiver? | Effect receiver prototype of this crafting machine, lab, or mining drill. |
Effect receiver prototype of this crafting machine, lab, or mining drill. | ||
allow_access_to_all_forces | :: R boolean? | Whether this market allows access to all forces or just friendly ones. |
Whether this market allows access to all forces or just friendly ones. | ||
supports_direction | :: R boolean | Whether this entity prototype could possibly ever be rotated. |
Whether this entity prototype could possibly ever be rotated. | ||
terrain_friction_modifier | :: R float? | The terrain friction modifier for this vehicle. |
The terrain friction modifier for this vehicle. | ||
allow_passengers | :: R boolean? | Whether this vehicle allows passengers. |
Whether this vehicle allows passengers. | ||
grid_prototype | :: R LuaEquipmentGridPrototype? | The equipment grid prototype for this entity, if any. |
The equipment grid prototype for this entity, if any. | ||
remove_decoratives | :: R "automatic" or "true" or "false" | Whether this entity should remove decoratives that collide with it when this entity is built. |
Whether this entity should remove decoratives that collide with it when this entity is built. | ||
related_underground_belt | :: R LuaEntityPrototype? | |
inserter_stack_size_bonus | :: R uint? | The built-in stack size bonus of this inserter prototype. |
The built-in stack size bonus of this inserter prototype. | ||
protected_from_tile_building | :: R boolean | True if this entity prototype should be included during tile collision checks with LuaTilePrototype::check_collision_with_entities enabled. |
True if this entity prototype should be included during tile collision checks with LuaTilePrototype::check_collision_with_entities enabled. | ||
is_entity_with_owner | :: R boolean | True if this is entity-with-owner |
True if this is entity-with-owner | ||
is_military_target | :: R boolean? | True if this entity-with-owner is military target |
True if this entity-with-owner is military target | ||
allow_run_time_change_of_is_military_target | :: R boolean? | True if this entity-with-owner's is_military_target can be changed run-time (on the entity, not on the prototype itself) |
True if this entity-with-owner's is_military_target can be changed run-time (on the entity, not on the prototype itself) | ||
logistic_parameters changed | :: R table ? | The logistic parameters for this roboport. |
The logistic parameters for this roboport. | ||
height | :: R double? | The height of this spider vehicle prototype. |
The height of this spider vehicle prototype. | ||
torso_rotation_speed | :: R double? | The torso rotation speed of this spider vehicle prototype. |
The torso rotation speed of this spider vehicle prototype. | ||
torso_bob_speed | :: R double? | The torso bob speed of this spider vehicle prototype. |
The torso bob speed of this spider vehicle prototype. | ||
automatic_weapon_cycling | :: R boolean? | Whether this spider vehicle prototype automatically cycles weapons. |
Whether this spider vehicle prototype automatically cycles weapons. | ||
chain_shooting_cooldown_modifier | :: R double? | The chain shooting cooldown modifier of this spider vehicle prototype. |
The chain shooting cooldown modifier of this spider vehicle prototype. | ||
chunk_exploration_radius | :: R double? | The chunk exploration radius of this vehicle prototype. |
The chunk exploration radius of this vehicle prototype. | ||
animation_speed_coefficient | :: R double? | The animation speed coefficient of this belt connectable prototype. |
The animation speed coefficient of this belt connectable prototype. | ||
manual_range_modifier | :: R double? | The manual range modifier for this artillery turret or wagon prototype. |
The manual range modifier for this artillery turret or wagon prototype. | ||
dying_speed | :: R float? | The dying time of this corpse prototype. |
The dying time of this corpse prototype. | ||
active_energy_usage | :: R double? | The active energy usage of this rocket silo or combinator prototype. |
The active energy usage of this rocket silo or combinator prototype. | ||
lamp_energy_usage | :: R double? | The lamp energy usage of this rocket silo prototype. |
The lamp energy usage of this rocket silo prototype. | ||
use_exact_mode | :: R boolean? | Whether this logistic container prototype uses exact mode |
Whether this logistic container prototype uses exact mode | ||
tile_width | :: R uint | Specifies the tiling size of the entity, is used to decide, if the center should be in the center of the tile (odd tile size dimension) or on the tile border (even tile size dimension) |
Specifies the tiling size of the entity, is used to decide, if the center should be in the center of the tile (odd tile size dimension) or on the tile border (even tile size dimension) | ||
tile_height | :: R uint | Specifies the tiling size of the entity, is used to decide, if the center should be in the center of the tile (odd tile size dimension) or on the tile border (even tile size dimension) |
Specifies the tiling size of the entity, is used to decide, if the center should be in the center of the tile (odd tile size dimension) or on the tile border (even tile size dimension) | ||
vertical_selection_shift | :: R double? | Vertical selection shift used by rolling stocks. [...] |
Vertical selection shift used by rolling stocks. [...] | ||
spawn_decoration | :: R array[TriggerEffectItem] ? | |
spawn_decorations_on_expansion | :: R boolean? | |
connection_distance | :: R double? | |
joint_distance | :: R double? | |
radius_visualisation_specification | :: R RadiusVisualisationSpecification? | |
growth_ticks new | :: R uint? | |
harvest_emissions new | :: R dictionary[string → double] ? | A table of pollutants that this plant will release when it is harvested. |
A table of pollutants that this plant will release when it is harvested. | ||
growth_grid_tile_size new | :: R uint? | |
vector_to_place_result | :: R Vector? | |
surface_conditions new | :: R array[SurfaceCondition] ? | The surface conditions required to build this entity. |
The surface conditions required to build this entity. | ||
heating_energy new | :: R double | The energy required to keep this entity from freezing. [...] |
The energy required to keep this entity from freezing. [...] | ||
auto_setup_collision_box new | :: R boolean | |
factoriopedia_alternative new | :: R LuaEntityPrototype? | An alternative prototype that will be used to display info about this prototype in Factoriopedia. |
An alternative prototype that will be used to display info about this prototype in Factoriopedia. | ||
running_speed | :: R double? | The movement speed of this character prototype. |
The movement speed of this character prototype. | ||
maximum_corner_sliding_distance | :: R double? | |
build_distance | :: R uint? | |
drop_item_distance | :: R uint? | |
reach_distance | :: R uint? | |
reach_resource_distance | :: R double? | |
item_pickup_distance | :: R double? | |
loot_pickup_distance | :: R double? | |
enter_vehicle_distance | :: R double? | |
ticks_to_keep_gun | :: R uint? | |
ticks_to_keep_aiming_direction | :: R uint? | |
ticks_to_stay_in_combat | :: R uint? | |
respawn_time | :: R uint? | |
damage_hit_tint | :: R Color? | |
character_corpse | :: R LuaEntityPrototype? | |
valid | :: R boolean | Is this object valid? [...] |
Is this object valid? [...] | ||
object_name | :: R string | The class name of this object. [...] |
The class name of this object. [...] |
type | :: R string | Type of this prototype. |
Type of this prototype. | ||
name | :: R string | Name of this prototype. |
Name of this prototype. | ||
order | :: R string | The string used to alphabetically sort these prototypes. [...] |
The string used to alphabetically sort these prototypes. [...] | ||
localised_name | :: R LocalisedString | |
localised_description | :: R LocalisedString | |
factoriopedia_description | :: R LocalisedString | Provides additional description used in factoriopedia. |
Provides additional description used in factoriopedia. | ||
group | :: R LuaGroup | Group of this prototype. |
Group of this prototype. | ||
subgroup | :: R LuaGroup | Subgroup of this prototype. |
Subgroup of this prototype. | ||
hidden | :: R boolean | |
hidden_in_factoriopedia | :: R boolean | |
parameter | :: R boolean |
flag | :: EntityPrototypeFlag | The flag to test. |
The flag to test. |
→ boolean |
or "active-provider"
or "passive-provider"
or "buffer"
or "storage"
or "none"
?smoke_name | :: string | |
offsets | :: array[Vector] | |
offset_deviation | :: BoundingBox | |
initial_height | :: float | |
max_radius | :: float? | |
speed | :: Vector | |
speed_multiplier | :: float | |
speed_multiplier_deviation | :: float | |
starting_frame | :: float | |
starting_frame_deviation | :: float | |
speed_from_center | :: float | |
speed_from_center_deviation | :: float |
or "with_bar"
or "with_filters_and_bar"
] ?true
] ?"heat-fluid-inside"
or "output-to-separate-pipe"
?changedspawn_and_station_height | :: float | |
spawn_and_station_shadow_height_offset | :: float | |
stationing_render_layer_swap_height | :: float | |
charge_approach_distance | :: float | |
logistic_radius | :: float | |
construction_radius | :: float | |
charging_station_count | :: uint | |
charging_distance | :: float | |
charging_station_shift | :: Vector | |
charging_energy | :: double | |
charging_threshold_distance | :: float | |
robot_vertical_acceleration | :: float | |
stationing_offset | :: Vector | |
robot_limit | :: uint | |
logistics_connection_distance | :: float | |
robots_shrink_when_entering_and_exiting | :: boolean |